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Joined: Dec 12, 2017

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Alien (2023): Vol. 2 #1

Nov 16, 2023

Jun Yutani III does not know what he is facing, it is not a mine of gold, it is a mine of death. This new story arc continues to nourish the story that Declan has been putting together calmly and precisely, however it is not necessary to read anything prior to this to be able to enjoy this aswesome comic. The art has textures and tone of 1980s comics, especially the color palette, full of impressive details and a great cinematic vision. The color palette is interesting and changes depending on the year the story is told.

Alien (2023): Vol. 2 #2

Dec 26, 2023

Plot This comic tells two stories in parallel: The first occurs in the year 2208, ten years after the events of the previous story arc where the ship Boreas sank on the icy moon LV-695, where the corporation Jun Yutani III sent a team to this underwater ship to find out. What happens and they are massacred by the Aliens, this investigation team includes Cole, who is actually Zasha the only survivor of that disaster who goes to rescue the android Dayton who in 2195 helped her escape. The second story takes place on the planet HD 202206BK in the year 2168, which continues to narrate how an expedition is first achieved with a xenomorph egg. This new story arc continues to nourish the story that Declan has been creating calmly and precisely, however it is not necessary to read anything prior to this to be able to enjoy it. Art With textures and tone of 1980s comics, especially the color palette, full of impressive details and a great cinematic vision. The color palette is interesting and changes depending on the year the story is told. Summary Zasha reunites with her painful past in the search for Dayton in the Boreas. Exciting chapter full of mystery and terror.

Alien (2023): Vol. 2 #3

Jan 17, 2024

Plot This comic tells two stories in parallel: The first occurs in the year 2208, ten years after the events of the previous story arc where the ship Boreas sank on the icy moon LV-695, a place where the corporation Jun Yutani III tries to rescue the USCSS BOREAS from the depths of the saguas. frost, to face a new race of xenomorphs that arise from the fusion of an ice monster, this origin was explained in Alien Annual #1 2023. Zasha reunites with Dayton, but they are interrupted by Mr Yutani, who reveals something shocking. The second story occurs on the planet HD 202206BK in the year 2168, which continues to narrate how an expedition is achieved for the first time with a xenomorph egg, where both synths try to understand the xenomorph, the one who is saved is the android 227-N. The revelation of Mr Yutani is the triggering element that links the two subplots, Dayton is actually Yutani's synths 227-N who was on that mission as a kind of spy, since he possessed secret knowledge. This new story arc continues to nourish the story that Declan has been calmly and precisely forming, with a shocking revelation. Art With textures and tone of 1980s comics, especially the color palette, full of impressive details and a great cinematic vision. The color palette is interesting and changes depending on the year the story is told. Summary Zasha reunites with Dayton, to learn a shocking revelation. The new ice xenomorphs are more resistant and lethal.

Alien (2023): Vol. 2 #4

Feb 8, 2024

Plot This comic tells two stories in parallel: The first occurs in the year 2208, ten years after the events of the previous story arc where the ship Boreas sank on the icy moon LV-695, a place where the corporation Jun Yutani III tries to rescue the USCSS BOREAS from the depths of the saguas. frost, to face a new race of xenomorphs that arise from the fusion of an ice monster, this origin was explained in Alien Annual #1 2023. Zasha meets again with Dayton who considers him his father, but they are interrupted by Mr Yutani, who tries to kill Zasha, but Dayton helps him escape and says goodbye, he launches a nuclear missile at that moon to eliminate everything, Yutani is a Synth and starts fighting Dayton. But Zasha doesn't want to say goodbye to the only father she ever had, his life has revolved around this meeting. Meanwhile, outside, a species of snow kaiju emerges and is attacked by the xenomorphs and begins to merge into another hybrid megra. The second story occurs on the planet HD 202206BK in the year 2168 and shows how Dayton was discarded as a synth after having eliminated a Xenomorph and thus meets Zasha's family. This new story arc closes in style the story that Declan has been creating calmly and precisely, the ending is shocking and moving. Art With textures and tone of 1980s comics, especially the color palette, full of impressive details and a great cinematic vision. The color palette is interesting and changes depending on the year the story is told. Summary Zasha does not want to say goodbye to Dayton, while Yutani tries to recover information about the discoveries they made in this place years ago. Shocking and moving closure of this story arc

Alien: Black, White & Blood (2024) #2

Mar 17, 2024

Plot This special has several short stories from different creative teams: “UTOPIA PART 2 BY COLLIN KELLY JACKSON LANZING MICHAEL DOWLING and CHRIS SOTOMAYOR – They awaken the entire crew of Weyland Yutani's world-first space mission to fight the xenomorph threat, but their confidence is their weakness. Rating 3.5/5 “MORSEL” by PAUL JENKINS, LUIGI TERUEL and ANDRES MOSSA – A colony of farmers in space are attacked by a horde of Xenomorphs who put their faith to the test. Rating 3.5/5 “FIRST DAY” by STEPHANIE WILLIAMS and JETHRO MORALES: At ECHELON Station a group of soldiers fight an advanced Xenomorph infestation Rating 3.5/5 Complete Rating 3.5 of 5

Alien: Black, White & Blood (2024) #3

Apr 3, 2024

Plot This special has several short stories from different creative teams: ““UTOPIA PART 3 By COLLIN KELLY JACKSON LANZING MICHAEL DOWLING and CHRIS SOTOMAYOR – Survivors led by grief prepare to take down the Alien Queen. Rating 3.5/5 “GEAR IN THE MACHINE” by CODY ZIGLAR, CLAIRE ROE and JORDIE BELLAIRE – A Weyland-Yutani lab believes they have a series of Alien samples under control, but when one escapes, the massacre begins. Rating 4.5/5 “LUCKY” by STEVE FOXE, TOMMASO BIANCHI and MATTIA IACON – A decoy strategy with man's best friend works perfectly for a cleanup team of xenomorphs. Rating 5/5 Complete Rating 4.3 of 5

Alien: Black, White & Blood (2024) #4

May 15, 2024

Plot This special has several short stories from different creative teams: “UTOPIA PART 4 By COLLIN KELLY JACKSON LANZING MICHAEL DOWLING and CHRIS SOTOMAYOR Rating 3.5/5 “HIDE & SEEK” by BRYAN HILL CHRISCROSS and ANDRES MOSSA Rating 4.5/5 “MOTHER” by PORNSAK PICHETSHOTE and PARTHA PRATIM Rating 5/5

Aliens: What If...? (2024) #1

Mar 9, 2024

Plot This comic tells how Carter Burke managed to escape the massacre on LV-426 and board the ship where Ripley and the girl were in a cryogenic state. In this escape ship, Bukre talks to Mr. Yutani, who orders him to eliminate Ripley. so that there are no witnesses to the 158 deaths at the Hadley's Hope plant, since as Burke failed to obtain a Xenomorph egg, his mission failed. Burke throws Ripley into the Fiorina Fury 161 pose and thus earns a life contract with Weyland-Yutani, but after 35 years they used him as a scapegoat for everything that happened and his reputation is in tatters, his daughter does not. He wants to see and lives in an asteroid, but everything is about to change when he gets a Xenomorph egg. Exciting new series with a brilliant, macabre twist that takes part of the story from the sci-fi classic Aliens and nourishes it with this cool alternate history. Art It successfully captures the facial expressions as well as the body language of the film's actors, providing almost hyperreal art in many panels, thus successfully capturing and adapting this famous horror and science fiction classic. Summary Carter Burke manages to get his way and escape from Hadley's Hope without a xenomorph, but he is not going to give up and achieve his mission and become someone powerful in Weyland-Yutani

