The Divine #1
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The Divine #1

Writer: Boaz Lavie Artist: Tomer Hanuka, Asaf Hanuka Publisher: First Second Release Date: July 15, 2015 Cover Price: $19.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
10Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Mark's out of the military, these days, with his boring, safe civilian job doing explosives consulting. But you never really get away from war. So it feels inevitable when his old army buddy Jason comes calling, with a lucrative military contract for a mining job in an obscure South-East Asian country called Quanlom. They'll have to operate under the radar--Quanlom is being torn apart by civil war, and the US military isn't strictly supposed to be there.

With no career prospects and a baby on the way, Mark finds himself making the worst mistake of his life and signing on with Jason. What awaits him in Quanlom is going to change e more

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jun 30, 2015

    The Divine is different from a lot of other First Second titles, but then that's the bases of their entire line to present new and interesting stories which this does. The Divine might be better for an older audience, but if you like stories with realistic characters, deeper context and some of the best looking art being published today" then check out The Divine. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Apr 15, 2018

    Overall, an action packed and emotional rollercoaster that leaves readers almost breathless but ultimately grateful. The story by Boaz Lavie is suspense filled, well developed, and fervently mooring. The art by Asaf Hanuka and Tomer Hanuka is stunning, expressive, and tethers to the story well. Altogether, a story that is very much of its time. It leaves readers to ruminate on what is most important Read Full Review

  • 10
    We The Nerdy - Chris White Jul 13, 2015

    Thank you to Gina Gagliano at First Second Books for a copy of The Divine. All the best with all future publicationsif this is only a fraction of what youve got, then Im sure we will see First Second standing toe to toe with the best indefinitely. Read Full Review

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