Incredible Hulk #53

Writer: Bruce Jones Artist: Mike Deodato Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
8.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Agent S-3 has a plan of her own--but is it to take down the Hulk or Home Base? Meanwhile, Abomination is released and Nadia stabs Bruce in the back one final time! Who will survive the high noon showdown in Entropy, and what is the true identity of Mr. Blue?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 5, 2003

    After spending the first three issues slowly building a sense of doom & gloom, this chapter finally takes the lid off the box, and unleashes the Abomination. Now the Hulk doesn't find his way into the book until the final page, so this issue is still setting up the big show, but if nothing else the book manages to really play up the idea that the Abomination is just as powerful, if not more so than the Hulk, and his capacity for destruction is unmatched. Now, yes the Hulk can rip apart a city with the best of them, but the sheer enjoyment that the Abomination looks to draw from his destruction is what makes these moments work. The book also offers up a fairly nice revelation that Nadia is looking for revenge upon her husband, and the scene where she delivers what she believes will be the last words he ever hears, really sells the idea of how much she hates him. Banner also gets a wonderful quiet moment, as he prepares to walk into what he knows is a trap. Read Full Review

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