Captain America #30

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Scott Eaton Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 19, 2007 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 11
9.1Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

The best-selling Captain America series continues its most shocking story ever! It's the Winter Soldier versus everyone in this senses-shattering conclusion to the first arc of the EPIC "*Death of Captain America*" storyline. Winter Soldier versus Crossbones - the man who sniped Cap! Winter Soldier versus S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tony Stark's hand-picked Mighty Avengers operative! Winter Soldier versus the Red Skull! And finally - the Winter Soldier versus himself! You'll have to be there to see it! By Brubaker, Epting, and Perkins.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Bryant Frattalone Sep 25, 2007

    Brubaker and company continue to excite readers with red-blooded action, shocks and suspense. Its comics goodness at its best. Buy this book; youll be glad you did. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Sep 21, 2007

    Personally, Im patiently waiting the return of Steve Rogers. As a Captain America fan, there simply is no Cap without Rogers. I dont want to see Bucky or Falcon as the new Cap. Granted, I dont think either one of them would take the job out of respect for the man; but the nature of Steve Rogers is the very backbone of Captain America. Its no secret dead men dont stay dead in comics, and Steve Rogers has been dead before, but anyone besides Rogers donning the mask and shield, is not Captain America. However, so long as Brubaker and company keep this story as compelling and mind-blowing as it is, I have no problem waiting until some Skrulls start popping up for Captain America to save us all. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Sep 19, 2007

    An incredible issue with tonnes of information to digest with several shocking revelations. Who will be the new Cap? Will Bucky take this letter as a sign Cap wants him to take up the mantle? What about Hawkeye? Tony asked him once, will this change his mind? Based on the cover previews and Red Skull and Dr Faust's capture of Bucky, it looks like they reprogram him as Winter Soldier and force him to fight or try to assassinate Tony. I'm not sure what Skulls overall plan is, but this series just kicked into high gear and this is easily the Book of the Week. No matter what you do, do not miss the issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Sep 24, 2007

    Captain America #30 was a fantastic read. Brubaker continues to make this title one of Marvel's strongest reads each and every month. If you still haven't given this title a try then you must do yourself a favor and give it a chance. Brubaker treats the reader to an incredible blend of dialogue, drama, character development and action like you don't see on too many comic books on the market. Captain America is by far and away worth the cover price. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Aug 14, 2004

    Unfortunately, Kirkman does not give over the lion's share of the book to Batroc. He does however slither in some old Marvel favorites that promise to balance out the nastiness of the Red Skull and the seeming betrayals of Diamondback. Kirkman drops several clues in this issue that all about Diamondback is not what it seems, and I look forward to finding out what's what. Read Full Review

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