Book Of Death #1

Event\Storyline: Book Of Death Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Doug Braithwaite, Robert Gill Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: July 15, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 24 User Reviews: 11
8.1Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

"A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once."

The Valiant heroes. X-O Manowar. Bloodshot. Ninjak. The Harbinger Renegades. Unity. This is how they lived. This is how they died.

Now we know. The Book of the Geomancer has recorded it all. But only a young girl - the last in a line of the enigmatic mystics who protect the Earth known as Geomancers - has seen this future come to pass, from the coming cataclysm to the dawn of the 41st century. Alone with her sworn protector, the Eternal Warrior - a soldier battle-forged across five thousand years of combat - the duo must defy more

  • 9.8
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Jul 14, 2015

    Book of Death #1is a highly entertaining start to the series complete with an engrossing story and interesting character development. The inclusion of a Dark Geomancer clarifies the previous actions of the Immortal Enemy while opening the door to so much potential with 2 Geomancers existing at the same time. Unity not even giving Gilad the benefit of the doubt considering recent events with Kay feels slightly forced but the story progression and the setup are wonderful. This is the series I've been anticipating, and everything the Valiant should've been. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jul 22, 2015

    Book of Death is rife with possibilities.  It's an event book that carries the gravitas that most tout but rarely deliver.  You get the sense that the status quo is about to change in a way that actually matters.  This isn't a situation where a character will get a new costume for a little while and then everything will go back to normal.  It's going to be tough to come back from some of this, and things are going to get a lot bloodier before it's through. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 21, 2015

    It promises to be an action-packed series, as heroes fight other heroes (another hot trend!) - and the stakes couldn't be higher. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Villain Smash - Brady Steele Jul 15, 2015

    If you like fights, heroes fighting heroes, scary things and want to know how an entire universe of heroes will die, then Book of Death #1 is right up your alley. It combines epic crossover in all the good ways with a What If / The End slant. This has all the makings of another instant classic from the always entertaining Valiant Universe. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Jul 18, 2015

    Book of Death #1 is what you want out of a Superhero book. It had strong character moments. It introduced a number of characters and didn't get out of hand. However, the introduction of David was a little forgettable. Venditti's script brings you to the emotional brink, fully connecting you with the heroes and their plight. He creates a lot of mystery and intrigue around the villain, going so far as to hide the forces the Valiant Universe is combating. Gill and Braithwaite's artwork is phenomenal from the massive full page spread depicting the massacre in Wyoming to the team future vision panels. Book of Death #1 delivers. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Patrick Obloy Jul 21, 2015

    Valiant executes this first issue amazingly and has made this reader anxious to check out the next issue. With artwork byRobert Gill (Armor Hunters: Harbinger) and Doug Braithwaite (Punisher: MAX; The Brave And The Bold) and writing byRobert Venditti (The Surrogates), Valiant has a hit on their hands. This is definitely one to check out, whether in individual comic form or in the eventual trade paperback. And dont forget the individual side stories of Book of Death, starting this week with Bloodshot. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - John McCubbin Jul 10, 2015

    Book of Death #1 is a comic that Valiant fans don't want to miss, also being the perfect taster for comic fans that are considering jumping on the bandwagon. Having a great premise, and a slick, inviting narrative, this first issue sets events up wonderfully, leaving a lot of speculation heading into the next. So be sure to pick this up from your local comic book shop this Wednesday. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - Karcossa Jul 13, 2015

    This may be billed as the eulogy for the ValiantUniverse as we know it, butBook Of Death #1 opens the four issue miniseries with a bang. If you're only slightly familiar withValiant and their heroes, don't be afraid to dig into the comic. You don't need an encylopedic knowledge of the publisher to be able to enjoy this comic.In fact if you've never read anyValiant before, then make this your first comic. Valiant have a rich universe filled with some fantastic characters, andBook Of Death #1provides an excellent first glimpse at many of them. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jul 15, 2015

    Book of Death #1 drove us straight into the action and this is yet another event you want to follow in its entirety. Things will only get worse from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    The Latest Pull - Marcus Orchard Jul 15, 2015

    Book of Death #1 is a great start to Valiant's biggest event of the summer. While the roster isn't everything I want it to be yet, Venditti still manages to effectively use these characters effectively. While this title may be accessible to those who are unfamiliar with the Valiant Universe, I would recommend at least reading The Valiant trade before picking this one up. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Jul 16, 2015

    All in all, “Book of Death” was a lot of fun, which is what crossovers are meant to be. And while I didn't get everything, I didn't feel stupid or left out for doing so. Vendetti, Gilbert, and Braithwaite know how to include new readers into their story while offering a lot of rewards for those who have been with them the entire time. It really is the best kind of crossover: one that showcases the greatest a universe has to offer while offering a new status quo for its permanent residents. “Book of Death” began at a slow pace in order to catch up new readers and lay out its own consequences, the board has been set for one hell of a war. And I'm going to make sure I see every step of it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Herotaku - Frankie Rodriguez Jul 14, 2015

