No Mercy #1
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No Mercy #1

Writer: Alex De Campi Artist: Carla Speed McNeil Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: April 1, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 5
7.3Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

It was just a trip, before college. Build schools in a Central American village; get to know some of the other freshmen. But after tragedy strikes, a handful of once-privileged US teens must find their way home in a cruel landscape that at best doesn't like them, and at worst, actively wants to kill them.

  • 9.0
    Rhymes With Geek - J. Reifler Mar 31, 2015

    This book looks great, feels naturally written, and manages to unfoldlike the retelling of a 'tragic yet true' tv movie.I highly recommend it for fansof the survival genre or anyone considering a humanitarian trip to South America. All is all No mercy great series for both experienced and casual comic reader " now excuse me while I go cancel all my travel plans. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Inter-Comics Podcast - JLWChambers Apr 2, 2015

    De Campi, McNeil and Lee have crafted a colourful and believable world and cast of characters, perhaps the best group of teenagers in a comic since the sublime Sheltered.With its naturaland clever dialogue and stunning visuals, No Mercy #1 is absolutely worth your time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Apr 6, 2015

    No Mercy puts a group of spoiled and annoying pre-college kids on a collision course with doom and never looks back.  You know that they're heading towards something horrible, and the cliff is just the first step.  Let this serve as a lesson to us all that if you're stranded in an unknown place, look to survive first.  If your initial thought is to update Instagram, you deserve to be eaten by coyotes or whatever else lurks in the darkness. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Johnson Apr 1, 2015

    De Campi sets us up and knocks us down just as quickly. It's a surprising turn of events and was the real payoff of No Mercy #1. It's a very solid start and the next issue is set-up for even more action and drama. It's an interesting look at how American teens view their place in a foreign land and how quickly that noticed turned on it's head, chewed up and spit out.No Mercy #1 is a premise based in reality that turns into a thriller as quickly as teenage drama crumbles to an unimaginable hell. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Overmental - Logan Dalton Mar 31, 2015

    Personally, I loved this comic because I enjoy character-driven teenage, coming of age stories (like Ultimate Spider-Man and Runaways) with quick, witty dialogue. De Campi and McNeil do deliver a nice dose of humor with their characters' foibles (and occasional snark) and use the occasional funny line to poke at American exceptionalism and privilege. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Florida Geek Scene - Bryce Osceola May 27, 2015

    This story has a very promising plot that slowly reveals itself during the first issue. The idea of teenage drama and clashing personalities in such a hostile environment will make readers want to grab the next chapter in this emotional ride from hell! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Allen Wiggs Apr 2, 2015

    No Mercy has character, tension, and mood to spare. The feeling of dread is real, which isn't something that happens in most comics. Go buy this book so I'm not the only one panicking with each page. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Garcia Apr 2, 2015

    Though they don't do much more than set the scene, Alex De Campi and Carla Speed McNeil deliver a fairly intense and chilling first issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    The Latest Pull - Marcus Orchard Apr 4, 2015

    No Mercy #1 is a good debut to a series that will surely be full of riveting moments. There is some humor scattered throughout and plenty of tension. The characters are the issue's biggest weakness, but that isn't enough to prevent this title from being one worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 6.4
    BGCP - MonaLisez Apr 7, 2015

    A strong start to Campi's modern day Lord of the Flies. Give this one a chance. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Apr 4, 2015

    No Mercy has the potential to be a fantastic story. It's Americans in a place that is hostile, probably towards Americans as well as locals. They are kids that appear totally clueless and they are led by a nun. This has the makings to be a classic. However, the first issue spread the characters too thinly and left me cold as to the ones that are left in the end. I'm looking forward to seeing where this is all headed though. I recommend giving this a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Hazel Hay Mar 31, 2015

    This is a fun read and while I hated the modern, teen lingo " really, hated it " it does serve a purpose. There's nothing more irritating than teens and their spectacular use of English. There's definite feel of teen slasher flicks when you just know those carefree smiles and obsession over trivialities are on a ticking clock. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Apr 6, 2015

    There is potential for an intense teenage survival mystery in "No Mercy" #1 and, from the title, it certainly seems to be in the plans for the creative team. As a standalone comic, this issue feels a little like prologue but will most certainly stack up well when presented with the next several issues as a whole. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Apr 1, 2015

    No Mercy #1 is just not a comic I can recommend at this early stage. The story's setup so far is just too generic and has no interesting twist or hook to it, no one stands out amongst these characters, and the artwork doesn't fit the tone and feel this story is trying to convey. Unless you are fans of these types of stories or movies, just give this a pass for the time being. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Forrest Hollingsworth Apr 1, 2015

    No Mercy is a rough first outing, it's hard to tell what these creators were going for and it's hard to find many redeeming qualities when the book hits you over the head with its worst parts. If they reign it in, hone some stuff and focus on one specific direction, they might have a thrilling tale of survival and human nature but right now, it's nothing close to that. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Synthozoid Apr 1, 2015

    I really enjoyed this.

  • 9.5
    MarkMiller Apr 23, 2015

    I really like this issue. Feels naturally and is a enjoyable start for a comic full of premise. My favorite new comic of the year

  • 8.0
    Soyner Apr 4, 2015

    Good setup. Interesting drama. Slight hint of mystery. Overall I enjoyed the ride. May keep an eye on this one.

  • 7.0
    Marvelrock May 8, 2016

    Great dialogue and good characters and character interactions. Also has a good premise. Interested to see where this goes.

  • 6.0
    AgentPoyo May 5, 2015

    I expected more from this issue after reading the description. It's just a little dry. The story lacked that push it desperately needed to keep me wanting to read more. After the crash where the students are just sitting around, just sort of threw me off, there should of been more to it than what was given story wise. Maybe it'll get better but if you want to keep readers, #1 has to have a little more substance to it than this issue gave us.

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