Strange Sports Stories #1
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Strange Sports Stories #1

Writer: Gilbert Hernandez Artist: Gilbert Hernandez Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: March 18, 2015 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
7.6Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Comics' top talents, including some making their Vertigo debut, take on the classic DC Comics anthology title for four issues of strange, scary, sexy and sensational sports stories. Featuring stories and art by Brian Azzarello, CM Punk, Paul Pope, Gilbert Hernandez, Lauren Beukes, Ben McCool, Ivan Brandon, Monica Gallagher, Lee Loughridge, Nick Dragotta, Christopher Mitten, Darick Robertson, Mark Finn, John Lucas, Gabe Soria, Ronald Wimberly, Michael DiMotta, Tim Fish, Rael Lyra and many more!

  • 8.0
    PopMatters - Gregory L. Reece Mar 30, 2015

    If I had read Strange Sports Stories #1 as a ten year old kid, I think that it would have helped to warp my mind in the way that "Foul Play" warped the mind of the generation before me. Of course I managed just fine. Comics might have been fairly tame in my day, but there were plenty of other sources of depravity for a kid who wanted it badly enough. But still, comicbooks were special, intimate, in a way that movies and television were not. And the "Mature Readers" warning wouldn't have kept me away. I can imagine hiding under the bed sheets, reading the story by flashlight, hoping that my parents wouldn't find it, shivering and then reading it over again, thinking all the while that it proved what I always suspected about the horror at the heart of sports, especially dodge ball. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Tres Dean Mar 19, 2015

    Overall though, the debut of Strange Sports Stories is a lot of fun, with a great Paul Pope cover to seal the deal. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matt Dodge Mar 20, 2015

    The four stories found in "Strange Sports Tales" #1 are varied and different from one another, but are unified by the idea that sports can be about more than just the game itself. None of these stories really focus on who wins and who loses, but about how the characters are affected by sporting events. All the creators involved are very talented, and they each accomplish more in fewer than 10 pages then other series do in full issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    The Latest Pull - Greg Pryce Mar 19, 2015

    Strange Sport Stories provides exactly what you'd imagine and is a fun read for someone looking for something slightly different. However, what will keep people sticking around for #2 and the rest of the series is the diverse, new creators being showcased in these comics. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 23, 2015

    "Strange Sports Stories" #1 is a solid first issue. There aren't any stories that jump out and make you think that you'll remember them forever and a day, but there are also (more importantly) no duds. I am a little worried about there being two similar stories in the first issue; hopefully, that isn't a trend. Still, for now, it's a good enough first issue that I'm looking forward to seeing what the remaining issues have in store for us as readers. Read Full Review

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