    Book of Death kicks off with a lot of chaos, mystery and wonder that grip you. Venditti does an excellent job using the personal relationships of Unity to help build this boiling point for Gilad and the team in the background of all these events. The Book of the Necromancer foretells Valiant's greatest battle yet, but it looks like it will come to pass. The art is awesome as we got to see a lot of gruesome, powerfull detail. The only missteps in my mind is that the rest of Unity sides with G.A.T.E. right off the back instead of building more interpersonal conflict. Still, this was a solid kick off to Valiant's summer event! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Jul 16, 2015

    Book of Death kicks off with a lot of chaos, mystery and wonder that grip you. Venditti does an excellent job using the personal relationships of Unity to help build this boiling point for Gilad and the team in the background of all these events. The Book of the Geomancer foretells Valiant's greatest battle yet, but it looks like it will come to pass. The art is awesome as we got to see a lot of gruesome, powerful detail. The only missteps in my mind is that the rest of Unity sides with G.A.T.E. right off the back instead of building more interpersonal conflict. Still, this was a solid kick off to Valiant's summer event! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Yet Another Media Site - Kevin Finnigan Jul 17, 2015

    Robert Gill and Doug Braithwaite handle artwork on BOOK OF DEATH #1. Gill's artwork blends the zaniness and normality well. The first big splash page hits really well, and set sup the level of threat that we'll be expecting in great fashion. While we are in the suburbs, Gill puts a decent amount of detail into each page. Once we transfer to the desert, Gill unfortunately doesn't have as much to pencil. His facial work is good, and suits the story well. The final battle was the highlight of the issue, with Gill penciling a fairly busy sequence without dropping quality in pencils. Braithwaite's pencils are exactly as I remember. Characters are too muscly at times, but it's a small complaint. I'm not sure why he has Bloodshot as a Hulk like creature on the double splash page, but then looking normal on the second. Gill and Braithwaite blend surprisingly well, even though their styles should clash. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jul 22, 2015

    Valiant’s next big event is here, and it’s off to a great start. Although we don’t see the whole of the character cast just yet, we know they’re coming. Venditti uses his characters to tell the story for him, so we can only expect that the best is yet to come. If possible, read The Valiant before you start reading this. If you won’t because you’re just that stubborn, new readers will still be able to understand this book. Either way, it’s worth your time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Kalem Lalonde Jul 15, 2015

    Book of Death #1 is continuing proof that Valiant Comics isn’t a company to be overlooked. Robert Venditti knows how to tell an epic story without crumbling under the pressure that comes with telling such an important story. Book of Death is a fun and entertaining comic that has a lingering sense of dread to accompany the grandiose nature of a comic event. Valiant may, yet again, have another successful event in their hands. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicsverse - Tom Bacon Jul 16, 2015

    All in all, this promises to be a strong comic book series. Here at ComicsVerse, we're convinced that Valiant are becoming a true force to be reckoned with in the comics industry, and this event looks to be a very nice entry-point to their books. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Daniel Gehen Jul 13, 2015

    Book of Death #1 is a beautifully rendered opening chapter to an event that shows much promise. Valiant is coming out swinging, giving readers a story that should not be missed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Jul 19, 2015

    This is a great introduction into this world, even though one knows from jump, not to be too invested, as each of them will die soon after. Robert Vendittis writing has enough levity and tension, for the reader to be absorbed enough to come back for his end game to all of this. Doug Braithwaites art is pretty standard as compared to his previous works, but serves its purpose for this book. Overall, an interesting concept, that although has been done multiple times throughout comics, is still fascinating enough to see it done again in this universe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - 13th Crusader Jul 16, 2015

    The Book of Death promises to be another exceptional and very entertaining story that was set up beautifully by The Valiant series. Robert Venditti assembles a powerful script, suitable for first time Valiant readers to comprehend, while simultaneously providing plenty of excitement for those who have been on board with Valiant since day one of their re-launch. The art here was good, but perhaps better during the scenes that were read by Tama from the Book of the Geomancers. The coloring was fine, but I did find most of the issue to be a little bit too bright, particularly for a story that's centered upon forthcoming doom. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Ross Sweeney Jul 16, 2015

    Overall, Book of the Dead looks set to be another in a long line of terrifically fun crossovers from Valiant. Exceptional craftsmanship in all aspects give it a slick, refined feel as you progress through the pages, and the conflict looks set to escalate rather epically. Weve said it many times before " well say it again, dammit. You should be reading more Valiant. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Jul 17, 2015

    "Book of Death" #1 is an artistically versatile comic that's passably written and driven largely by one sequence, averaging out to make a more-than-adequate introduction to a future that doesn't seem quite so predictable. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Jul 14, 2015

    Book of Death #1 was a fine first chapter to Valiant's summer blockbuster event. Having an artifact from the future that foreshadows events to come is always a nice avenue to change the status quo. The fallout from the Book of Death will surely have repercussions throughout the Valiant Universe. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jul 14, 2015

    Book of Death #1 is a rough beginning but maybe not one the creative team can't come back from. The lifeless and bland nature of the art is a letdown, considering this is supposed to be Valiant's main event for the summer, but there are a few bright spots for them to build on. Venditti's concept at the core of the title is one that can work in the Valiant Universe, it's just going to take a little bit more time for the individual pieces to gel. Die-hard Valiant fans will be excited by the premise but likely disappointed in the execution and new readers will just be a bit lost.Overall, there isn't too much for anyone here except the hope that it gets better. Read Full Review

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