Iron Man #60

Writer: Mike Grell Artist: Mike Grell Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Dale Roberts Oct 12, 2002

    All I can say is 'bravo' to this well-conceived story! Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 16, 2002

    A time travel story that suffers from the simple fact that Mike Grell has done such a haphazard job of arranging the pieces on the board. I mean we have a villain who does little more that run around being evil, and while the revelation about Dr. Mallory was a surprise, the revelation scene is rushed through so quickly that it was over before one could reveal consider what we had just witnessed. I mean I guess events could've been arranged so Tony would end up in the past, and thus provide Dr. Mallory with a method of rejoining her past self, but the book is so poorly put together, that this idea raises more questions then it answers, with the main one being why Tony was in such a hurry to play with his time machine. It also doesn't help that this issue has Tony's armor coming back online, so the threats he's faced with up until the final page lack the ability to endanger our hero. Still the last page does look rather promising, so here's hoping Mike Grell will be able to redeem this a Read Full Review

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