Zombie Outlaw #1
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Zombie Outlaw #1

Writer: Brian J. Apodaca Artist: B. Paul Jordan Publisher: Self-Published Release Date: October 19, 2011 Critic Reviews: 4
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Oct 29, 2013

    Zombie Outlaw #1 is a really good start to what should be an uproariously fun franchise. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    Entertainment Fuse - Nicole D'Andria Jan 13, 2012

    This is not a title that will be the "end-all-be all," but it is clearly not trying to be. It is just a fun title with an impressive - if inconsistent - art style and a cast of creative - if not in-depth - characters. It has to work harder to get a funny bone, but the uniqueness and artwork balance it out quite nicely. If you are looking for a cartoon zombie story that is unique and has a "web-comic" feel, this is a good title to try if you have a few extra bucks to spend. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBuzz - shabbir Oct 20, 2011

    The comic is action based, filled with humour and the dialogue is kept snappy. The ending is very interesting and looks to set the scene for the rest of the coming issues. I would say this issue serves as a teaser to what Brian J. Apodaca and B. Paul Jordan Would like to in the future issues of Zombie Outlaw. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Steven A. Wilcox Oct 20, 2011

    As an aspiring comic book artist, I can still remember putting together fan-zines and ashcans with friends when I was younger. Compiling what we thought were some of the coolest stories and art with an energy that was contagious to be around. Taking those late night trips to Kinkos to put together our little books where it seemed like we were creating the next big thing. Why am I bringing this up? Because Zombie Outlaw has that energy. That "fly by the seat of your pants" feel where it seems like the story was being made up as they went from page to page. Read Full Review

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