The Blood Queen #4

Writer: Troy Brownfield Artist: Fritz Casas Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: September 3, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
7.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"Reign in Blood" continues as Elizabeth and Helena get a closer look at the power behind the throne. And as the king rides out to prevent a war, the battle may already be on its way to him! Plots and ambitions put everyone in danger, forcing Jon Hunter to reveal the lengths that he'll go to for the crown. But what's more frightening? A good person that goes too far, or someone that has no limits? The tension builds as Dynamite's newest dark fantasy epic continues! From writer Troy Brownfield, artist Fritz Casas, colorist Kirsty Swan and letterer Marshall Dillon.

  • 8.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Sep 3, 2014

    The Blood Queen #4 is a provocative piece of literature. It uses the written in a methodical manner that may not be as exciting as other titles hitting local shops this week, but it manages to do enough to leave a mark. I'll admit that there are faults within but I'm still absolutely intrigued, as I'll keep coming back for more. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Sep 2, 2014

    The story continues to be excellent, though the visuals stumble. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Sep 3, 2014

    The Blood Queen has a lot of things going on once again overall as we get forward motion in general but I'm not sure where it's trying to go. Elizabeth has her importance in the story to be sure her, but this issue doesn't feel like her story but a story she's taking part in. There isn't a central focus here since it jumps to a few areas, showing us an ambush, how to rule, how to torture and how to get down and dirty with the beauty of the castle. It does all come together well and the individual pieces are moving along, but I'm still waiting for that gotcha moment where it becomes a must-read book. The pieces are there and it feels like they're slowly coming together in the right way. Read Full Review

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