Daken: Dark Wolverine #15

Writer: Rob Williams Artist: Giuseppe Camuncoli, Marte Gracia Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 12, 2011 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.5Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Moonwalk: CONCLUSION. With Daken's healing factor destroyed by the effects of the HEAT drug, can his body overcome a bullet in his brain? And, if so, how will the recovery affect his mind? Meanwhile, Moon Knight and Donna Kiel work together to discover the identity of the claws killer. Was it Daken all along?

  • 6.5
    IGN - Poet Mase Oct 12, 2011

    Unfortunately, the sequences with Kiel and Moon Knight occupy too much of the book, and the boon that the limbo sequences represent sinks under their weight. The death knoll for this issue, though, is its conclusion in which the identity of the Claws Killer is revealed, simultaneously pulling the rug from under our feet and undercutting the Donna Kiel's competence. There's little doubt that this series will return to its former brilliance, but this issue is a disappointment. Read Full Review

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