The Fallen #1
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The Fallen #1

Writer: Alex De-Gruchy Artist: Michael Montenat Publisher: Monkeybrain Comics Release Date: March 12, 2014 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 5
6.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Of course the superheroes would save the world. That's what superheroes do. But then came the day when they didn't, when the Pulse killed billions and turned the planet into a devastated wasteland. Eight years later, one man in a mask and cape has decided that the human race has limped on long enough: either the remaining superpowered people rise up as gods, or all of mankind is finally put out of its misery. But where there are villains, there are heroes. And where there are those who fly, there are those who fall.

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Mark Brassington Mar 13, 2014

    The story is mostly told in narration form, which helps with the setup of the story which still leaves room for of this world to be discovered in later issues. The writing is pretty solid in terms of world building but hasn't left much for characterisation which is fine as it didn't take anything away from the first issue. The combined artwork by Montenat and Riley are exceptional in setting the tone of the book from their variations of dark colours and maintaining detail even in the action packed scenes. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Rhymes With Geek - : Dante Cianni Mar 16, 2014

    When you're breaking into a market or genre that's alreadyreally saturated, you've got to set yourself apart from the others. The Fallen has that potential, but I think they missed the mark in this first book. What saves it for me here is the artwork. And the price " for $.99, I'm willing to stick with it and see how the story progresses in book #2. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    411Mania - RobF Aug 25, 2016

    Is Bruce Banner/the Hulk truly dead? Does anyone in comics stay dead? Probably not, but if it is the end it was a proper sendoff. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Aug 22, 2016

    The whole funeral and will reading scene didn't connect with me and it'd be more than fair to say it's because I've read so many issues similar to this one. For the price, I was expecting something more and/or something different. Also, while the cover by Leinil Yu does a fantastic job of conveying Hulk's "death", the internal pencils by Mark Bagley seem like an odd choice for a story like this, since they cannot help but feel clean and upbeat. I enjoy Bagley's art and style, but it clashes so much with the cover and it failed to capture that same dark tone I saw when first picking this issue up. If you want to attend the Hulk's funeral, then this may be a solid read for you. For me, it just missed the mark on so many levels and has me questioning my continued investment into these Civil War II tie-ins. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson Mar 17, 2014

    The Fallen has a lot to offer, but never really follows one of many elements it sets up. Instead it feels thinly spread out over a number of interesting topics but can never really make up its mind as to which one is its focus. Its a shame because the world building and exposition get in the way of telling an otherwise interesting character study of survivor guilt as a superhero. Read Full Review

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