Aliens: What If...? (2024) #2

Apr 10, 2024

Plot This chapter shows Carter Burke's true plan, after his name was used to blame the deaths on LV-426. Burke uses a replicant named CYGNUS to search the galaxy for a xenomorph egg. Burke's plan is not only to clear his name and show Weyland-Yutani that they should never have betrayed him, it is to use the xenomorph to cure his wife who is in suspended animation with an incurable disease, not even his daughter knows about it. this plan. Burke must choose one of his employees to be the host of the xenomorph, this sequence is hilarious because it shows how Burke interviews everyone without finding the one who has no family and no one misses him, until he removes his new boss, Hiro. Yu. This new series is exciting and fun, with brilliant dialogue that highlights Burke's toxic personality. Art It successfully captures the facial expressions as well as the body language of the film's actors, providing almost hyperreal art in many panels, thus successfully capturing and adapting this famous horror and science fiction classic. Summary Burke manages to get what Weyland-Yutani longs for, a xenomorph. Brilliant twist on a classic story.

Aliens: What If...? (2024) #3

May 15, 2024

Plot Carter Burke and his replicant named CYGNUS have Mr Yu tied up, Burke explains that he is going to put a facehugger on him and that Cygnus is going to remove the xenomorph before it grows in his chest and save his life. Mr Yu asks for his life and reveals to Burke that his last name is Yutani, son of the owner and that being on that asteroid is a punishment, he offers Burke full access to Yutani's technology to save the planet. wife of him. Burke considers the offer and when the facehugger jumps at Yutani's face, he is pushed aside and escapes into the ventilation pipes leading to the mines. In the mines there is Brie, Burke's daughter, who is alerted to the situation and reluctantly helps them catch the facehugger, but unfortunately a mine employee is caught by the facehugger. Brie and Yutani have an intimate relationship that grows with this situation. Cygnus and Burke take the worker to an operating room to remove the xenomorph before it grows, but Cygnus' calculations fail and the Alien emerges from its host's chest, revealing that it is an Alien queen, more powerful and its incubation time. is minor. This series is brilliant, with hilarious dialogues and manages a narrative rhythm where tension/terror exudes through its page and makes it difficult to stop reading. Art It successfully captures the facial expressions as well as the body language of the film's actors, providing almost hyperreal art in many panels, thus successfully adapting this famous horror and science fiction classic. Summary Burke follows his plan to vindicate him and get a cure for his wife, but Cygnus's calculations fail when his plan spirals out of control. Spectacular reimagining of this science fiction and horror classic.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #45

Mar 17, 2024

Plot This comic deals with the consequences of Gang War, where Peter manages to obtain a cure for Anna Watson, MJ's aunt, who, trying to treat her senile dementia, used a medicine from Krakoa altered by Orchis, which unleashed uncontrollable anger. Anna is in the Ravencroft psychiatric institute for super criminals and Spider-man administers a cure that he synthesized with the help of the X-men and the cure, but she says that everything she did makes her owe a debt to society for what that she is going to remain in this psychiatric hospital until she fulfills it. On the other hand, Peter intends to resign from Oscorp because his activities as Spider-man cause problems for the company, Norman does not accept it and offers him to stay and work when he can, both make peace after certain acrimonies in the Gang crisis. War. MJ and Peter visit Aunt Anna, who is helping all the villains recover, Peter meets with William Baker / Flint Marko / Sandman, who tries to control his alter ego, so he surrenders to Ravencroft. Although he has explosions of violence, a sonic device stops him, the detail is that there are Sinister Five who want to take him out and recruit him. Exciting installment that leaves everything ready for an exciting new story arc that promises drama, action and more risk in the life of Peter and his loved ones. Art Retaining the retro tone of 1990s Spider-man but refreshing it with more details and epic poses, it's mesmerizing art.Carmen is undoubtedly one of the best artists of the moment with an ability to recreate brilliant dynamism. Summary Help Peter Parker deal with the fallout among his loved ones and society left by the Gang War crisis. Excellent starting point to start reading this saga

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #46

Mar 27, 2024

Plot Electro is sent by the members of the Sinister Six to free Sandman from Ravencroft but he does not have the presence of Spider-man and Jackpot, who with the help of the other inmates stop them. The prisoners do not want to escape thanks to Anna Watson who has taught them the possibility of vindicating themselves and withdrawing from the criminal world. However Flint Marko awakens and takes control of William Baker's body and Sandman escapes. This installment highlights the emotional tension between Peter and MJ, who now share a dynamic as superheroes that somehow makes them more empathetic with each other, there remains a deep love and desire between them. Although Peter tried to move on and forget about MJ and have a relationship with Michelle, he knows that her connection to Tombstone is too much for him, but she actually likes a lot about her. The next installment promises the return of the Sinister Six: Doctor Octopus, Mysterio Kraven, Vulture, Electro and Sandman. Peter's life continues to become tangled as his most loyal enemies join forces. Art Retaining the retro tone of 1990s Spider-man but refreshing it with more details and epic poses, it's mesmerizing art. Carmen is undoubtedly one of the best artists of the moment with an ability to recreate brilliant dynamism. Summary Spider-man and Jackpot face Elektro and Sandman's sanity and Anna Watson's good faith are at stake.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #47

Apr 10, 2024

Plot Peter unknowingly has an appointment with Nurse Shay, who was treating Aunt Anna, but this meeting was arranged by Aunt behind her back, but as always Peter has other obligations and must leave early, because Betty Brant asks him for help. .has a clue that can help Ned get out of jail. In this place Betty gets the Winkler Device, a device that washed Ned's mind, but they are interrupted by Chasm and Hallow's Eve, more uncontrolled and unpredictable than ever, so a battle is about to begin. This installment serves to introduce new villains in this new stage of Peter's more tangled life, however he does not reveal much of what is coming or happening. Art It has that tone of the 1990s comics, but refreshed with lots of details and using a cold color palette to give a gloomy effect to the story. It's an honor to read a comic whose entire internal art belongs to the legendary Todd Nauck, so this comic is a must-read instant classic. Summary Spider-man and Betty Brant are about to get the evidence to free Ned, but CHASM and the Goblin Queen appear in their way.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #48

Apr 25, 2024

Plot Chasm and Hallow's Eve are being manipulated by Queen Goblin, who is responsible for using the Winkler Device to convince Ned that she is Hobgolin. Queen Goblin still hates Green Goblin to death, so she wants Chasm/Ben Reilly to turn into some Goblin using the device. She lied to Hallow's Eve and Chasm that she was going to use the device to give him memories of Peter Parke, since he longs for that part of his life. Peter and Betty manage to convince Hallow's Eve of the Goblin Queen's intentions and she helps Spider-man stop her and defeat her. Chasm settles for not having Peter's memories and Hallow's Eve asks him to see a future together, that the past doesn't matter. Ben Reilly knows something bad is in store for Spider-man. Meanwhile, the comic closes with the Sinister Six's plan to destroy Oscorp as well as The Living Brain, since they consider Norman Osborn to be a traitor for having helped Peter all this time. Everything is preparing for a shocking #50 that increasingly promises more drama. Art It has that tone of the 1990s comics, but refreshed with lots of details and using a cold color palette to give a gloomy effect to the story. It's an honor to read a comic whose entire internal art belongs to the legendary Todd Nauck, so this comic is a must-read classic. Summary Spider-man and Betty Brant need to defeat the Goblin Queen, for that Chasm and Hallow's Eve must help them

