Nova #22

Writer: Gerry Duggan Artist: Federico Santagati Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 29, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
7.5Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

• It's Halloween and Nova goes to Westchester to join the students of the Jean Grey School for trick-or-treating!
•  With Beast chaperoning, what sort of trouble can the kids get into? LOTS!
Rated T

  • 8.3
    The Latest Pull - sonny larios Oct 31, 2014

    Overall, this is a fun issue to read that doesn't take anything too serious and changes the pace of the series, at least for this one issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore Nov 3, 2014

    "Nova" #22 manages to further Sam's personal storyline while keeping up with its Halloween-themed plot. While not much by way of consequence happens here, it's a wonderful jumping on point that will acquaint readers with the character before he dives into his next Marvel Universe-wide event. Duggan, Santagati, and Timms hit all the right notes with this adorable, youthful one-shot. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Stuart Conover Nov 1, 2014

    Overall the issue was a fun and festive one for the holidays. While this was a stand-alone issue, for those of you who have been following Nova's adventures there are hints at the bigger storyline of what is going on with his dad as well as an AXIS tie-in for the next issue. This appears to be set after the events of AXIS that Nova was already a part of by what was shown on television, but thankfully he doesn't seem to be affected by them which is fitting for the character being who he is. A fun issue that was just an all around enjoyable read. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Oct 31, 2014

    Nova #22 is a comic that's fun to read. Add in the fact that the narrative progression makes use of its own underlying heart then there's no doubt that before we go get candy this earns a pick up. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Comics Recap - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Oct 29, 2014

    The art by Federico Santagati and colors by David Curiel are beautiful throughout. I like the backgrounds of outer space on the first page, and the bright fuchsia tshirt worn by the girl who Sam obviously wants to get to know better. I hope Duggan lets JGS students cameo more often in “Nova.” Sam remarks to Armor here, “It was nice to just hang, and not have it be a life-or-death emergency.” It's fun for readers, too, to receive a simple one-shot story that isn't tied to any larger event or crisis. This is a charming but brief issue that can be enjoyed by readers of all ages. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Infinite Comix - Lewis Reynolds Oct 31, 2014

    The cliffhanger ending promises greater adventure in Nova's future, as he sets off for New York at the beck and call of Captain America. Much of the title's success so far has come from its relatively self-contained nature, crossovers aside, in what is essentially a fairly conventional coming of age story. It makes this final, earnest step towards integration all the more exciting for Sam's future trajectory as a hero, as he takes his first tentative step into the big leagues of the Marvel universe. Read Full Review

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