Hawkeye #4

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Javier Pulido Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 21, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 31
8.5Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

You wont believe whats on The Tape! S.H.I.E.L.D. recruits Clint to intercept incriminating evidencebefore he becomes the most wanted man in the world. The situation quickly becomes a thriller that spans the globe and the darkest parts of Hawkeye.

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Nov 21, 2012

    Despite David Aja's art being sorely missed, HAWKEYE continues to easily be one of Marvel's best titles. 'The Tape' has a marvelous start and I have total faith that part 2 will be every bit as good, if not better. It's clear 'this 2 parter will focus on Kingpin's plot for revenge, but I wonder if we'll see something later on focusing on the other villains robbed in issue #2 as well (Tombstone, The Owl, etc). Whatever direction Fraction decides to go with Barton's future, it seems clear at the moment that the man can do no wrong with the character. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Nov 21, 2012

    Please start reading this series if you aren't already. I hope this title stays around for a long time because it really deserves it. The writing is some of the best going and both artists do a great job of giving this book a unique feel that really fits the scripting. Four issues in, andHawkeye is one of the best series going. This isexactly the type of story-telling that Marvel needs to focus on. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - paladinking Nov 25, 2012

    I had trouble writing this review because I kept using the word “fun.” I probably still used it too much. The problem is that there's just no better word to describe Matt Fraction's Hawkeye. This is an amazing experience and everything a comic book should be. If you aren't following this book, you are really, really missing out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - tskavlan Nov 21, 2012

    Fraction’s Hawkeye is an absolute “can’t miss” series, and this issue is a perfect jumping on point for new readers. I very rarely will trot out the cliché that a writer is doing something special, but it is now absolutely clear that is exactly what is going on here. This is the perfect book for anyone looking to get away from the gigantic crossovers and book spanning events that are synonymous without superhero books right now, but still wants to read a cape and cowl book. Beyond that, it is just good comic booking. Stellar writing, unique art, and wonderful lettering all add up to make this one of the best books on the shelf right now. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Scott Cederlund Nov 26, 2012

    "Don't lose it, Buttercup." Fraction is a smart writer and puts this line in there telling us what's going to happen later on in the comic. Of course he's going to lose it! That's the center of Fraction and Pulido's story. It's not the "what's going to happen?" question that we're left asking, but the how and why? But by the end, Fraction and Pulido turn it back around to "what's going to happen?" as they throw a twist into the story that makes you question and reexamine every other page of this comic book. It's a slick ending that just makes everything the creators have done up to that point so much more mysterious and intriguing. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Nov 26, 2012

    First things first, the art in this issue was way better than the art from the first three issues, which is a GREAT thing. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Nov 24, 2012

    This was the first part in what I believe is a two part story. This is also the first time Fraction has done a mini story arc with this book but I do not think that anyone needs to worry. This first part was great, which has made me very excited to read the second part next month. It is the first time that I have had to wait for the next issue so the story can continue with this series. Something tells me it is going to be a long wait. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Nov 22, 2012

    When it was announced that Aja wouldn't be penciling here the fans panicked but thankfully Pulido is able to pick up the slack. Thankfully is style too dissimilar to Aja's own but in the same respect it isn't able to make its own mark which does hurt the book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Dec 1, 2012

    As I've said before and as I'll probably continue to say, I can't say enough good things about this series. You NEED to be picking this book up if you're not already doing so. Now I'll just wait here patiently to read the conclusion of this story called 'The Tape'. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Nov 23, 2012

    "Hawkeye" #4 is a fun issue that hearkens back to an era of comics long gone. It certainly isn't the best issue so far, it might even be the bottom of the pile, but this is a pile that starts above where most others strive to achieve. I was prepared to be let down due to the lack of Aja and instead I've found another issue that makes me love it for a whole set of new reasons. Fraction's made this comic humorous, strange, gritty, and now kind of pulpy in a spy paperback kind of way. This title is amazing every month because you never know how it's going to win you over. It's a new delight every time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 24, 2012

    Like I said, without Aja, the series loses a very vital component. If you've never seen his art before, it's just so much fun. It's very realistic, and Pulido tries to mimic it as best he can, but it just doesn't work as well. It's a quirky realism, filled with charm and personality. Without Aja, the book suffers. But at least the story is still entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Nov 21, 2012

    The final pages of Hawkeye #4 include some epic foreshadowing to next month's conclusion of "The Tape", including the contents of the tape, those bidding for it in Madripoor, and a scheme to secure the information no matter what. It's thrilling. It's action-packed. It's Matt Fraction's Hawkeye, and you should be reading it. Even if this issue was a bit weaker than the others. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Booked - Kelly Cassidy Nov 26, 2012

    As I said earlier, as a standalone story, I enjoyed it. Had I not been asfamiliarwith the character, I wouldn't have had issue with the story on its own, but as a long-time Hawkeye fan I have some concerns. I cannot give this issue a great review because of this, which is too bad because I did enjoy it. This change in Clint is too drastic to be a simple growth of the character, which is why I may end up dropping the book in future. But I really don't want to. I know there has to be some leeway to tell a good story, but if the character who stars in the book is not himself… There are concerns. Read Full Review

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