Bounce #4

Writer: Joe Casey Artist: David Messina Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: August 21, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6
6.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The Bounce is confronted with a classic superhero dilemma: Is the Horror an enemy... or a kindred spirit? Meanwhile, Jasper Jenkins is confronted with a classic relationship dilemma: Is his potential girlfriend smarter than he is? All this, and THE VAMP, too!

  • 8.2
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Aug 22, 2013

    As I said before, the story has become more condensed. And now that things have slowed down as well, it allows more explorations and focus on not only Jasper, but the intent of the story as a whole. Especially the military as they are trying to find the source and world where those powers originate. If you felt that the book was fuzzy on meaning, you should go back to the second issue and make your way back up knowing it only gets better. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Rainbow Red Panda Aug 22, 2013

    Image is definitely giving Marvel and DC a run for their money. In the next couple years I can easily see Image titles being on top of the comic world. So start reading now so you don't miss out on something epic later. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Joey Caswell Aug 21, 2013

    Although it would be great to get some greater explanation as to what is happening behind the scenes in the story, each issue has clearly been building to something big which cant simply be disclosed in its entirety so early on. Joe Casey has crafted an excellently intriguing and enigmatic tale that is exciting, mysterious, humorous, and very intelligently written which incorporates some terrific new ideas into familiar comic book territory. This is a series that will appeal to fans of nearly any genre. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Byron Hendricks Aug 21, 2013

    The story is interesting and action packed, leaving the reader wondering what will happen next. Although it does feel a bit like a dark take on Spiderman, Jaspers character is far from being Peter Parker. He is all about getting his high while taking down crime. He is more of an anti-hero that enjoys beating on bad guys between getting lifted. Although the ending may seem a little clich, the scientific experiments holds promise and the introduction of villains make for an interesting lead to issue 5. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Aug 23, 2013

    Ending on yet another cliffhanger, it is getting difficult to continually convince ourselves that the payoff will be worth a few months of water-treading frustrations. The Bounce began as, and remains, an intriguiging concept worth pursuing, but we can only follow it so far. It will be interesting to see if this arc begins to lead us somewhere next month. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Steve Paugh Aug 21, 2013

    The Bounce #4 ends with yet another hollow cliffhanger, and while I sometimes seriously contemplate dropping it altogether, I want to stick with it to see if Casey can turn it around. I want to like this book SO MUCH, but unless it picks up the pace and draws in its focus, The Bounce is going to end up falling flat. Read Full Review

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