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #49

May 8, 2024

Plot This comic supports the Blood Hunt event, Spider-man tries to stop the Vampire massacre in New York, when Katreem contacts him to help him save his friend Rabbit, who works for Tombstone but is now a vampire. In the Marvel Universe the rule applies that if you kill the vampire who turned you, you are cured, so Peter helps stop the person who turned Rabbit into a vampire, but he is a victim of the situation who even chained himself up so as not to harm others. Nobody, however Kareem stakes him and kills him. Spider-man doesn't know how to deal with this situation, but he doesn't want to kill vampires who can be cured and who are ultimately innocent. Dark episode full of action and terror. Art John Romita Jr achieves that gloomy, gloomy tone of this situation and incorporates it into the unique body language he gives to Spider-man with his art. It is a privilege to read comics illustrated by this legend who always evolves in using you. Summary Spider-man must deal with the war against the vampires and try to stop them and save those people who were infected.This comic highlights the drama of this vampire attack.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #50

May 24, 2024

lot The Living Brain leaves two mysterious messages for Doctor Connors, one saying that PETER PARKER IS NOT SPIDER-MAN and the other CHALICE STARLIGHT AGGREGATE. Peter meets with Norman and tells him the message CHALICE STARLIGHT AGGREGATE, not knowing that they are the words that transform Norman back into the Green Goblin, who has been working in the shadows and used the Winkler Devise to get into Peter's mind. to the Green Goblin...that is to say...Spider-man is now another Green Goblin. Now The Living Brain walks and has a body...it's called The Walking Brain and it doesn't seem to have good intentions. Shocking revelation that changes everything. Art McGuiness presents his super classic and nostalgic art that highlights facial expressions and achieves dynamic sequences at bold and brilliant angles. Summary Green Goblin's plot is revealed

Antarctica (2023) #5

Nov 15, 2023

Hannah must deal not only with alternate versions of herself and loved ones, but also with a series of revelations that lead her to find out who her father is. The pain of grief intensifies with this whole new world. The art it's very detailed, capturing facial expressions with a certain degree of hyperrealism, very reminiscent of the aesthetics of comics like Heavy Metal.

Antarctica (2023) #6

Dec 17, 2023

Emotional issue with shocking revelations of this story that mixes mystery with science fiction. Art It is very detailed, capturing facial expressions with a certain degree of hyperrealism, very reminiscent of the aesthetics of comics like Heavy Metal. The technological designs of the laboratories are mesmerizing. Summary Hannah remembers a Christmas full of mystery with her father, while she deals with grief.

Avengers (2023) #8

Dec 7, 2023

Summary Wanda and Vision do everything they can to stop the Twilight Court. Exciting and great installment

Avengers (2023) #9

Jan 11, 2024

Plot Twilight Court is made up of King Arthur, Lancelot, Galehaut, Bercilak, Parsifal and the witch Mordred whose powers are similar to those of the Avengers Vision, Wanda, Thor, Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Captain America and Black Panther, being a battle where Both sides are tied until Iron Man and Black Panther agree that they must change opponents so that their abilities are useful and they manage to defeat Twilight Court. But no one noticed that Mryddin reached the bed where Kang is resting in a coma... Exciting chapter full of adrenaline and action. Art It is detailed and maintains the tone that the illustrated C.F Villa had been bringing but adds more shadows and different textures. Summary Twilight Court vs Avengers for Kang's life

Avengers (2023) #10

Feb 8, 2024

Plot Twilight Court manages to distract the Avengers while Myrddin attacks Kang, she clarifies Kang's true plan. It all goes back to what they revealed in Timeless #1 of the year 2022, when Kang and Myrddin are behind the Lost Moment, a second in the history of time that no one has access to, the only way to activate it is by triggering the Tribulation Events and that a hero activate that second lost in time. Myrddin strips Kang of her memories and leaves, an angry Kang tells the Avengers that they were useless and threatens them that now they will see him as an enemy again. The Avengers are still unaware of Kang's plan. Thor and Wanda follow the only clue to what's going on and talk to Nightmare, who initially attacked them, but that attack was actually a cry for help because Nightmare knows that Myrddin wants to destroy reality. Exciting delivery full of adrenaline, revelations, mystery and action. Art The art has many textures and highlights the facial expressions of all the characters that support the intense narrative. The amount of detail in this installment is impressive. Summary Myrddin reveals Kang's plan and wipes her mind about the Lost Moment. Exciting installment that connects to the comic Timeless #1 of 2022

Avengers (2023) #11

Mar 9, 2024

Plot The Avengers have a quiet moment and discuss what to do with the Ashen Combine (read Avengers #3-6), this team of villains who are trapped in a prison that has them in a state of stasis. But having these beings in The Impossible City can also be a risk. On the other hand, Jarvis and his assistant Mr Sweeny arrive at this new base of operations to make it more comfortable for humans, starting by teaching The Impossible City to cook their favorite foods, but suddenly Mr Sweeny feels sick and vomits a team of robots. plastic sent by Mad Thinker. The battle is of epic scale and they manage to counter the attack as well as imprison Mad Thinker, but this entire attack helped Mad Thinker learn of the existence and location of the Ashen Combine. Interesting supporting story that nourishes the interesting plot of this saga, where the threat of the Ashen Combine and Kang's predictions remain a dangerous mystery. Art The art has many textures and highlights the facial expressions of all the characters that support the intense narrative. The amount of detail in this installment is impressive. Summary The Impossible City is the perfect place for the Avengers base, but they must know its secrets for it to work, only these secrets are powerful for their enemies.

Avengers (2023) #12

Apr 3, 2024

Plot Tony Stark waited for a long time for the world to realize the evil that the Orchis organization is, he sustained his frustration for a long time while this organization used his technology to create Sentinels and eliminate Krakoa and thousands of mutants, now he is ready to attack with the Avengers. Orchis led by M.O.D.O.K and 3D Man prepare war but for The Impossible City. This comic serves as support for the closing of the X-men event called Fall of menu Art It's textured and organic, with great large-scale action sequences. Summary Iron Man leads the Avengers to destroy Orchis and stop the mutant genocide

Avengers (2023) #13

Apr 25, 2024

Plot The battle vs Orchis reached The Impossible City, The 3-D Man manages to decipher the invisibility mechanism and the Stark Sentinels attack is immense. The battle is epic and all the Avengers return to The Impossible City to counter the attack and manage to save the day by making The 3-D Man reflect on his actions. But this peace only lasted a few days...because suddenly the planet's sky goes dark, seen from space...welcoming the summer event Blood Hunt, where the Vampires snatch everything...Who will they bite first? . Art It's textured and organic, with great large-scale action sequences. Summary The Avengers manage to appease Orchis, thus helping the X-men succeed, but the peace of the world is about to be shaken.

