Uncanny X-Men #6

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Ken Lashley Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 6, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 15
6.0Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

“APOCALYPSE WARS” CONTINUES! The first time original X-Man Archangel met Apocalypse, he was transformed into the homicidal Horseman of Death. Breaking free of Apocalypse’s grasp, Archangel eventually returned to the X-Men and formed a relationship with his teammate, Psylocke. Now, years later, Psylocke has found a vacant, drone-like Archangel in the guise of Death once more. Fearing he’s again fallen under Apocalypse’s sway, Psylocke and her team of X-Men embark on a mission to save Archangel’s life. But little do they know that they are about to discover a far more horrifying truth than they could have imagined…

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Apr 10, 2016

    Were six issues in now and if youre not reading Uncanny X-Men you are missing out. This is consistently a great read and there hasnt been a disappointing issue yet. Bunn succeeds in making every character a likable one. The art, even after switching out pencilers, doesnt miss a beat thanks to Lashley's skill and Woodards' continued mastery. This is a top-3 Marvel title. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Brunell Apr 7, 2016

    Issue 6 brings us into the Apocalypse War, but there is no Apocalypse yet, unless you count Archangel who is shown as an empty husk controlled by Psylocke. The story seems to be centering on Archangel because he's part of Apocalypse. It seems every couple of years Angel's past life being part of Apocalypse comes back around like a revolving door. I haven't touched an Uncanny X-Men title since 2012, but this series has renewed my interest. Cullen Bunn has made Uncanny X-Men a monthly grab for me. Read Full Review

  • 5.8
    IGN - Levi Hunt Apr 7, 2016

    For a double-sized first issue of a major event, this is an extraordinarily slow and uneventful chapter. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 11, 2016

    The remaining chapters of "Apocalypse Wars" in "Uncanny X-Men" may turn out to be a lot of fun, but this first issue is just too slow. There's still time to turn things around, but -- for the moment -- the sluggish, overly expository nature of this comic keeps it from engaging with readers the way an opening chapter should. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Apr 11, 2016

    Uncanny X-Men #6 might not be the best entry into this series, but it is still refreshing to see the team's ambition. While not quite the teen adventure of All-New nor the soap opera-esque tale of Extraordinary, Uncanny X-Men occupies its own story space, even though it loses the plot this month. Despite this issue's missteps, there is still plenty of time for Bunn and company to get things back on track for next month. Let us hope that Archangel hasn't totally ruined everything (again) before then. Read Full Review

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