Nova #24

Event\Storyline: Avengers & X-Men: Axis Writer: Gerry Duggan Artist: David Baldeon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 26, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

•  Nova faces... is that the Hulk?
•  Find out why they're fighting and just how Sam thinks he has a chance!
Rated T

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Lewis Reynolds Nov 26, 2014

    With the Black Nova helmet left temporarily out of commission after the battle, this seems as good a time as any for Duggan to close out on the first chapter of Sam's career, allowing the boy to return home for some much needed rest. This reprieve promises to be a short one however, as Nova foolishly reveals his civilian name to Carnage, a mistake set to bite Sam in the butt as soon as the Inversion Wave is overturned. It's a fun development, in a title where scripting arguably plays second fiddle to the art " or more optimistically, works in tandem with it to create an entirely holistic offering. Read Full Review

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