Iron Man #77

Writer: John Jackson Miller Artist: Jorge Lucas Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 11, 2004 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

With his arsenal stripped clean by the very country he is trying to protect, Tony Stark believes the worst has already occurred. Little does he know that Iron Man's darkest hour is yet to come!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 16, 2004

    There's some hard to ignore plot contrivances in this issue, that get in the way of my enjoyment of the story, but in the end John Jackson Miller has managed to set up a very exciting cliffhanger, and I'm eagerly anticipating the next chapter of this story. Now personally I wish the book had spent a little more time on the scene where Tony reacts to the knowledge that his bid to regain some control over his technology had failed, and Sonny Burch is portrayed as such dullard that it's difficult to believe that he was able to rise to a position of authority. However, even with the obvious plot manipulations and developments that are hardly surprising because the previous issues have telegraphed their arrival, I found the final pages of this issue really grabbed my attention, and Tony is given a nice heroic moment as we see he takes to the air to deal with this crisis without any idea of how he plans on dealing with this situation. The issue also manages to nicely acknowledge this book's Read Full Review

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