Thunderbolts #122

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Christos Gage Artist: Fernando Blanco Publisher: Marvel Comics Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
7.7Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

SECRET INVASION PART 1 Secret Invasion strikes Thunderbolts Mountain as Captain Marvel attacks! But when you're dealing with the Thunderbolts, it's never quite clear who's the villain and who's the hero. Also, another unexpected visitor shows up, threatening to tear the T-Bolts apart from within! Can Norman Osborn hold his team of damaged psyches and tortured souls together, or is this the end of the Thunderbolts as we know them?

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jul 23, 2008

    If you dropped this with Ellis and Deodato's departure or were leary of Gage's work after his lackluster oneshots, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well this issue turned out and this is also far more than a simple Secret Invasion tiein or filler issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jul 23, 2008

    If you dropped this with Ellis and Deodato's departure or were leary of Gage's work after his lackluster oneshots, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well this issue turned out and this is also far more than a simple Secret Invasion tiein or filler issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Andrew C. Murphy Jul 20, 2008

    Whenever a great creative team leaves, especially when it's as abrupt as Ellis' departure, the question always arises, “Is this the time to stop buying the book?” For me, at least, the answer this time is “No.” This latest iteration of Thunderbolts may not be quite as good as the one before, but it's a quick-paced, well-crafted read, and I'm anxious to see where the new team goes with it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Bryan Joel Jul 23, 2008

    Essentially, Thunderbolts #122 isn't an event tie-in so much as a bridge between where Warren Ellis left it and where Brian Michael Bendis is guiding it. Still, there are one or two interesting developments that make the issue worth a look, even if the only reason you stopped by every month was Ellis's brand of anti-superheroics. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jul 29, 2008

    This entertaining issue challenges my usual practice of dropping a title I liked when a creative team change occurs, fearful of it all going wrong; Gage and Blanco are keepers. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comic Addiction - Derek Bowman Sep 1, 2008

    Thunderbolts proved to be a pleasant surprise, as I enjoyed the book. The Secret Invasion part was almost just an extension of the page in the first issue, but I’m interested to see where they go from there. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jul 28, 2008

    Ellis' suddenly-announced departure may have left a few people concerned about the future of "Thunderbolts", but Gage's "Secret Invasion" fill-in suggests that the newly announced writer of Andy Diggle will still have a hard act to follow. For a title that's been plugging away as long as "Thunderbolts," it's promising to see the quality bar remains high even for a fill-in like this. Read Full Review

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