Astonishing X-Men #60

Writer: Marjorie Liu Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 27, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

With Nightcrawler wreaking havoc on the very fabric of reality, Wolverine calls in his street team.Confronted with the doppelganger of their dead friend, will the team be able to do what’s necessary to stop him?Wolverine versus Wolverine!?

  • 9.0 - Stuart Conover Mar 31, 2013

    The X-teams split up at this point with some staying in this dimension to either fight or study the enemy while the rest return to the Earth that we follow with the ominous warning that there is no guarantee that they'll ever return home. Interestingly enough though is that so many of the various X-men from the regular continuity stay behind to try to make things right on this side. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Mar 27, 2013

    Astonishing X-men #60 takes a step away from its current path to help bridge the gaps of the X-termination event, and pulls out all of the stops to bring an action packed, character heavy comic. Even with so much going on it never feels like it's too much to handle, something that can be hard to attain with a team book, especially one with so many characters from so many different corners of the Marvel universe. The only problem with this story is that it is probably of little interest to readers not currently following any of the three involved series. If given the chance and read in full, it might just spark an interest to go back and read some of those stories, though, so if you're even the slightest bit curious, go for it! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Mar 28, 2013

    Artists Matteo Buffagni and Renato Arlem illustrate a pretty cool book with Astonishing X-Men #1; their characters are rugged and their panels capture the story's chaotic feel. The X-Termination crossover event may be off to a slow start, but the story is picking up its pace. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    AIPT - David Mar 27, 2013

    And that doesn't help the writing at all. Marjorie Liu may have gotten the short straw when it came to events in each issue, as this serves as a point A to point B no nonsense issue. There's literally pages of the characters standing around going, “what now?” It might be due to the sheer number of characters Liu had to fit into each page, as the issue seems more focused on giving every character a moment to say something. About the strongest thing to come out of this issue is the Nightcrawler meeting kid Nightcrawler panel and how they react to one another. It's compelling for about three seconds, then it switches to the other characters as they awkwardly say and do nothing of importance. Read Full Review

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