X-Statix #4

Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Michael Allred Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
5.5Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

With Venus free from her contract and Vivisector and Phat's relationship in the open, the team is back and better than ever! Their first mission- save the Orphan from Arnie Lunt!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 17, 2002

    Given the previous issue had done such a nice job of dismantling the team I found this issue a bit disappointing, as we see Peter Milligan takes the predictable path, as the X-Statix get back together to rally behind Guy. A large part of the reason I found this book entertaining was the result of the unpredictable nature of it's cast, as this was a group of individuals who were driven by greed, and desire to be in the spotlight. I mean it makes sense that Guy would be heroic for the simple sake of being heroic, but to get the group back together, Peter Milligan needed to be a bit more creative than he was in this issue. The way that the X-Statix were brought back together was too simple, and this robbed the issue of some of its enjoyment, as I was left with the sense that Peter Milligan simply broke the team apart so he could illustrate how tenuous the links were that hold the group together. There's some enjoyment to be found in these pages, as the surprise finish has me eagerly await Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - JM de Joya Nov 13, 2002

    X-Statix is one book that suit well to those with the eclectic and refined taste; among the Marvel selection, this one stands out as one of the most intellectual and realistic of them all, second only to the Ultimates. A unique book, from a very unique creative team. Read Full Review

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