Blood Queen Vs. Dracula #3

Writer: Troy Brownfield Artist: Kewber Baal Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: April 29, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
7.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The gloves come off as Dracula lays siege to the Blood Queen's castle! The dark prince brings his powers to bear, unleashing his servants and stalking the stone halls with one purpose: draining the life from Elizabeth. But she didn't become the Blood Queen by accident; torment and death have been her long-time companions. Will Dracula add her to his list of victims, or will Elizabeth have a deadly surprise for the lord of vampires?

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 29, 2015

    While we do get some time with the Ottoman soldiers outside of her castle that are slowly making their move, the bulk of this is all about Elizabeth and losing portions of her seat of power. It's chipping away at her in a good way that gets even more intense towards the end as Dracula really makes his presence known in a way that should strike fear into her. While Dracula has a small presence himself, at least physically, what he does is strike fear in some really great ways here. Seeing how Elizabeth reacts is what works the best here and through some solid pacing and really great artwork, it hits all the right marks, especially when involving Zsofi. With one more issue to go, I'm unsure of how things will end, but hopefully we'll be seeing another miniseries of some sort in the future as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - AD Boorman May 1, 2015

    This is an ambitious comic, visually arresting as well as dramatically engaging. Watching two historical vampires fight it out is fascinating - the Freudian dynamic alone is fascinating - even at this point in the series, the creative team has refused to close the door on the allies/enemies question. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Apr 28, 2015

    While the approach is interesting enough, there is also not as much to keep the reader interested. This ends up being simply a sequence of one on one melees, most of which end quickly and in relatively similar ways. Of course, this issues sets up the series for what is undoubtedly the sole concrete concept in the entire series, and that is to face off the two eponymous characters against each other. In that, this issue succeeds in thrusting them together, but equally it leaves the impression that this alone is not sufficient enough to base a short series around. Perhaps there are greater plans for the series which involve the occasionally-seen Ottomans, but after this issue the series seems to be more forgettable than it had been previously. Read Full Review

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