Avengers #1.MU
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Avengers #1.MU

Event\Storyline: Monsters Unleashed Writer: Jim Zub Artist: Sean Izaakse Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 25, 2017 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
6.6Critic Rating
5.3User Rating

•  A seemingly straightforward mission for Spider-Man takes an unexpected turn when Earth's Mightiest Heroes are caught off-guard by a monstrous invasion from the sky.
•  An all-star lineup of Avengers battling behemoths in this over-sized spectacular that's a perfect jumping-on point for new readers and old.
Rated T+

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jan 27, 2017

    Writer Jim Zub and artist Sean Izaakse deftly juggle all of Earth's Mightiest Heroes in this extra-long one-shot, and while the plot is certainly not world-shaking, they do a tremendously effective job at showing the Avengers doing the kind of swashbuckling the Avengers do best. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Jan 27, 2017

    Monsters Unleashed is an event that has been well-hyped and highly anticipated. Although this issue had a few problems here and there, it still tells a great story, and is a great read for any Marvel fan"especially those who have been looking forward to this event. Head over to your local comic shop, give this issue a read, and let us know what you think either here or on some of our other social media sites: Facebook and Twitter. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Feb 8, 2017

    Avengers #1.MU is an unnecessary tie-in to Monsters Unleashed.  If you're reading the main book, there is no reason for you to pick this one up.  You will not miss anything and you'll probably be thankful that you didn't have to drop five bucks on a comic that includes nearly the same pages you had in the main event book.  This isn't a knock against the creative team, as they did a fine job with some great artwork and characterization.  It's just that there's no real reason for this comic to exist aside from a cash grab. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Beat - Alexander Jones Jan 26, 2017

    You should take a look at this issue on Marvel Unlimited or at your shop for the wonderful talent of Sean Izaakse. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    AIPT - Chris Hassan Jan 25, 2017

    I know Monsters Unleashed is meant to be a fun event " classic superhero mayhem. More Michael Bay than Civil War II. It's possible fans of MU's first issue will love this tie-in just as much. But from a cost perspective, I just can't justify this comic's existence. Maybe if this book had a $2.99 price tag, I'd be a little kinder. But $5? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CrazyforRAMU Oct 31, 2017

    A rock-solid monster-bashing tale. Spidey is already abusing his Avengers connections, calling the team to Boston to help him mop up a Maggia meeting fast so he can jet off on Parker Industries business. A kaiju attack kiboshes his plan, of course. Thor does the heavy lifting in fighting both the monsters and special guest villain the Controller. Writing and art are solid, though seeing every line from the Avengers' section of Monsters Unleashed #1 repeated here robs it of some novelty. The art is entirely new, though the kaiju designs are the same.

  • 6.5
    Spock's Brain Jan 31, 2017

    Not bad, but not necessary, by any definition. The monster battle repeats scenes and dialogue I read in "Monsters Unleashed" #1. I'll be skipping the rest of the tie-ins.

  • 2.5
    Kyle Funderburk Jan 25, 2017

    At $4.99 do not waste your money on this, and if the rest of the tie-ins are like this then don't buy them either. The first part of this issue is a small story that just explains why the Avengers are in Boston. There's some good humor and entertaining action. But from there it's downhill.

    Now don't get me wrong, what follows is fun and entertaining action. But the panels and dialogue is the exact same from the Avengers section of Monsters Unleashed #1. And I mean it, they literally took pages from a book you probably already bought, added a nice but unnecessary story to the beginning and slapped a $4.99 price tag on it. And Marvel wonders why they are getting beaten in sales and in reviews by DC. Absolutely do not buy this issue more

  • 6.0
    tonpas1989 Mar 24, 2020

  • 4.5
    StanielK Feb 14, 2017

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