Avengers (2023) #14

May 8, 2024

Plot This comic serves as support for the Blood Hunt event, where the Avengers fell under the attack of BloodCoven and Captain Marvel asks Captain America to assemble a new team that defends the planet from the attack of Vampires. Steve Rogers summons Hercules, Kate Bihop/Hawkeye, Quicksilver and Hazmat, who manage to mesh as a legal team and head out to find out about an organized group of vampires. This group are Vampires-Nazis, who are attacking with powerful weapons...like a Helicarrier, this team of Avengers faces an organized attack of Vampires. It's always great to see Rogers leading his team where he must balance his soldier skills with that of the hero and Avenger. This comic nourishes this terrifying event, where the Vampires not only have a numerical advantage in their attacks, but also in weapons. Art It's textured and organic, with great large-scale action sequences. Summary Cap puts together a new lineup of Avengers to counter an attack by Nazi Vampires. Excellent delivery full of terror and powerful plot twists

Avengers: Twilight (2024) #1

Jan 19, 2024

Plot Captain America is an old man, the super soldier serum has already disappeared from his body and he lives on the memories of past glories, while Luke Cage and Matt Murdock remain involved in the problems of today's society, even when their advanced age and diminished health do not change. allows them. Steve lives happily with Rose, who accompanies him and advises him to retire happy. Luke and Matt ask that Steve Rogers come to the political arena to regain consciousness in society, however a tragedy called H-DAY stained his reputation and a new political guidelines led by the son of Tony Stark and Janet Van Dyne, who was a cocky young man who has taken the potential of Iron Man's armor to other levels, using it as a weapon of repression. This new social and political movement aims to clear the name of Red Skull and lead the US to a tyranny hidden with lies. Luke Cage kidnaps Steve and explains to him that the government is eliminating the heroes of yesteryear, Matt was murdered, so he offers to reinject him with the Super Soldier serum and lead a new team of Defenders... Steve accepts but what is going to create is a new lineup of Avengers. Amazing new series that takes us to a tyrannical future disguised as a utopia where a Captain America is needed to unmask a large-scale plot. Art full of textures and firm lines that give it a dynamism and adequate tone to show a different future with a real and visceral tone. Summary Captain America must return to stop a plot that aims to exalt old villains and disappear any memory of the most powerful heroes on the planet. Magnificent new realistic and dystopian vision of the Marvel Universe

Avengers: Twilight (2024) #2

Feb 1, 2024

Plot Captain America returns and begins to fight against the abuses of power that the government exercises over the inhabitants and hides. The media is controlled by the state and only shows the supposed goodness of the government and its Avengers, who have been committing crimes against humanity throughout the planet for decades. Luke Cage had already gathered a group of young superhumans to form the Defenders underground, but Steve needs heroes with more experience and that is why he contacts Kamala Khan who is retired but affected by the consequences of H-DAY. Jarvis is the CEO of Stark Industries and represents all the evil corporations on the planet and is the one who raised James Stark as a being full of hate, but behind Jarvis there is someone evil... he is a despicable being who has been brewing this situation for years. social politics. The following revelation is a spoiler...so pay attention....be careful...here goes...Red Skull took advantage of Ultron's defeat on H-Day and posed as Jarvis all these years and is responsible of this entire tyrant movement that governs the United States. Amazing new chapter of this alternate vision of the Avengers world. Art Full of textures and firm lines that give it a dynamism and adequate tone to show a different future with a real and visceral tone. Summary Captain America returns but faces an immense conspiracy led by an evil enemy who lives in the shadows.

Avengers: Twilight (2024) #3

Mar 2, 2024

Plot Captain America needs to gather whatever heroes he can from his time to fight James Stark, so he heads to THE RAFT prison to get Tony Stark's floating head. Helped only by Tyler and a Quinjet, Cap manages to enter prison but is saved because he is helped by Bullseye, a member of Thunderbolts who can no longer stand James Stark's tyrannical thinking. James activates his Iron Man suit and Captain America even when he recovered his shield, he is no match for this version of Iron Man, but he is not alone, Ms Marvel and a powerful Avenger come to his aid. Excellent chapter full of suspense, surprises and revelations, where Captain America's true battle is against political radicalism led by James Stark but controlled by Jarvis, who is actually Ultron and the Red Skull. Art Full of textures and firm lines that give it a dynamism and adequate tone to show a different future with a real and visceral tone. Summary Captain America needs all the help he can get to stop the relentless advance of a tyrannical, neo-fascist global policy.

Avengers: Twilight (2024) #4

Mar 17, 2024

Plot Captain America and Thor face James Stark and the entire US military in what remains of THE RAFT prison, James is not prepared to fight Thor and escapes. Ms. Marvel, Thor, Captain America, The New Hawkeye, the head of Iron Man, and Tyler manage to rescue all the personnel who were injured in THE RAFT to Luke Cage's lair, where Rose treats them, although she is still upset with Steve. Tony now has armor attached to his head and explains to everyone that for years he watched as his son was manipulated by Jarvis, who is actually the Red Skull, to take over the country little by little. Tony doesn't remember well what happened on H-DAY, he doesn't know if his wife Janet died. Tony convinces everyone that they must go to the headquarters of the NEW "AVENGERS", the old Stark mansion, to discover their weaknesses and thus defeat them, but they only discover that...they do not exist, they are part of the manipulation of the media perpetrated by Red Skull a while ago. A frustrated James is greeted by Jarvis with a Red face, Red Skull reveals himself to James and convinces him that they should take the White House and once and for all control the country openly, no longer in hiding. Excellent chapter full of revelations and with many doubts even about what happened on H-Day, this comic improves in each installment something that seems impossible, showing how a democratic government is taken by force and turned into a tyranny, this analogy is as relevant as it is chilling. Art Full of textures and firm lines that give it a dynamism and adequate tone to show a different future with a real and visceral tone. Summary Iron Man and Thor return and now the Avengers begin to gather little by little, but they don't have much time to stop Red Skull. Revealing and shocking chapter.

Avengers: Twilight (2024) #5

Apr 17, 2024

Plot Captain America, Iron Man, Ms Marvel, Hawkeye and Thor face the terrible attack of Red Skull who, with an army of soldiers programmed with Nazi lies, help him carry out a coup d'état that simultaneously attacks the White House, Congress and the Pentagon. Iron Man tries to stop the attack on the President, but Red Skull kills him. Red Skull used Jarvis' body to store his memories and now uses Ultron's body as a weapon. Thor, Cap and Ms Marvel manage to stop the attack on Congress and help the Vice President escape. James Stark, on the other hand, leads an attack using an army of armor that Tony manages to dismantle, but James defeats him and warns him that the Red Skull is about to launch H-Day's weapon, which is as powerful as an atomic bomb... It's HULK....that's why it was called H-Day. James Stark is bitter about the death of his mother and is totally confused by years of Red Skull's manipulation. This penultimate chapter is full of tension and a lot of dizzying action, when saving your mind is a race against time. Art It is full of textures and firm lines that give it the appropriate dynamism and tone to show a different future with a real and visceral tone. Summary Red Skull carries out his Coup d'état that he has been preparing for decades, it is an asymmetric and lethal attack. Penultimate episode that will leave you breathless

Avengers: Twilight (2024) #6

May 29, 2024

Plot The final battle begins! While Thor faces off against Hulk, Red Skull's secret weapon, who is beating up Captain America. On the other hand, Iron Man tries to reason with his son James, who is resentful of the ideas that Red Skull put in his head, but the appearance of Janet, her mother, changes the situation and makes James react. There is no clear explanation of how Janet returns, something related to the quantum realm and a ring. Red Skull is killed by Steve Rogers, while Iron man makes the final sacrifice and Thor defeats the Hulk and must eliminate him once and for all, as Banner asked him to. Exciting and dizzying closure of this reimagining of the future of the Avengers, however the relationship between Tony and his son had a very rushed and poorly supported resolution. Art It is full of textures and firm lines that give it the appropriate dynamism and tone to show a different future with a real and visceral tone. Summary The final battle is here, the Avengers must sacrifice themselves and give their last allegiance to save the world from a Nazi tyranny of Red Skull.

