Sword of Ages #2

Writer: Gabriel Rodriguez Artist: Gabriel Rodriguez Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: January 10, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 2
8.1Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The reluctant warrior Avalon meets new partners of questionable motives as her quest to prevent a power struggle from exploding across her planet continues. Will the guardian of the Sacred Lake help on her quest or present an even greater challenge? Covenants are sworn, unknown magic forces get revealed and a new power rises in this series written and drawn by acclaimed Locke & Key co-creator Gabriel Rodriguez!

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - William Pace Jan 12, 2018

    This is the adventure of a lifetime, and if you add one new series to your pull list make sure it's Sword of Ages. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comicsverse - Molly Barnewitz Jan 9, 2018

    Gabriel Rodriguez' Arthurian heroine, Avalon, makes a triumphant return in IDW Publishing's SWORD OF AGES #2. Packed with adventure and vibrant illustrations, SWORD OF AGES #2 is a little choppy, but filled with excitement. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Anastasia Douglass Jan 9, 2018

    Sword of Ages #2 is exactly what I wanted. The first issue was a pleasant introduction to the series, but I expect this offworld Excalibur story to be magnetic"and it is. The various characters and plots in this issue kept me glued to the pages. I can't wait to see what happens to our new friends, the White Monks. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Olivier Roth Jan 10, 2018

    To be honest, that is the only true negative of this series up to date, and it is not this series fault - this is a bigger problem in the comics industry in this, the age of the trade paperback where you almost have to read a full story arc in one go (and not month to month) to not get lost in the story. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Multiversity Comics - John Schaidler Jan 11, 2018

    As the story continues to build, take your time and enjoy creator Gabriel Rodriguez's lush, detailed illustrations and great character designs. This Arthurian-inspired epic can't nor shouldn't be rushed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Jan 12, 2018

    If Gabriel Rodriguez never did anything beyond the artwork for Locke & Key, he'd still go down in comic book history as one of the greats. His debut effort as both writer and artist in The Sword of Ages has tried to tackle a lot of ideas, giving way to some unintended story confusion. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Cat Wyatt Jan 10, 2018

    I do really enjoy the rougher quality of the artwork used here. Everything is so textured it almost feel like I'm holding a canvas in my hands, as opposed to a print (ok, in my case it's actually a digital copy, but you know what I mean). I still adore the color choices being made, and the more I read the more clearly I can spot the distinctions between all of the different races being shown. They mentioned that there is twenty different humanoid races/subspecies on the planet; I would love to see one of each of them (ideally in a way where I can compare all of them at once, and see all of the differences). I know that's a lot to ask however, but I still can't help but be curious about it. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    SloboSOY Jan 11, 2018

    I wanted a second issue to make my mind. And I'm always mixed about this ongoing.
    Like the last time, their's much to read. But I'm not totally convinced by all of it. Or not at the same level.
    I find some part too predictable, and some very surprising & interesting but hard to link to the big picture.
    I'm not very fond of the characters easer and that didn't help.

    Cover - Very nice even if we didn't see the dark figure behind Morgan. 1/2
    Writing - the adaptation of the Camelot story is between interesting & little bowering. 2.5/3
    Arts - I love the art - The part with the flute is wonderfull. 3/3
    Feeling - I will not try a third issue. 0/2

  • 8.5
    Tior Feb 14, 2018

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