Newuniversal: Shockfront #1
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Newuniversal: Shockfront #1

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Steve Kurth Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 14, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4
7.6Critic Rating
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  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn May 20, 2008

    Newuniversal Shockfront #1 was a brilliant read. Ellis immediately hooked me into this story and I cannot wait for the next issue. This issue was such an enjoyable dense and intricate read. Ellis weaves a beautifully written story that you simply are not going to get on most of the titles currently on the market. I you enjoy cerebral comic books that rely heavily on strong character work and that that give you plenty to chew on and digest then you will probably enjoy Newuniversal Shockfront #1. This title is certainly worth the cover price. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards May 19, 2008

    With the new series, a new artist has started working on Newuniversal. Replacing Salvador Laroccas photo-referencing is Steve Kurth. Kurth is not using this photo-referencing technique of Larocca, who made many of the main characters look like popular Hollywood stars like Bruce Willis and Angelina Jolie. His pencils are enjoyable, with very expressive faces working well with a story heavy on the dialogue and light on the action. I also enjoyed his use of shading, it stood out as being very effective in conveying tone without swallowing the page in black. The colour palette has changed as well, choosing a bolder colour set that replaces the last issues. These colours create a more comic book feel, taking away from the realism present in Laroccaa panels. The art is effective overall, with little to complain about a a few panels to point out as working very well. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Kevin Fuller May 14, 2008

    All in all, the writing is still solid but with so-so art. If you read newuniversal, you'll feel right at home. If you're interested in getting into it for the first time now though, I'd suggest going back to the first six issues or review wikipedia at the very least, since you'll be missing a lot if you don't. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young/Paul Brian McCoy May 13, 2008

    Thom Young: No, you can't. I'm half inclined to sell my six issues on eBay for a fourth of what I paid for them and then just buy the trade paperbacks from Amazon. The only downside to that is that I wouldn't be able to enjoy Ellis's writing as soon as it's originally published, but it would probably be worth it both financially and in being able to follow the story more closely. Read Full Review

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