Beware the Planet of the Apes (2024) #1

Jan 3, 2024

Plot This comic tells how the intelligent apes Lucius, Zira and Cornelius meet Nova, the human who in the future helps astronaut Taylor understand where he was in time. Remember that this story takes place two thousand years after 1972 (the year where the Planet of The Apes Movie was released) where an astronaut travels in time to a future where apes control the world in an era of barbarians. The story takes place some time before, when Lucius and Zira visit the Forbidden Zone for the first time, which is actually the ruins of New York after two thousand years. This comic is the perfect starting point to enter this universe and is also a delight for fans of the original film. Includes some sequences or panels from the first Marvel comic that adapted the first film of the saga and was called ADVENTURES ON THE PLANET OF THE APES WRITTEN BY DOUG MOENCH AND DRAWN BY GEORGE TUSKA (WITH INKS BY MIKE ESPOSITO, TONY MORTELLARO & DAVE HUNT, AND COLORS BY GEORGE ROUSSOS). It is a story full of mystery and action in a dystopian future. Art It's magnificent, capturing the essence of the original film, with a gloomy tone supported by super detailed art. Summary The story of how Nova meets Zira and Lucius begins here, an excellent prequel to the cult film Planet of the Apes.

Beware the Planet of the Apes (2024) #2

Feb 14, 2024

Plot Zira and Cornelius follow Nova to the forbidden zone to rescue Lucius, in this place they are received by Ivana, who in a dream predicted the arrival of astronaut Taylor and that he would be intercepted by humans with psychic powers more powerful than hers. . This sequence is from the Second Planet of the Apes movie and the comic includes excerpts from the original Marvel adaptation ADVENTURES ON THE PLANET OF THE APES by DOUG MOENCH, ALFREDO ALCALA and GEORGE ROUSSOS. Ivana sees that in the future Nova helps astronaut Taylor understand where she was in time. Ivana saw Nova in her dreams and wants to question her, however Cornelius is shot by mistake and cured with modern medicine techniques, Zira and Cornelius cannot believe that the Apes were never actually the dominant race and that humans ruled the world. Planet and that an atomic bomb wiped out all civilization as we know it, Zira and Cornelius do not trust their leaders who lie to them. Ivana knows where Lucius is, he is trapped by a community of gorilla warriors who torture him. This prequel continues to successfully achieve the perfect balance between mystery, action, and science fiction in a dystopian future. Art It's magnificent, capturing the essence of the original film, with a gloomy tone supported by super detailed art. Summary Zira and Lucius discover the lie their leaders kept from them for years about the human race. Magnificent new installment of this exciting story.

Beware the Planet of the Apes (2024) #3

Mar 23, 2024

Plot Zira convinces Ivana that they should attack the Gorillas because they will surely attack them, that it is only a matter of time, of course Zira would do anything to save Lucius who is cruelly tortured by the Gorillas. However, Nova does not want this war, because it is dangerous, Ivana talks to her in her mind and the two are going to try to change the future that Ivana saw, which involves astronaut Taylor. The battle between Ivana's tribe of psychics faces the Hominidae tribe of military gorillas. This prequel continues to successfully achieve the perfect balance between mystery, action, and science fiction in a dystopian future. Art It's magnificent, capturing the essence of the original film, with a gloomy tone supported by super detailed art. Summary Zira convinces Ivana that the Hominidae are a threat and thus begins a dangerous inter-tribal war. Penultimate chapter of this saga

Beware the Planet of the Apes (2024) #4

Apr 17, 2024

Plot Zira manages to get Lucius in the middle of a battle between Ivana's army and the Hominidae military gorilla tribe. This tribe's plan is to take control of any ape settlement. Lucios frees all the beings trapped by the Gorillas and convinces them to help the humans defeat them, this final battle is intense, but they defeat them using Ivana's mental powers on the gorilla leader. Ivana fears that the existence of her people will continue to attract others so she uses her power to erase Zira, Lucius and Cornelius' memories of what happened, however in her subconscious is the lesson they learned and that they trust in Nova's appearance. This comic narrates the events hours before the arrival of astronaut Taylor. Excellent closing that connects with the first Planet of the Apes movie. Art It's magnificent, capturing the essence of the original film, with a gloomy tone supported by super detailed art. Summary Zira, Lucius and Cornelius join in the final battle with Ivana, a battle she cannot lose. Excellent closing of this series that connects perfectly with the first Planet of the Apes movie.

Big Game (2023) #5

Nov 15, 2023

Hopes rest with Hit-Girl that she is not going to give up until she solves this cosmic disaster where Wesley Gibson seems to have the upper hand. Shocking closing of a comic that will make you feel good. This is the crossover of the decade. Pepe outdid himself in each of the pages of this comic, overflowing with details and dynamism. What began as the Millarworld massacre transforms into a masterclass in how to write an ensemble or crossover comic, Mark Millar moves your emotions, he will leave you breathless page after page without leaving you any other option than to continue reading.

Big Game Collected

Feb 7, 2024

Plot Wesley Gibson welcomes Nemesis to the Brotherhood of Super Criminals, briefly explaining what they did in 1986, where they erased all the world's heroes and mind-wiped the planet. (Read Wanted) with a device that made everything part of the Mandela effect. In humanity's subconscious these erased memories have flourished in the form of movies, series and comics, but when heroes begin to emerge again, the Brotherhood of Super Criminals fears that the world will remember what happened in 1986 and lose it again. the power they have. In this event we will see all the characters from the Millarworld universe who are attacked with extreme cruelty, each page of this comic will fill you with emotion and many will break your heart if you are fans of this universe. It is violent and dizzying. It is a master class in how to write an ensemble or crossover comic, Mark Millar moves your emotions, he will leave you breathless page after page without leaving you any other option than to continue reading. Rating 5 out of 5 Art Pepe Larraz captures the essence of all these Millarworld characters but gives them his own touch, with detailed art with many textures, where Niro's colors offer a nostalgic touch but at the same time defines each of these characters. Rating 5 out of 5

Black Hammer: The End #4

Nov 23, 2023

The Anti-God began his attack, the alienation of multidimensional superheroes is not enough without Black Hammer This chapter raises the level of tension and emotion, where Lucy will have no choice but to be Black Hammer. Malachi Ward offers a very real look with textures that gives him an interesting dynamism where he achieves a different look for each alternate world that the comic narrates.

