Wonder Woman '77 Meets the Bionic Woman #4

Writer: Andy Mangels Artist: Judit Tondora Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: May 17, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
8.9Critic Rating
10User Rating

We Rebuilt Them...Better, Faster, Stronger! In a brief respite from battle, Diana Prince (aka Wonder Woman) and Jaime Sommers (The Bionic Woman) visit the exotic Paradise Island, where some familiar faces from the past greet them! Meanwhile, the evil cadre of villains are poised to strike, and their targets will shake our heroines to the core!
The team-up you demanded is written by best-selling author ANDY MANGELS (Star Trek & Star Wars) and illustrated by JUDIT TONDORA (Grimm Fairy Tales). WONDER WOMAN '77 MEETS THE BIONIC WOMAN continues to get unprecedented attention from the mainstream and internet media... make sure to order enough c more

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Sean Blumenshine May 19, 2017

    This is a great issue. The art is great and is a lot of fun to just look at. Mangels characters Diana, Jaime and their supporting characters well and creates a nice sense of dread in terms of what the villains are about to do. I highly recommend reading this issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    SciFiPulse - Raissa Devereux May 9, 2017

    There were two awesome character beats between Jaime and Diana, moreover. The first was when Jaime acknowledged that the two women had three Steves between them. The second was when Jaime questioned the Amazons belief in the ancient gods and Diana lyrically conveyed their world view, concluding ""Our very lives are stories, for others to tell when we're not here to tell them ourselves." Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge May 18, 2017

    While the ideas are good overall, I continue to think that this series would have been better served at two issues shorter and tighter in the plotting. This isn't a dead space issue or anything, but its focus on the character side is something that feels kind of off. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea May 16, 2017

    'Wonder Woman '77 Meets the Bionic Woman' continues to be a fan's dream. Issue four introduces us to some old friends while setting up the villains' evil plan with a climatic ending. If you love these amazing women from an era gone by then this is your sweet spot. Mangels and company give you what you want with a beautifully conceived adventure totally in keeping with the series it's based on.  Read Full Review

  • 10
    AndyMangels May 21, 2017

    The comment feature is disabled, but here are some reviews not posted to the main page:

    Outright Geekery
    4 out of 5 stars
    Erik Koehn
    "Each issue has brought us deeper into the respective worlds of Diana Prince and Jaime Summers adding layers of complexity as Mangels builds an Illuminati-style world conspiracy to oppose our heroines and always peppering each issue with some wacky and wonderful action scenes. Issue #4 does depart from that formula slightly in order to give us something a bit different as we head towards the climax of the story. This issue is quieter and contemplative while acting as a bridge to the final act."


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