Ultimate Spider-Man #133
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Ultimate Spider-Man #133

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Stuart Immonen Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 3, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 10
6.3Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

The end of an era? The last issue of Ultimate Spider-Man? Peter Parker is Spider-Man no more? Is Spider-Man dead and gone in the events of Ultimatum? This final issue will leave you jaw-on-the-floor shocked at the turn of every page! Rated A …$3.99

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 6, 2009

    I prefer to remember the series as it was (and hopefully will be again soon): one of the industry's best. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 3, 2009

    But while the duo paint a nice picture, the story comes up a bit lacking. In particular, the final few pages probably could have done with some sort of dialogue. This is certainly a major issue in terms of its importance to the ongoing saga, but it never really feels like a proper finale or sendoff for the characters. Perhaps its best to look at this merely as an appetizer before the main course that is USM Requiem. This issue works decently enough, but it's a fairly low-key finish to what was one of the series' best arcs. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Jun 4, 2009

    As a final issue (of the first volume) I feel let down we didn't get to see the title character. While Bendis is an excellent writer and serves up three well paced stories, it feels like readers got to see half of Bendis' work here. I was hoping for a lot more in this closing chapter, but ultimately was disappointed. Ultimate Spider-Man #133 is good, but not good enough to earn anything more than 3.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Jun 2, 2009

    The 133 issue run of "Ultimate Spider-Man" has been Bendis's masterpiece at Marvel. More streamlined and cohesive than his Avengers work, more emotionally true than his work with the Daredevil character, and more resonant than his "Secret Invasion." He ends it with dignity, letting the characters actions speak for themselves, letting the weighty moments sit on the page, letting us watch as tragedy unfolds. I'm sure Bendis and LaFuente will do excellent work on the new series, and Bendis and Immonen conclude this one about as well as could be expected. It's just unfortunate that they had to end it at all. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Jun 8, 2009

    Ultimate Spider-Man #133 provided all the emotion that Ultimatum lacks even with what feels like a cheap gimmick. Still, this is not the ending that I was expecting. And this was not the ending that a title like Ultimate Spider-Man deserves. Hopefully, Ultimate Spider-Man Requiem will provide us with a much better ending to volume 1 than this issue did. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jun 4, 2009

    In the end, due to the whole lack of words, the issue actually reads in about a minute flat and, at a $3.99 price point and with the Ultimatum nonsense ending the book here, I, honestly, feel a bit ripped off after having bought this, but am giving it a Check It just for the whole end of an era thing and that it's still not a bad issue, per se, just not really a fitting end to the series either. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Jun 15, 2009

    But here in lies the problem with this issue. As Bendis obviously compensates for Immonens specialty, the issue feels lacking because of it. I feel too much was held back in this issue because of the experimentation and a more conventional issue would have been better able to have an impact, especially before the series is rebooted after the whole Ultimatum debacle is finally put to rest by the terribly incompetent team of Jeph Loeb and David Finch. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bill Janzen Jun 2, 2009

    For this individual issue, I give it 2.5 bullets out of five. For the direction that Marvel has allowed this series, and the whole Ultimate line to go, they get a zero. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jun 9, 2009

    Bendis has defended this final issue by pointing out that there are two more to come, in the form of a two-part Ultimatum: Spider-Man Requiem series. I don't agree. The title of that spinoff series itself seems to indicate it'll be a farewell of sorts; at the very least, it purports to be about tying up loose ends from Ultimatum. Perhaps it'll be satisfying, but those of us who've been along for the ride for nine years would have preferred this apex/milestone/endpoint in Peter Parker's life to have unfolded in his series. Read Full Review

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