Thunderbolts #144

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Kev Walker Publisher: Marvel Comics Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

THE HEROIC AGE IS HERE! The new era for Marvel's always-evolving, always controversial team kicks off here! It's a beginning, a return, and a departure, all rolled into one in a fresh, shocking status quo! The most dangerous people on Earth are now all in one hellish prison, and the only way out is through rehabilitation and contribution to society via The Thunderbolts...under the leadership of the steel-hard-skinned Avenger named Luke Cage! So bring on the first participants: Juggernaut! Crossbones! Ghost! Moonstone! And...Man-Thing? Against the sordid recent history of the group as a black ops kill squad, can Power Man restore the Thunderbo more

  • 9.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman May 26, 2010

    This really continues what I enjoyed from the T-Bolt shorts in the Enter the Heroic Age special last week. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Miguel Perez May 26, 2010

    With a return to a more traditional brand of storytelling across the line at Marvel, no title stands to benefit more than Thunderbolts. The change has brought new life to a series that often times fell by the wayside. This latest issue shows the potential to elevate the title to a level not seen since Warren Ellis' run some years ago, not to mention a cliffhanger that long time fans will surely get a kick out of. In the midst of all the new and revitalized titles popping up this month, Thunderbolts is not to be missed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Tony Rakittke May 28, 2010

    As was the case with Secret Avengers I think this issue works best when you consider the potential it offers for future issues. This issue lays out yet another new direction for the Thunderbolts, but it's one that I'm expecting to thoroughly enjoy, due in no small part to the efforts of Parker, Walker, and Martin. Damn, these guys are good! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt May 29, 2010

    Whether you're an old "Thunderbolts" fan, or someone attracted to the title by the likes of Cage, Juggernaut and, er, Man-Thing, you should find this an enjoyable read. If there were ever any doubt, the final page twist left me with a huge grin on my face and a strong desire to read the next issue immediately -- and it's been a long time since the series gave me that feeling. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jun 3, 2010

    Not bad, not bad at all! This issue was going to go a LONG way in deciding whether or not I'd bother continuing with this series, or whether I'd be dropping it. After reading this comic, I can firmly state that I'll be sticking with T Bolts for the foreseeable future. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill May 28, 2010

    There's a lot of cleverness here, not least of which being the patented "shock" ending that defines this team of misfits. While the story direction is nascent, all the pieces are there for a great game to come. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 5, 2010

    The best parts of the issue come in the use of Man-Thing as the teams transportation, and the chain belt buckle that Luke wears on the cover (evocative of his awesome old Power Man suit.) There are some issues with the art to me, especially Songbirds new haircut/skull shape. Cain Markos presence is annoying as well, as were once again in the depowered Juggernaut plays good phase, making it necessary in a year or two for him to go evil and power up again. (This is his fourth or fifth superhero team, isnt it?) All in all, theres potential here, but the issue makes some questionable choices that lower my overall enjoyment (Crossbones?? REALLY??) and drag things down a bit. I hope that it will live up to its premise sooner rather than later. Read Full Review

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