October Faction #16

Writer: Steve Niles Artist: Damien Worm Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: May 18, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Gristlewood is under siege, and the lives of the townspeople are at stake. Geoff, Vivian, and the entire Allan clan must do everything they can to stop the bloodsucker threat. While Geoff and Phil are reunited, Dante discovers the secret to Lucas' disappearance.

  • 6.0
    Outright Geekery - Trevor Brown May 26, 2016

    As an ongoing series, The October Faction has a unique look that draws heavily upon subject matters that are quite popular now days. A combination of a gothic and macabre material has allowed Niles to weave a story picking and choosing from the best of these tales. The ending of the issue shows the younger hunters trying to do the right thing to help only to make matters worse. Their predicament is the true meaning of being in between a rock and a hard spot. Who will save them? Do they need saving? That will be covered in the next issue, we hope. Take a moment to pick this one up the next time you are near the comic book shelf. If you wanted to see the Adams Family outside of their home, this it the closest we thinghave to seeing it happen. Read Full Review

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