Runaways #25

Writer: Joss Whedon Artist: Michael Ryan Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 4, 2007 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
7.1Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

DEAD END KIDS PART 1 The Runaways head to the Big Apple. While there, they make surprising allies and even more surprising enemies.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Apr 8, 2007

    You couldnt ask for a better start. This unjustly overlooked title gets the expected celebrity boost from Whedons presence, but the writer also delivers on his potential, which given his lacklustre X-Men work was less of a certainty. I hope Whedon continues to deliver such strong work on this title, and I hope he sticks around for longer than the projected six issues, because hes proven to be a great fit for the Runaways. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Apr 8, 2007

    Whedon and Ryan had big boots and expectations to fill coming onto this title and have done so admirably. Their arrival brings with it a breath of fresh air and a slightly new direction with the relocation to the Big Apple. Heres to hoping they stick around for a little longer. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Apr 8, 2007

    Joss loves last-page reveals/cliffhangers, and this one is complicated by mixing in new characters with familiar faces. While this isnt the same book produced by the previous creators, its a great start that avoids shocking changes in favor of elaborating on and expanding the ever-evolving complications that seem like destiny for the starring cast weve come to love. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Jul 4, 2007

    As for the art, Michael Ryan is a talented artist and does a very good job of handling Whedons awkward script. Ryan seems to have followed what Alphona was doing and bring his own style into the mix with great results. I enjoy what hes doing, the kids still have some flavour to them. There is a classic feel to them, I hope he sticks around. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Apr 8, 2007

    Michael Ryan appears to be a good fit for this book on the artistic end of things. He renders the action with fluid adroitness, and theres some great action sequences here, especially with the young Skrull and the dinosaur who reminds me a lot of Lockheed, the dragon. I have to hand it to the colorist for some vibrant, eye popping scenes, and this adds to the comics strengths. Overall, this is a very ambitious offering. Is it Earth shattering? Not really, but it is entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Apr 10, 2007

    I was disappointed when I heard the original creative team that launched this title was leaving the book but encouraged by the news that Buffy creator and popular writer Joss Whedon would inevitably bring a larger audience to this underrated book. Unfortunately, he also brought a change of direction that doesn't really make sense, given the context of these established characters. The shift in setting from Los Angeles to New York comes from out of nowhere, and there doesn't really seem to be a good reason for the character to choose it. There's not enough buildup here to get the reader to accept the title characters' odd and new tactics. Whedon's script doesn't seem to be in line with current continuity either, but then again, this title has only been tangentially linked to the Marvel Universe in the past. One cannot deny it's fun seeing these newbie, would-be heroes screwing up a heist job, though. the characters' bumbling offsets the newfound confidence they display in their confront Read Full Review

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