Decelerate Blue #1
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Decelerate Blue #1

Writer: Adam Rapp Artist: Michael Cavallaro Publisher: First Second Release Date: February 15, 2017 Cover Price: $17.99 Critic Reviews: 2
7.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

In a hyperkinetic future, the ultimate act of rebellion is simply taking a deep breath and slowing down. In a near-future dystopia where life goes a mile a minute and the populace is kept in a hyper-stimulated haze, teenaged Angela is the only person in her family who seems to think this isn't a perfectly reasonable way to live. Soon she finds herself recruited into a resistance movement, where the key to rebellion is taking things slow.  In their secret underground hideout, Angela and her new friends create a life unplugged from the perpetually moving culture. Can they free the rest of the world before the powers that be shut down more

  • 9.4
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles May 27, 2018

    Overall, an excellent graphic novel that is a mirror portrait of societys obsession with technology and order. The story by Rapp is bleak, engaging,and commanding. The art by Cavallaro is luminous and vivacious. Altogether, a story that will have readers assessing their own obsession with staying connected. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jan 18, 2017

    I didn't hate Decelerate Blue, but it was very disappointing. The premise offered a lot of potential, but the end product feels rushed and underdeveloped. The art saves it a bit, but there's only so much the art can do in the end. I don't know if I would recommend it as a purchase unless you're curious about the inspiration cocktail I outlined in the beginning. If you're not, then maybe hit the library for this one. Read Full Review

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