Torchwood #1
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Torchwood #1

Writer: John Barrowman, Carol Barrowman Artist: Antonio Fuso, Pasquale Qualano Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: August 3, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11
5.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Torchwood is Back, in an all-new ongoing comics series written by Captain Jack himself, John Barrowman! Captain Jack Harkness is back in Cardiff, and there's only one person he can turn to, the last person who expected to see him, Gwen Cooper! On the road, on the run, and under fire, can the pair put aside their differences and rebuild the heart of Torchwood, before its flame is stamped out forever? Even better, the new comics series is in continuity with the amazing new Torchwood audio dramas from Big Finish; join us both for the official continuation of the Torchwood saga!

  • 10
    Slackjaw Punks - Iron Squid Aug 8, 2016

    Torchwood interestingly is written by John Barrowman (Captain Harkness himself) and Carole Barrowman (Older sister and award winning author), both of them have worked on the Torchwood novels and continue to follow the quick pace of the universe while still staying true to what it is…again cheesy British Sci-fi. Torchwood continues to bring on the fun and excitement with this new hit series! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Alexis Simonetta Aug 3, 2016

    The story itself is a great build off of the series and should keep fans entertained. Barrowman did a great job bringing the characters back into their element with new issues to overcome. Time to save the world–again. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Aug 8, 2016

    With great characters and a deep well of continuity that never feels oppressive, Torchwood #1 is a solid start for the latest installment of the Doctor Who spin-off. John and Carole Barrowman clearly care about this cast, but also seem to grasp what kind of stories would be well suited for them. While they may play their cards close to the chest plot-wise this month, their voices are too well refined to be disappointing. It is fan service done right. Couple that with an art team that delivers both style and substance and you have another solid installment in a thriving licensed line. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Project Fandom - Sarah D Powers Aug 30, 2016

    It's hard to gauge where the story is going, so I can't grade based on the plot, but so far, so good. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Aug 4, 2016

    The plot ofTorchwood#1 is pretty slapdash so far, but John Barrowman and Carole Barrowman have a nice handle of the characters' voices and create an easy repartee between Captain Jack and his crew mates on theIce Maiden as well as Gwen when she shows up. (Of course, he's sleeping with the hunky weapons master and Cajun food chef.) Antonio Fuso and Pasquale Qualano's art isn't spectacular, but it matches the chaotic feel of the story as well as bringing out little, yet important things about the characters, like Captain Jack's ultra-confidence and Gwen's love for Rhys. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Flickering Myth - Tony Black Aug 3, 2016

    In other words, off the back of this, it's one for Torchwood fans and completists only because John & Carole Barrowman make almost no concessions to any new audience you'd imagine they'd want to capture with this, given how John is constantly fighting for either the show or just Captain Jack to return to screens (which you suspect he wants more than the rest of us, but there you go). It's inked relatively well by Antonio Fuso & Pasquale Qualano, and it's got some broad adventure concepts, plus it has a wry sense of fun in the dialogue that fits the tone. It just needs to settle down, bed in, and tell a story properly before it truly becomes worth reading. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Multiversity Comics - Robbie Pleasant Aug 5, 2016

    Some great dialogue and scenes, backed up by good artwork, but still feels all over the place, and the moments feel disconnected from one another. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Big Comic Page - Claire Stevenson Aug 2, 2016

    All in all, this book feels like a series of missed opportunities. It has a strong cast, a series of interesting plot points and vivid artwork. Its just a shame that all these aspects dont come together in the end to form a compelling story. That said, its important at this point to remember that this is just the first issue; with the set-up out of the way, it could be interesting to see what the Barrowmans are planning for the motley crew aboard the Ice Maiden. If youre a Torchwood fan, I wouldnt necessarily write-off the series just yet. Sadly however if youre not a fan, this book is unlikely to change that. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - John McCubbin Aug 3, 2016

    Torchwood #1 is far from the start I was hoping for, reflecting everything that I've come to dislike about the Doctor Who spin-off over the last few years. Not only does it give us a story that is overcrowded and at times awkward to follow, but the inconsistent art also makes it hard to enjoy, with the next issue having a lot to make up for. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Nerdist - Blair Marnell Aug 4, 2016

    Ultimately, this was a frustrating read that didn't have the fun or the charm of Torchwood's best moments. More stories about Captain Jack are always welcome, but this was incredibly unfocused and unsatisfying. A few genuinely fun moments weren't enough to make this revival work, but we definitely hope to see it get better in future issues. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ian B Aug 9, 2016

    I wanted to like this book, I really did, but the quality simply isn't here to enjoy basically any part of this. At it's best, Torchwood was a character driven series with darker tones and more freedom in how they could use their characters than Doctor Who. While I understand that they could not use the same characters from the show, they don't do a good enough job at introducing us to this new cast to make me care about any of them. Compounding the problem is the fact that there is also no discernible plot to hook us, as well as poor art, meaning it's not even great to look at. If you're a fan of Torchwood, I highly suggest you avoid this book, there's nothing in it for you. If you're not a fan, you probably would avoid this anyway, which, unfortunately, is the smart move. Read Full Review

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