Black Hammer: The End #5

Jan 17, 2024

Plot This penultimate installment explains in detail how the Anti-God began to infiltrate his spirit into various universes looking for fallen heroes who lost everything to use them as accomplices, achieving that a Black Hammer will begin to eliminate all the alternate Black Hammers and thus be able to destroy universes. , that energy feeds the Anti-God. Rose reaches out to Randall, who is a comic book writer whose plots come to him through dreams. He is the most important Colonel Weird because he is not affected by the power of the Anti-God. But the Black Hammer arrives to "offer" Rose to accept the hammer from her and then kill her like the Black Hammer of that world, but Lucy arrives in time and claims the Black Hammer cloak and hammer. This penultimate chapter raises the level of tension and emotion, Lucy assumes the mantle of Black Hammer again in order to stop the Anti-God's plan. Art Malachi Ward offers a very real and textured look that gives him an interesting dynamism where he achieves a different look for each alternate world that the comic narrates. Summary Rose is seduced by Black Hammer's trap as Lucy prepares to accept her destiny.

Black Hammer: The End #6

Mar 27, 2024

Plot The evil version of Black Hammer arrives to kill Lucy because she raised the hammer again, but she is assisted and Weird takes her and her family to the final battle with the Anti-God, the last two versions of the planet Earth are about to arrive. collide and the heroes of all versions of the worlds destroyed. The final battle is left in the hands of Lucy as Black Hammer, with the help of Rose, as the new generation of Black Hammer. Colonel Weird manages to fuse his essence into all versions of him and finally declares that he cannot see what happens in the future after this day, that is, that the prophecy ended and a new team led by Black Hammer is born. . Magnificent closure of an amazing saga, which unites all the ends and clues left from the beginning, everything is orchestrated for a new beginning in the future. Art Malachi Ward offers a very real and textured look that gives him an interesting dynamism where he achieves a different look for each alternate world that the comic narrates. Summary Lucy accepts her fate and finally faces the Anti-God as her father did and defines the final battle that closes this saga.

Blood Hunt (2024) #1

May 1, 2024

Plot Suddenly, throughout planet Earth, a series of portals begin to open to the Dark Force Dimmension, which begin to cover the entire sky in black and hide the sun. All those users of the Dark Force disappear with these portals. With the entire planet in darkness, millions of Vampires launch an attack and slaughter as many humans as possible. The Avengers manage to escape to the Impossible City, but are attacked by BloodCoven, a group of superhumans whose powers were increased by the Vampires, this is ultimately a surgical attack, whose leader is unknown. In the middle of the attack, Doctor Strange and Clea try to get a spell to eliminate all the Vampires in the world, but that spell was in the Darkhold that Wanda destroyed. Blade mysteriously appears to explain to Clea and Stephan Strange that this entire attack is being carried out by The Structure, a sect of vampires who encountered Moon Knight some time ago, who managed to eliminate their leader. But who is behind all this attack now?...the new leader of The Structure...who is called...BLADE!!!! Shocking and bloody start to this mega event, where no one is safe from this massacre orchestrated by someone who knows vampires very well. Art It is full of textures that increase dynamism and offer a gloomy tone perfect for this crossover that mixes horror and superheroes. Summary A global vampire attack is executed with lethal precision, when no superhero was prepared, now the world lives in darkness and the vampires are unleashed.

Blood Hunt (2024) #2

May 24, 2024

Plot Tygra, Miles Morales and Hunter's Moon fight against hordes of vampires and reach Doctor Strange's sanctuary, where they discover that his body was attacked by Blade and had to separate into his astral form, this was done by Clea with her infinite magical wisdom (Read Doctor Strange #15). Blade, the leader of this vampire attack controls The Impossible City of the Avengers, where Black Panther has already turned him into a vampire and sent his BloodCoven on the trail of the Avengers and his daughter Bloodline. Dracula and Bloodline join the Avengers to stop BloodCoven, whom they defeat using their powers and the sun's rays. This sequence is great and shows that Vision is a key member. Importantly, Dracula does not agree with this vampire attack and his rank as the first vampire is dismissed by The Structure. Bloodline is unaware that her father is the leader of this disaster, when her friend Miles Morales suddenly becomes a vampire, has Blade managed to secretly turn several heroes and send them as spies under her control? This event surprises on every page, its narration is additive and no hero is safe. Art It is full of textures that increase dynamism and offer a gloomy tone perfect for this crossover that mixes horror and superheroes. Summary The advance of Blade's attack on the planet continues with little resistance from the Avengers and Marvel heroes, the key is a large-scale alliance between the entire MARVEL universe

Blue Book (2023): 1947 #1

Feb 14, 2024

Plot This comic includes two stories, the first in the main and long story that is open for several installments and the second is a short story with a single installment: BLUE BOOK 1947 written by JAMES TYNION IV with art by MICHAEL AVON OEMING and lettered by Tom Napolitano: the main story tells of the sighting of some strange and shiny objects by pilot Kenneth Arnorld in 1947, who was searching for the site where an aircraft crashed in Mount Rainer in Washington DC in the USA. These luminous bodies had a flight pattern similar to that of a "disc jumping over water", when viewed in detail they looked like aircraft in a formation of geese. Then these aircraft disappeared at full speed. From this event arises the famous definition "Flying Saucer". Arnold landed and reported this to other pilots in the area who advised him to hide it. Arnold, not satisfied, went to the local press and his story was so convincing that it was published in the Chivago Tribune. From that moment on, Arnold was interviewed by several media outlets and received Letters from women from Percoas stating that they saw the same thing that same day in that same place. The F.B.I contacted Arnold and all the witnesses, determining that the same narrative exists. Arnold initially thought they were Soviet aircraft because the Cold War was beginning and the arms race was booming, but then many people's version turned to ships from another planet. The narrative of this story is hypnotizing, it captures you panel by panel with a feeling of reading/watching a documentary. The art uses blue and black tone and color palette, which, aided by excellent body language, explains how events occur, providing a veil of mystery and suspense. TRUE WEIRD “THE DUNGARVON WHOOPER” by Zac Thompson, Gavin Fullerton and Aditya Bidikar: It is based on the mysterious case of the loggers of Brunswick, Canada in 1894, when one of the loggers murdered another and everyone began to experience ghostly visions.

Blue Book (2023): 1947 #2

Mar 17, 2024

Plot This comic includes two stories, the first in the main and long story that is open for several installments and the second is a short story with a single installment: BLUE BOOK 1947 written by JAMES TYNION IV with art by MICHAEL AVON OEMING and lettered by Tom Napolitano: this chapter narrates the well-known sighting of Captain Emil J Smith and Ralf Stevens on United Airlines plane 105 en route from Idaho to Oregon in the USA. In the USA in 1947, they saw several flying saucers following a large one. Smith contacted the press and then met with Kenneth Arnold, who a few months ago became known for a sighting, Arnold felt relative calm knowing that he was not the only one who saw these phenomena. In search of verifying the veracity of everything, Arnols interviewed Harold Dahl, one of those who experienced a UFO phenomenon on the High Seas, near Maury Island, USA with other people, when a saucer belonging to a group dropped on them. pieces of volcanic lava, injuring several and killing a dog. At some point Dahl claimed that he was contacted by a mysterious man dressed in a black suit who recommended that he stop talking about the subject of Maury Island, then over time this supposed visit ignited the conspiracy of the existence of the Men in Black who belonged to the government. of the United States and were part of a conspiracy to hide the UFO phenomenon. Arnold, after several interviews, began to doubt what Dahl was saying, until he found a person who experienced the same thing and who had volcanic ash fall on him. This installment is full of interesting revelations and historical facts about UFOLOGY that capture you panel by panel with a sensation of reading/watching a documentary. The art uses blue and black tone and color palette, which, aided by excellent body language, explains how events occur, providing a veil of mystery and suspense. Rating 5 out of 5 TRUE WEIRD “TRUE WEIRD THE MONKEY MAN OF DELHI!” by Aditya Bidikar and Anand RK: It is based on the mysterious case of the Monkey Man in India who carried out numerous attacks on many people but was never photographed or presented any proof of his existence in 2001. The art is all black and white which It offers a gloomy touch. Rating 4 out of 5

