Deadpool #35

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Dave Johnson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 13, 2011 Critic Reviews: 4
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"SPACE ODDITY", CONCLUSION Okay, so Round One of Deadpool's epic battle with the bizarre intergalactic entity known as Id the Selfish Moon didn't exactly go as planned but then again, with Deadpool involved does anything ever go as planned? With his reputation on the line, it's now time for Deadpool to put up or shut up. Guess which one he's not gonna do?

  • 7.5
    IGN - Apr 13, 2011

    As always, if you're a fan of Deadpool, this is the book you want to be following. Daniel Way has yet to falter in delivering top notch Deadpool action-comedy, to the point where we question how all the other series could get it so wrong. Let's hope that Deadpool's new conviction towards being a true, glorified hero continues to create for good stories on Fear-addled Earth. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jamil Scalese Apr 21, 2011

    Still, the series is fairly entertaining, has very solid art and lacks any glaring flaws. Deadpool fans are recommended to stay the course. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Apr 15, 2011

    Meh. This was an okay comic, but it didn't really leave me feeling anything... It was kind of like chewing a piece of gum. Fine while the flavor was still there, but not something you'd remember once you spit it out, or in the case of this comic, finished it... Wow, what a weird comparison... Anyway, Deadpool's adventures in space were okay for the most part, but I'm definitely glad Pool is heading back to Earth, where he belongs. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Apr 13, 2011

    So let's talk opinions. Thank god this story arc is over. It was starting to get depressing. No humor. Very little action. Louse plot. Other than Deadpool going back to his heroic ways and revealing a bit of vanity, there was really absolutely no development at all. (Oh yeah, Id is dead. Big deal) The art was the usual bit of excellence. Great space backgrounds and clean looking aliens. Other than that, this issue had absolutely no substance. They could have combined the last two issues into one and ended our suffering sooner. The best part of the book, for me, were all of the advertisements for upcoming Marvel titles. That was cool and exciting. I really hope Daniel Way can return this title to greatness as all of the other Deadpool books that were entertaining have been canceled. That's my opinion folks. Take it or leave it. Read Full Review

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