Blackcross #1
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Blackcross #1

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Colton Worley Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: March 4, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 4
7.6Critic Rating
6.6User Rating

In the all-new Project Superpowers series, Warren Ellis and Colton Worley take readers on a sinister journey away from the brightly clad heroes of the Golden Age, and into the small town of Blackcross, nestled in the Pacific Northwest. All small towns have secrets, but Blackcross has more secrets than most… it's a lonesome place, haunted by something truly impossible. Project Superpowers: Blackcross is a ghost story about something reaching out from the other side of the night, through the forest and mist of a remote town, to grasp at the hearts of its unsuspecting residents--victims who won't know that they're the targets of a strange kill more

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Allen Wiggs Mar 4, 2015

    First issues don't need to explain everything. They need to introduce the world, the characters, and the plot. We as readers should not expect everything tied up into a little bow right away. Blackcross #1is setting up an interesting world. There are things happening that feel like the connection between the disparate story bits is just right outside of your reach. The strange and mysterious are before us, we just need to step into Blackcross and hope we can find the answers. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Sushi - Paul Nolan Mar 2, 2015

    If the remaining parts of this 6 part series read as well as the first this could be a series that attains the prestige of Busieks and Ross' Marvels. Though on this issue my one complaint is the abruptness of its ending which left me questioning if the review copy was missing pages, and for that reason I must slightly downgrade the book from a perfect rating. Though that said, grab this from the comic shelf, all signs point to it being one hell of a story. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - John F. Trent Mar 5, 2015

    Project Superpowers: Blackcross #1 is a fantastic entry, keeping you horrified throughout the entire issue. Warren Ellis uses multiple plot paths to build suspense while Colton Worley provides some truly terror-filled images. This book will give you nightmares. Do not read it alone in the dark. You may become the next victim of the American Spirit! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Roberto de Bexar Mar 17, 2015

    Ellis has such a great knack for writing comics that go off the beaten path and the artwork by Worley brings a very real, very grounded style to the comics that really makes me excited for the next issue. And let me go one step forward and bring up colorist Morgan Hickman, I know I never bring up the colorist, but his muted colors bring such a noir feel to this comic that makes it read like a comic book but also like a mini-movie in your hands. Pick this book up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Mar 3, 2015

    Project Superpowers: Blackcross #1 is a smartly conceived outing that may be all hook but you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way as this comic earns the right to come highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - RobertJCross Mar 4, 2015

    Great first issue. Want more, want it now! Pick this bad boy up. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    BGCP - Daniel Pearson Mar 4, 2015

    A chilling and intriguing start to this new miniseries. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Edward Kaye Mar 5, 2015

    This reboot breaths new life into a franchise that had become tired and cliched. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    ComicBuzz - StephenFn Mar 4, 2015

    This first issue was all setup, but a masterful setup. One to look out for and a mini-series that I will follow with great interest. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    Overmental - Logan Dalton Mar 3, 2015

    As a serialized conspiracy story, Blackcross will definitely read better in trade so I would wait until that comes out unless you're a big fan of Ellis, Project Superpowers, or like soaking in a shadowy, rural atmosphere for a while. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Mar 7, 2015

    It's nice to see this group of Golden Age characters get the spotlight again and I'm hoping that Warren Ellis can do a good job of building a stronger world for these characters to survive in so another reboot doesn't have to happen in a few years. There's still a lot to be answered after reading this first issue, but Ellis has started this series off slow and is looking to ease readers into this world and its potentially large cast of characters. It will now be a ‘wait and see' on whether readers stick around for the story he has to tell. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Martin Ferretti Mar 4, 2015

    Overall, I wasn't very impressed with Project Superpowers: Blackcross #1, but I can definitely see the potential of story exploding after a couple of more issues as Ellis continues to build upon the mythology of the series. If you're a fan of Elli's work and prefer the darker stories which have become so popular as of late though, and don't mind the slow buildup, this may be a book well worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comicosity - John Ernenputsch Mar 4, 2015

    Overall this was a very hard book to review. The opening issue had flashes of brilliance marred by Ellis trying to fit too much from too many places into one issue. Then there's the fact that it really isn't clear whether you're supposed to know these characters or not. I think it's a reboot, but as a new reader to the universe I'm not sure. It doesn't help that the art doesn't elevate the material in the ways that art is able to at times. You are not going to overlook the flaws of the issue because the quality of the art. However, it is easy to see that despite a heavily uneven first issue that Ellis has the makings for a good story here. When it's all said and done this first issue will probably read much clearer in conjunction with the rest of the series. The potential I talked about in the opening is still there, but I'm waiting for Blackcross to unleash it Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Wesley Messer Mar 4, 2015

    Project Superpowers: Blackcross is a comic with promise but a there's not a lot of joy to be had here.I'm a Warren Ellis fan and Transmetropolitan is one of my favorite series, this is not Warren Ellis's best work. It's an okay comic and if you note the review above, there is no rage at all in my thoughts on this comic. It's just so underwhelming and that's a shame. If you're curious about Warren Ellis and how he handles Project Superpowers, let curiosity be your guide. If you're just a fan of Warren Ellis in general, buyer beware. If you are even remotely on the fence at all about this, there are better books you can get your hands on this week. It's okay, not terrible, not great, just sadly in between. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Big Comic Page - Shane Hoffman Mar 3, 2015

    Overall, I'm sad to say that this is just not a story I'm likely to pick up again. Maybe when the next issue comes out and Im curious to see if it leaves me with yet again more questions than answers and plot lines Ill just give it a read, but as of right now I would say if you are a die-hard Ellis fan then pick it up and support him, if you are just a comic fan looking for a new series maybe hold off and wait for “volume 1″ and read it in one sitting. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jan 20, 2015

    Many readers can criticize Marvel and DC for inaccessible storylines - and oftentimes, they're not wrong. The difference between the Big Two and Dynamite is that there's almost a cultural osmosis when it comes to Spider-Man, the Avengers or the Justice League, as generations have been bombarded with TV shows, movies, video games and merchandise to hammer home their characters' existence, if not their high concepts and status quo. Dynamite's Project Superheroes lineup doesn't have that luxury, and with a big name like Warren Ellis to draw in new readers, they owe it to customers - and themselves - to make their characters as easy-to-follow as possible. This comic may have its haunting moments, but the thing that should haunt Dynamite the most is how much better this comic should have been. Read Full Review

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