Blue Book (2023): 1947 #3

Apr 17, 2024

Plot This comic includes two stories, the first in the main and long story that is open for several installments and the second is a short story with a single installment: BLUE BOOK 1947 written by JAMES TYNION IV with art by MICHAEL AVON OEMING and lettered by Tom Napolitano: Captain Emil J Smith and Kenneth Arnold began to find out other alleged sightings, to their disappointment, it was nothing more than lies from other people to become famous, however both continued in their search and met with Government security agents to express their concern, however his story was beginning to lose validity, until something happens in Roswell New Mexico, USA on June 14, 1947. WW Mac Brazel and his son found some unknown debris and pieces of metal on their ranch, which started other rumors that an extraterrestrial ship crashed in that area, the best-known case that once again unleashed a hysteria that the government itself investigated. , all at a time when the Cold War was beginning to shake the world in paranoia. This comic narrates many events and highlights the government's interest in investigating them. This installment is full of interesting revelations and historical data about UFOLOGY that captivate you panel by panel with a feeling of reading/watching a documentary. The art uses blue and black tone and color palette, which, aided by excellent body language, explains how events occur, providing a veil of mystery and suspense. Rating 5 out of 5 TRUE WEIRD “COME ALONG. . . TO CLINTON ROAD!” by Chris Condon, Jacob Philips and Aditya Bidikar: A group of young people tell legends related to Clinton Road just as they travel it, a road that many claim is haunted, where all kinds of strange events have occurred...and they get a dose of it mysterious place. Rating 5 out of 5

Blue Book (2023): 1947 #4

May 24, 2024

Plot This comic includes two stories, the first in the main and long story that is open for several installments and the second is a short story with a single installment: BLUE BOOK 1947 written by JAMES TYNION IV with art by MICHAEL AVON OEMING and lettered by Tom Napolitano: This chapter continues to narrate how the UFO cult had several high moments from 1950 to 1995, with moments of silence, where many of the isolations and Proof of the existence of extraterrestrials is only hoaxes by scammers. From alleged ship metals to the infamous autopsy of an Alien. The creation of MUFON, a society of civilians who investigate sightings, but without scientific basis. Since the sighting of Kenneth Arnold in 1947, the frenzy of conspiracy theories has never stopped, Roswell-New Mexico in the United States has become a tourist city dedicated to UFOs and extraterrestrials. The alleged fall of an extraterrestrial ship at this site is explained after many years as a US government project to use spy technology on Russia with hot air balloons, something that was confirmed. Apparently all this UFO madness has served to direct attention elsewhere. Conspiracy theories have abounded for more than 70 years, where the US Government created Project Blue Book to analyze this information and continue using it as a smokescreen. The best theory in this comic is that the Aliens were created by Joseph Mengele, the sadistic Nazi pseudo-scientist who survived World War II and created abnormal beings with children and sent them in unmanned ships to crash in the United States and create paranoia. This penultimate chapter includes a lot of information and historical data narrated in such an attractive rhythm that it gives the feeling of reading/watching a documentary. The art uses blue and black tone and color palette, which, aided by excellent body language, explains how events occur, providing a veil of mystery and suspense. Rating 5 out of 5 TRUE WEIRD “50 BERKELEY SQUARE” by John Harris Dunning, John J. Pearson and Aditya Bidikar: this short film tells the mysterious address in London where there is a building with a supernatural being that has caused suicides or our snapshots. Rating 4 out of 5

Cable (2024) #1

Jan 19, 2024

Plot Cable is on the trail of his young version Nathan, who was imprisoned by the Orchis Program that is protected by the Stark Sentinels, this sequence is great and exciting where Cable uses his artificial intelligence called Belle (who appears as a screen on his man , a magnificent touch of genius) and is at the top of his techno-organic and telekinetic abilities. Nathan worries Orchis will catch them again. Cable rescues Nathan but discovers mysterious graffiti in the city that mentions the arrival of NEOCRACY, an organization that began as a pharmaceutical company but in other realities has managed to eliminate mutants by modifying DNA and thus creating a tyrannical society. Although Nathan does not see the danger of Neocracy, since in the different eras that he has lived he has not encountered it, Cable has had to escape from epics of time. Searching for the graffiti clue, they discover that he was paid by the pharmaceutical company Parvenu, one that in no era of time was related to Neocracy, but something or someone modified the past for this to occur as a slowly orchestrated plan. Upon entering Parvenu they encounter Neocracy technology, which are like cyborgs made of a pink fluid, the leader of the operation is the villain GREY GARGOYLE! Exciting start to a new saga, full of mystery, action and time travel, where a new threat to mutants is made known. Art It has textures and many details that offer a high level of quality, where all the sequences that involve technology are hypnotizing, it is a fresh comic in its art. Summary Cable and Nathan face a plot to eliminate the mutant race that is known only to Cable and has already infiltrated our era. Great start to a new saga that doesn't require reading previous comics to stay up to date.

Canary (2023) #3

Mar 2, 2024

Plot Will, Mabel and Dr Edwards try to stop the attack of the monster that Thomas became after returning from the cave, it is a difficult fight, this monster is horrible and its skeleton is adjusted to kill and dodge bullets. Pay attention to what the monster has in its chest. Wovoka and his tribe are going to exploit the Old Canary mine, because they know that what goes in comes out transformed and that way they can infect everyone. Edwards is kidnapped and taken to the mine, Will and Mabel go to rescue him before it explodes. A person known to Mabel appears in the mine and explains that this place is a portal to hell, that you only have to dig to a depth of 1018. There are 6 other locations in the world with this characteristic. The comic narrates the tragedy that Will's family suffered a few years ago, painful and shocking, which makes him make a powerful decision. This comic is intense, hypnotizing, mixing the genres of western and detective noir, with touches of supernatural horror that will give you chills. Snyder's narrative is accelerated and precise, where all the details are key, nothing is filler. Art It is magnificent, full of textures and strokes that offer dynamism in a gloomy tone supported by a spectacular color palette that exacerbates the drama of this addictive story. Each page is a work of noir art with spaghetti western and a touch of cosmic horror. Summary The truth of Old Canary is revealed, it is necessary for Will, Mabel and Dr Edwards to stop this power. Exciting and powerful closing of this story

Captain America (2023) #3

Nov 29, 2023

Plot This comic refreshes the myth of Captain America, showing more of his humanity, his flaws and his virtues. Art It is a hyperrealistic art that will leave you stunned from the first approach to Cap's eyes. Body language successfully expresses emotions and situations. Summary Cap must investigate how dangerous A.I.M's new leadership is, while Asmoday has the best emissary possible. Brilliant story that offers an interesting insight into the origin of Steve Rogers

Captain America (2023) #4

Dec 16, 2023

The dialogue in this installment is hilarious and real, the way Steve thinks and speaks feels organic, especially when he criticizes the photos on Sharon's phone or needs the help of the Doctor Strange doll that he criticized so much. This comic continues to refresh the myth of Captain America from the origins when he makes him face a supernatural power that has been in the shadows for decades. Art It is an art full of textures that increase dynamism and with control of body language that gives it a great realistic tone. Summary Captain America finally confronts The Emissary controlled by Asmoday and his pasts are chillingly connected.

