Hawkeye #3

Writer: Fabian Nicieza Artist: Stefano Raffaele Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

THE HIGH, HARD SHAFT PART 3 From a simple barroom rough-up in Myrtle Beach to beating up Cuban thugs in a Miami elevator, someone is going to a whole lot of trouble to keep the mystery of the 'Unity Tattoo' exactly that. Clint Barton has already gone from intrigued to annoyed...the next step is angry, and then anyone in his way better watch out!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Loretta Ramirez Dec 18, 2003

    In art and in story, this is a perfectly harmonized creative team. As a result, HAWKEYE has consistently delivered a fast, funny, and highly-stylized package that highlights morality and human relations. And in spite of Niciezas tendency to exaggerate Hawkeyes brash side, Hawkeye remains a strong and familiar character whose rich history continues to impact his stories. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 23, 2003

    I received a couple e-mails regarding my last review that took me to task for being a bit too critical about this book's plot, and I can see how I was a little quick to rush to judgment on this book, as frankly one shouldn't expect to be getting the answers while the writer is still laying out the ground work of the mystery. However, I think part of my disillusionment with the material stems from the rather nebulous nature of the mystery Hawkeye was looking to solve, and frankly I don't quite understand why Hawkeye is looking to solve this mystery beyond to simply satisfy his own curiosity, and the readers. At least with the detective films they tend to be hired by a client, and this acts as the impetus to drive their actions when they discover things aren't what they seem. Still, this arc is acting as a pretty solid display of Hawkeye's abilities, and I guess his dogged determination when he stumbles across mystery. The issue also offers up a pretty solid cliffhanger moment, and I hav Read Full Review

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