Bettie Page: Unbound #3

Writer: David Avallone Artist: Julius Ohta Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: August 21, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
9.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The Crisis on Infinite Betties goes interplanetary romance when Bettie's next dimensional leap finds her wearing the tiara, and carrying the sword, of a Princess of Mars! The Great Old Ones are shattering reality itself, and only the Beauty with the Bangs can keep their grubby tentacles off our mulitiverse!

  • 9.8
    SciFiPulse - Ian Cullen Aug 20, 2019

    Overall. A great issue, which leaves us with a cliffhanger that will have fans counting the days for the next issue to come out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 21, 2019

    Having enjoyed this run so far, I was glad to see Bettie getting some time as Dejah Thoris even if they really had to make it clear that it was a parody of her world for various reasons. Bettie looks good in here and Avallone amusing takes one of the more standard leading male characters from the Barsoom works and has him come across as kind of a buffoon in a number of ways. There are fun moments of action here and I like all the time between Bettie and Jake speaking English since it reveals a lot. Ohta has a lot of fun with the creature design throughout though they play it tamer than I expect when it came to Bettie's outfit in relation to what Dejah usually wears. Still, good fun all around that has me excited for the finale. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    But Why Tho? - Lizzy Garcia Aug 23, 2019

    Overall, Bettie Page: Unbound #3is a wild good time and continues the excellent adventure the first two issues started while throwing in a few twists as well. Read Full Review

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