The Authority #14

Writer: Andy Lanning, Dan Abnett Artist: Simon Coleby, Drew Johnson Publisher: Wildstorm Release Date: September 2, 2009 Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Kaizen Gamorra's assault on the Carrier catches the team unawares--and completely unprepared! Can they hold off his overwhelming forces without a key member? Looks like they'll have to since Midnighter left the team in an attempt to find a cure for Apollo...a journey that will have massive ramifications for World's End! Rated 15+.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Colbert Sep 5, 2009

    It must be said that you dont need to know any of the back story to get whats going on here. You get Gamorra right out of the gate and Lorenzo, rocking a Cpt. Biggles of the Royal Air Corp look, doesnt mess around with pleasantries either. Issue 14 isnt really a jump on point either, its basically the second act to this story arc, but for those following along youll do just fine. In truth, the last few issues of The Authority have gotten better, finding its place in this odd world; but, this one didnt move me. I still enjoy The Authority but I want to have more fun with it. Read Full Review

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