Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion Vol. 1
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Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion Vol. 1

Writer: Brian Reed Artist: Felix Ruiz Publisher: Marvel Comics Trade Paperback: December 16, 2012, $16.99 Issues: 1, Issue Reviews: 1
6.5Critic Rating
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It’s the deadliest game of “capture the flag” ever — but this time, the flag is a Covenant religious leader! The Prophets are a leadership caste, and the Covenant looks to them with awe and reverence. To kill a Prophet would only increase Covenant hostilities with humanity — but to capture one could lead to a truce. Enter Master Chief and the Spartans! But even with upgraded armor and new tech, can Master Chief stop a Covenant invasion armada 700 ships strong? And if the Spartans fall, will the Covenant’s next target be Earth? Halo: Fall of Reach — Invasion continues the adaptation of Eric Nylund’s novel Halo: The Fall of Reac more

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Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion #1 1
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