Generation X #3

Writer: Christina Strain Artist: Amilcar Pinna Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 14, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 12
7.2Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

• Something is lurking in the shadows of Central Park...
•  ...a monster that steals mutants in the night.
•  And when GENERATION X takes it upon themselves to investigate...
•  ...they might just find themselves face-to-face with an all too familiar threat.
Rated T+

  • 9.0
    Comicsverse - AJ Zender Jun 15, 2017

    GENERATION X #3 has a certain unerring charm with its focus on the new team's dynamics. With a deeper focus on the psychometric mutant, Nathaniel, each of the mutant misfits gets a time to shine. Narrative hiccups do distract a bit, but with hints of plotlines to come, bright days are ahead for GENERATION X. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Alexander Jones Jun 19, 2017

    "Generation X" #3 promotes a new team of X-Men to the forefront! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jason Segarra Jun 14, 2017

    This issue lays the ground for what will seemingly be the book's modus operandi: Interesting characters in relatively mundane situations. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 17, 2017

    Generation X is a fine comic and I hope it finds an audience, but I just don't think it's for me. The teen dialogue is a little stiff, I don't particularly care for any of the characters and it's going to be more pure superheroic than I'd like. But that's all on me. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Weird Science - Columbus Comics Corner Jun 19, 2017

    Moving forward, we may finally see the series finally take off. While this new threat may keep our young team close by in the neighborhood. We'll see how the teams attempt to handle the issue on their own. Jubilee being portrayed heavily in the covers has taken a back seat and doesn't get much to do. With a cool unique art style, the pages still suffer from off-putting facial expressions and similarity face designs making it hard to pay attention. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Graphic Policy - Paul Manzato Jun 14, 2017

    I think I've made my feelings pretty clear by now, but overall I am very disappointed with this title. Uninteresting characters, uninspired storylines and pretty shaky art all add up to a huge let down for this Generation X fan. Maybe I'm just stuck on what this title once was, I don't know…but is that a bad thing? Why not just do a Generation X 2.0? Have Chamber, Husk and Jubilee back together, maybe out to find and help M who's been infected by her brother Emplate (minor spoiler if you didn't read that latest volume of Uncanny X-Men). Anything to have this live up to what Generation X was and is remembered for, not just throwing some random young mutants together with former Gen X members popping up now and then. There was great potential here, but this title has really missed the mark. Read Full Review

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