Carnage #1
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Carnage #1

Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Mike Perkins Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 11, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 14
6.9Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Get ready to scream! Carnage, the homicidal symbiote is back, and he's leaving a trail of bodies behind him. The FBI is hot on his trail, with a different playbook since their serial killer is a super villain. They're equipped with the latest sonic tech and a team including military hero/astronaut John Jameson and a reformed Eddie Brock/Toxin! But when Carnage escapes into an abandoned coal mine, the FBI's plan is starting to look like a trap... for THEM!
Rated T+

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Phil Robinson Nov 15, 2015

    A very solid start, to what could be a very creepy, very fun series indeed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Mark Ginocchio Nov 11, 2015

    Carnage #1 is a well-composed opening salvo that shies away from some of the tropes that have long been associated with the titular character and instead takes a more cerebral approach that is visually and thematically inspired from a different era of comic book stories. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Ray W Nov 12, 2015

    Overall, Carnage #1 was a fantastic first issue and cant wait for the next issue to come out. The story was clearly defined along with the art and colors enhance the story itself. The characters are interesting, especially the return of Eddie Brock. Since he didnt get into combat this issue, I cant wait to see him get unleashed against Carnage. If you're a fan of Carnage like this guy, pick this title up and give it a try. Read Full Review

  • 7.5 - Harrison Rawdin Nov 13, 2015

    Carnage #1 is a strong beginning that has a few rocky parts here and there but the ultimate joy of the yarn outweighs them. In other words: kudos to the creative team because you just launched a quality book for a character that many forgot. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake Nov 11, 2015

    It takes a while for Carnage #1 to get going, but once it does both the book's quality and its engagement takes a jump. Writer Conway has smartly tucked his villain away in the shadows, allowing artist Perkins to work with the unease of the unknown. A strong premise doesn't always translate to a great series, but there's enough moody pull here to make it appear worth the descent. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little Nov 16, 2015

    This is a good use of Carnage, a Freddy Kreuger-style villain whose series forces its characters to react rather than act. Keeping this balance is key to the future of the series and maintaining the tone of the book. Conway, also a veteran television writer, controls the pages and builds to Cletus patiently, allowing the characters to deliver motivation and personality, which will help them connect with readers when they inevitably become fodder for Carnage's acts of terror. The writer also does a good job of resisting the urge to make Cletus relatable; too much of that and the audience is rooting for a serial killer, but too little development and the character is nothing more than a weapon to point at various other characters to shred. Fans looking for some atmospheric horror and a good use of tertiary characters will want to check out "Carnage" #1. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Nov 18, 2015

    I usually enjoy Mike Perkins' art, but here his pencils lacked polish. After a strong opening, the scene quickly changed to the mine and character faces and Carnage himself lack detail, and in some cases just look off. Colorist Andy Troy does a great job of setting the mood with a dark palette, but the pencils just missed the mark for me. This story looks to be taking a darker turn next issue and has the potential for a scarier second act. Despite my lack of love for the art, I'd still recommend this if you're a fan of Carnage and the symbiotes. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Graphic Policy - Kenny Coburn Nov 12, 2015

    Overall, Carnage #1tries to create Carnage as a monster to be feared by leaving him in the background and letting others actions show how dangerous he can be. The problem becomes, the comic overdoes this. Carnage is given so little time in this issue that, it actually hurts how dangerous he is portrayed. The focus shifts to a group of new characters with little time to flush out their own story. The titular character does not have enough time to develop nor, do any of the side characters and this leads to a comic that ends up struggling with its own identity. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Lido Giovacchini Nov 16, 2015

    All in all this was a mixed first issue. The good elements, in particular the schlocky mash-up of Spider-Man supporting characters with the basic set-up of a pulpy alien horror action film, work really well and is a pretty fun time, but the many art issues can make for dull reading and the lack of additional super powered beings beyond Carnage is a bit of a letdown. As mentioned Eddie Brock and the Toxin symbiote are on hand but theyre never utilized; though if he and Man-Wolf show up next issue to duke it out with Carnage thatd be a real saving grace. As it stands not bad, but serious room for improvement, you could do a lot worse. Read Full Review

  • 4.3
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Nov 12, 2015

    “Carnage” #1 is a comic that should be good, hell it should be a chance to highlight one of Marvel's most underrated/overexposed villains as the genuine threat they are. Instead, uh, the FBI lures Carnage into a spooky mine and act surprised when he starts killing them. Read Full Review

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