Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man #11

Writer: Sean McKeever Artist: Mike Norton Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
10User Rating

The Mad Thinker can accurately predict future events down to the tiniest variable, making him one of the most dangerous criminal minds alive. So when it turns out Spider-Man somehow operates outside his calculations, the Mad Thinker must find out why-even if he has to destroy Spidey to do it!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jan 7, 2006

    The final experiment endangers lives. This forces Spidey to hold back, and the Thinker who now holds the wall-crawler captive now can demand answers as to how the web-slinger can thwart his mad-genius. The answers won't earn the Thinker any sleep but will provide many a grin for a reader. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Ultimate Goblin Oct 25, 2021

    Awesome issue. This predicting future plot is cool + Intello is a unique character made only for this universe and this exact issue. Yeah, he isn't something really interesting, but still good, that they didn't just use Awesome Android... Art is awesome, I really enjoy it and the story isn't worse too. I didn't notice any logic gaps (surprisingly!), they even made a thing of Spidey calling Flash by his name. Well, Flash isn't a name, more like an alias, but you understood me. Very interesting issue.

    P.S. in russian edition they for some reason translated Thinker as Tinkerer... Wtf, it was so confusing... Now I understand that it was a completely different character.

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