Avengers: Children's Crusade #6

Writer: Allan Heinberg Artist: Jim Cheung Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 29, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 7
8.4Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

With her memory and powers finally restored, The Scarlet Witch returns to the Avengers Mansion for a reunion with old friends and a final faceoff with the Avengers. Will the Scarlet Witch become the savior or destroyer of all mutantkind?

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jun 29, 2011

    Any week an issue of The Children's Crusade comes out is a happy week. Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung shine with each issue as we wait to see what the future holds for Scarlet Witch. The story and art compel you to turn each page. There are so many characters in this issue but it doesn't feel like their appearances are forced. There is a lot riding on the outcome of this series, I only hope each change we are seeing will not be magically reverted so that the status quo existing before this series began is left when the mini-series concludes. It's not just the Avengers' future that will be affected but pretty much all of the Marvel Universe. The only downside is the bi-monthly schedule makes it hard to wait but that wait is indeed worth it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jul 14, 2011

    Avengers: The Children's Crusade #6Posted: Thursday, July 14, 2011By: Shawn Hill Allan HeinbergJim Cheung, Mark Morales (i), Justin Ponsor (c)Marvel I simply can't believe how many great things happen in this issue. I'm having a hard time taking it all in, or taking it all seriously. It's surprising to get everything you've hoped for, all at once. I don't want to get my hopes dashed again. Smashed to the little bits they were left in after "Avengers Disassembled." Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Blake Petit Jun 30, 2011

    This series has been fantastic. Im anxiously awaiting the last three issues, even if it takes another six months to get them all. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Jun 30, 2011

    In the meantime, let's just be glad that she's fine. And she's Wanda. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Andrenn Jul 6, 2011

    Children's Crusade is looking up again. After the Young Avengers Special and last time I was getting very worried about this series. It hit a snag badly and I was thinking the worst about it. But, Heinberg and Cheung got off the snag and it seems they are heading for clearer waters with this issue as the pace picks up and the character work continues to be excellent. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Jul 4, 2011

    Wow! A BIG event happens in this comic that is out of left field. What happens in this issue is bigger than anything that has happened in Fear Itself so far. Don't be a dope and wait for the trade on this because it could be 6-9 months before that happens and people will be talking about this series before then. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 29, 2011

    While the conflict is slightly lacking in punch at this stage in the story, Heinberg and Cheung deliver plenty of material to keep readers salivating and waiting for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 3, 2011

    Given the span of time it's taken to get the book this far, we've already seen changes to the lineups of the teams that cross-over, and the appearance of certain characters in the book seems to imply spoilers if it takes place in the future. Likewise, if it takes place in the recent past, then things involving Iron Man, X-Factor, and the lineup of X-Men shown are already problematic. Of course, when the book looks this good, you can forgive all manner of madness, and Jim Cheung's art is completely heart-breaking in its beauty. You actually want to forgive Wanda for her actions, and a sequence where she and Billy are reduced to tears, realizing their familial ties, is utterly wonderful. Even characters like Strong Guy look cooler than they've ever looked before, and the entire issue is cool and smooth like a frozen frappucino. That said, I found myself periodically dragged away from the story by the question of 'WHEN THE HELL IS THIS, ANYWAY?', a sensation that occurred enough to bring Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 10, 2011

    Jim Cheung's art throughout this series has been absolutely lovely, and the strongest visual he's offered is his depiction of the Scarlet Witch. He brings such a softness, beauty and kindness to the character that one can't help but be drawn to her. And liking Wanda adds to the story, as the central plot point now is whether she should be allowed to live just when she's regained a sense of herself and a sense of happiness. There are times when his linework here reminds me of Oliver (The Mighty Thor) Coipel's work. Ultimately, though, Cheung boasts a distinct, attractive, clean style, and that it stands out as unique and recognizable is one of the things I like about it. I was also pleased to find that the participation of three inkers for this issue doesn't lead to any kind of inconsistencies in the visual style of the storytelling. Read Full Review

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