Harbinger #12

Event\Storyline: Harbinger Wars Writer: Joshua Dysart Artist: Trevor Hairsine, Khari Evans Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: May 8, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
8.9Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

HARBINGER WARS: HARBINGER continues here! Battle weary, the Renegades follow Peter Stanchek's strange dreams and visions into the Southwest American desert, unsure of what exactly they'll find. Under the duress of constant conflict, and led by the words of the Bleeding Monk - who bleeds but does not die - our band of teens begins to fray, barely even a cohesive group by the time they reach Las Vegas, Nevada - now rechristened "Psiot Nation." Here Peter and his crew come face to face with the Harbingers who have escaped from Project Rising Spirit's prison...Harbingers who call themselves GENERATION ZERO.

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal May 8, 2013

    I’m personally, really enjoying the 1969 story line and hope that there will be more like it in the future or even just another storyline that takes place around the same time. It just goes to show the endless potential that this series has. If you’re just jumping on to the series you might be a little confused by the events, but it still manages to do a great job of recapping things. I would still recommend picking up the previous issues and definitely Harbinger Wars as it amplifies this series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Blue Raven Comics - John Wright May 9, 2013

    This is probably as good as a middle-issue Event book can get for a new company finding their way with previously established and loved characters. The tone of immanent apocalypse that has hovered over Stanchek from the first issue gets darker with each installment, and the Dyson's unwillingness to let the reader definitively root for any one side in this conflict adds to the unease and tension of the story. The new Valiant Universe has stayed remarkably true to the thematic strengths of the original characters while jettisoning the weaknesses of the brand. I'm eager for the next installments of both Harbinger and the other titles in the crossover. I don't even miss Solar or Magnus anymore. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    IGN - TandoAssassin May 11, 2013

    I really don't expect anything bad from Valiant these days. Seriously, pretty much all of their books are terrific reads, and Harbinger, at least in my eyes, is the best of the new Valiant series. So when there were no Renegades in last weeks Harbinger Wars #2, I was slightly disappointed, but it only made me more eager for this issue. And, unsurprisingly, it didn't disappoint. Sure, this issue wasn't as action packed as Harbinger Wars #2, but it did some great scenes between the two groups of super powered kids. It's really interesting to see what motivates the two groups, and it's also very cool that they seem to be setting up two distinct groups opposing Harada and PRS, which may lead to a great confrontation. Anyways, there was some great character work here for all of the Renegades, and it was nice to get to know some of the PRS kids better as well, since they haven't really gotten much time to be developed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng May 13, 2013

    I wasn't eager for another scene from the Harada's past to wrap up "Harbinger" #12, but Dysart ends "Harbinger" #12 with a virtual declaration of war by Harada. Impressively, Dysart pulls off the feat of creating suspense when the reader already knows something of the outcome. The appeal of the cliffhanger panel is like that of Greek tragedy, in which a character's fate is fixed and the audience is mesmerized by the slow-motion fall that leads to moral or physical ruin. I look forward seeing this fall in further issues of Dysart's "Harbinger," as well more of the war zone friendships and rivalries between two groups of damaged, powerful young people. Read Full Review

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