X-Statix #10

Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Philip Bond Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
10Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

While going through Edie's old diaries, Venus learns of U-Go Girl's origins and history with X-Force.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 7, 2003

    A very entertaining look back at how the late Edie Sawyer found her way into the cast of this series, and while my fondness for the character probably had me enjoying this issue far more than many readers, I imagine most fans will enjoy this look back at a decidedly less confident Edie, and watching her gradual transformation into the highly cynical personality that she came to be. The issue does some very nice work detailing her decent down the morality ladder, but the book also has some fun with the idea as well, as there's several laugh aloud moments to be found, with Edie's nightmarish debut being the highlight. Now there is a certain degree of melancholy to this issue, as we know what Edie's eventual fate will be, but if nothing else the book gives us one final look behind the facade that Edie had put up when she was in the group, and as a character study one can't help but feel Edie deserved a better fate than she received. Read Full Review

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