James Bond: Agent of Spectre #2

Writer: Christos Cage Artist: Luca Casalanguida Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: April 7, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
8.4Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

James Bond is in the USA...but NOT as part of Her Majesty's Secret Service. Shockingly, he's there as an Agent of SPECTRE, sent to eliminate an upstart rival SPECTRE boss at the bidding of Ernest Blofeld himself! The leverage Blofeld has against Bond is a threat to the life of his one of the few people in the world Bond can trust... but that friend may have the interests of Bond's target as the higher priority!

  • 9.3
    SciFiPulse - Ian Cullen Apr 6, 2021

    The briefing at the start of the comic in which it is Blofeld feeding Bond information was incredibly well written and well thought out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Apr 7, 2021

    Story wise, there is no drop in the quality and even with the slightly more erratic scratchy art, the book delivers a fantastic Bond experience in a mature and action packed way. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Apr 7, 2021

    As with most James Bond stories, there's some good stuff going on here in general. But Christos Gage is able to give it a different feeling that really clicks. In a way, it feels like the License to Kill movie where it's not operating on the usual patterns or concepts and has Bond in a position that he's normally not in – yet still fits the familiar larger ideas. The time with M and Moneypenny makes clear where things stand at this point and that adds an exciting level to it. His time in DC is a little awkward as we go back and forth a bit at times but it makes for a good read as you discover the pieces and put it together, while a second read comes across even better. With the solid storyline and great artwork, I can't wait for more installments of this to see how far it really goes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Lotusland Comics - Hank Rea Apr 8, 2021

    'James Bond: Agent of SPECTRE' #2 builds off the great first issue into a jaw-dropping follow-up that changes everything. Gage is taking Bond fans for one hell of a ride and upending everything we know about Bond. If you've been waiting to jump into James Bond comics this is the time.  Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Apr 2, 2021

    JAMES BOND: AGENT OF SPECTRE #2, available from Dynamite Comics on April 7th, 2021, continues great storytelling that feels authentic to James Bond canon, bolstered by gritty, hard-boiled art. This is one of the better James Bond offerings Dynamite has had in quite some time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - James Caudill Apr 7, 2021

    Overall, I’m sticking with this James Bond book. There have been other stories over the years that I have picked up, read a few issues, and dropped off. But I find this story incredibly interesting and engaging and I’m really looking forward to seeing where James Bond goes as an Agent of Spectre! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Boudi Apr 18, 2021

    The ending was great on this one. I liked how this issue gives us more information about SPECTRE. The art is weird. Casalanguida is great at drawing buildings and objects. But he is terrible at drawing human beings.

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