Ultimate Comics Avengers Vol. 2 #6
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Ultimate Comics Avengers Vol. 2 #6

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Leinil Francis Yu Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 4, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
7.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

ULTIMATE COMICS AVENGERS 2 #6 (of 6) Written by MARK MILLAR Pencils & Cover by LEINIL FRANCIS YU The Avengers are caught in the middle as Ghost Rider and the demonically powered Vice-President Blackthorne go head-to-flaming-head! What hope do Hawkeye, Punisher, and the new Hulk have against Satan's soldiers? Find out as best-selling creators MARK MILLAR (CIVIL WAR, KICK-ASS) and LEINIL FRANCIS YU (SECRET INVASION) bring this story to a fiery finish! Parental Advisory …$3.99

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Aug 4, 2010

    It's a shame that the art doesn't hold up completely in this final issue, but Millar's writing is at its best of the entire series, giving a nice balance. The art problems are also limited to a few pages at the end with most of the comic showcasing the stellar Yu/Alanguilan/McCaig art that's graced the previous five issues. Overall, a solid finish to this story arc that leaves a few subplots hanging for "Ultimate Comics Avengers 3," which begins next week. Read Full Review

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