Captain America (2023) #5

Jan 3, 2024

Plot This comic continues with two parallel stories: -Steve Rogers awkwardly interviews the "doll" of Doctor Strange to ask him the origin of THE EMISSARY's power, Stephen uses the doll as a magic telephone and while fighting elsewhere, investigates the symbol that The Emissary wears on his chest and confirms that ASMODAY is the demon of Wrath that concentrates on creating fear in the world to control it, as he tried with the Nazi party in 1938. Stephen clarifies to Steve that Asmoday is too powerful that if he wanted him he would turn Captain America into ashes in seconds, which he didn't do because he's playing games. Doctor Strange asks Steve to keep the doll's head in his belt so he can have time to figure out how to defeat the demon. The interaction and dialogue of the Doctor Strange doll are hilarious. Mitsy Knight locates The Emissary and he traps Steve for a final battle. -The second story continues to show how the ASMODAY plan dates back to 1939 when Mr. Mueller notifies Steve of the plan of Baron Zemo and Baron Strucker and Steve manages to notify Mr. Lansky, because this self-attack on the Nazi party in the United States could change the course of history. The two timelines are linked by the presence of the demon Asmoday. This comic prepares us for a battle between Captain America and Asmoday where there will be shocking revelations of Steve's origin. This comic gets better with each installment. Art It is full of textures that increase dynamism and with body language control that gives it a great realistic tone. Summary Captain America asks for help from Doctor "Doll" Strange to understand the powers of The Emissary before many are hurt

Captain America (2023) #6

Feb 8, 2024

Plot This comic continues with two parallel stories that close this first story arc: -Steve Rogers faces off with THE EMISSARY, Steve hopes that Stephen Strange will send him a weapon so he can fight the power of Asmoday through Emissary, this battle occurs while Mitsy Knight tries to enter the building where they both fight to save others who also they are trapped. These people are dangerous for Asmoday because she considers them AGENTS OF CHANGE, like Steve Rogers, not because he is Captain America, but because he stopped a Nazi attack in 1940 like the weak and brave Steve. Doctor Strange sent Cap the Eye of Agamotto, which joins his shield and is the weapon that weakens Asmoday and eliminates him. Steve begins to sense that Asmoday already knew him from the past. -The second story tells how Steve Rogers, Mr. Lansky manage to stop the cannon with a bomb that was aimed at destroying a Nazi party convention in the United States, a plan designed by Baron Zemo and Baron Strucker to make people believe that the Nazis without victims, at this moment Asmoday sees how Steve manages to take the truck away from everyone and does not kill him because after this event Steve was so affected by his health that he only had five years left to live in 1940... but the super soldier serum I arrived later. The two timelines are linked by the presence of the demon Asmoday as agent of chaos. This first story arc closes with action, misery and a new threat to Steve's community, where Nazi intolerance and racism returns. Art It is full of textures that increase dynamism and with body language control that gives it a great realistic tone. Summary Captain America uses Doctor Strange's favorite artifact to stop Asmoday, but this battle will have consequences. Excellent closing of the first story arc.

Captain America (2023) #7

Mar 9, 2024

Plot Steve Rogers is visited by a strange woman named Lyla with magical powers who offers him an invitation to the FRONT DOOR CABARET, this place is an old and abandoned theater that brings together a certain group of exceptional people and they do a series of circus activities on a mutant scale. Exceptional means Agents of Change, the same definition by which Asmoday wanted to eliminate Steve in 1940. But Steve is actually invited to stop a threat from another world, this theater is a portal to Pale City, a place that was a paradise but the deaths of the Holocaust affected him deeply and he became a protector who went crazy with pain and was Asmoday's right hand man. Since Cap destroyed Asmoday, now Pale City is going to try to go through the portal and attack our world, Lyla asks Steve for help to stop this invasion. This second story arc begins with action, suspense and supernatural horror, as Captain America faces off against supernatural forces. Art Carlos Magno offers his art full of details and organic where each panel is impressive as it offers a great balance between reality and fantasy. Summary Captain America must stop a new threat after he defeated Asmoday, a new responsibility outside of our world.

Captain America (2023) #8

Apr 3, 2024

Plot Steve Rogers and Lyla fight for days against the demon Death's army of banshees. With amazing battle sequences. Steve fights marveling at Lyra's energy, she represents life with her light. Finally, Lyra's brother, Death, appears, who tries to deceive Steve with his lies and wounds his arm, but they both manage to stop this threat and the Front Door Cabaret portal. Steve's mission is to find four defenders of this portal. This second story arc continues with a paranormal story that seems to overcome Steve's physical abilities, but not his heart. This comic closes abruptly, even though the story continues. Art Carlos Magno offers his art full of details and organic where each panel is impressive as it offers a great balance between reality and fantasy. Summary Captain America and Lyra face a powerful enemy but the love of life is the key to victory

Captain America (2023) #9

May 8, 2024

Plot Lyra gives Steve Rogers a list of possible candidates to protect the Front Door Cabaret, the first is named Carlos Alvarex Garcia and is trapped in South America because his power messed with a tyrannical government. Along the way Steve finds a penguin in the desert...mysterious and it seems to be waiting for him. Carlos calls himself SKINZ, his power consists of releasing a toxin that allows him to separate his skin and release toxins that make him regenerate and create new skin that in turn serves to shed himself, it is an impressive power. Captain America and Skinz fight together in an amazing action sequence! This second story arc continues with a paranormal story that seems to surpass Steve's physical abilities, so he needs a team with powers to match the situation. Art It is a hyperrealistic art that will leave you stunned. Body language successfully expresses emotions and situations. Summary Steve recruits Skinz, a powerful mutant perfect for Lyra's army.

Capwolf & the Howling Commandos (2023) #2

Nov 16, 2023

Capwolf is now the leader of the Howling Commandos and prepares an offensive to stop the Nazis' plan to create an army of Werewolves! It is very real, full of great details that deserve to be read carefully, it uses a perfect gloomy tone to give context to this war story of supernatural horror.

Capwolf & the Howling Commandos (2023) #3

Dec 26, 2023

Plot Captain America, transformed into a Werewolf, launches an attack supported by the Howling Commandos and the mysterious Francine, on the Nazi base in WOLFSSCHANZE, where the sorceress and werewolf Ros transforms the soldiers into Werewolves. Capwolf faces an army of Werewolves and defeats them, only to be attacked by Ros herself. The Howling Commandos on the other hand face another army of Werewolves and Francine takes a risky move to win. Mystery, terror and a lot of action in an addictive and dizzying narrative pace where we see a vulnerable Captain America trying to be a hero despite being a monster. Art It is very real, full of great details that deserve to be read carefully, it uses a perfect gloomy tone to give context to this war story of supernatural horror. Summary Cap Wolf vs an army of Werewolves as the sorceress Ros reveals her secret.

Capwolf & the Howling Commandos (2023) #4

Jan 17, 2024

Plot Captain America, transformed into a Werewolf, fights to the death against Ros, who explains that his plan to help the Nazis is to create a war in the world and thus the Werewolves will be the new leaders, this fight is bloody and full of rabid slime. Meanwhile, Dun Dun Duggan and Francine search for the cure to reverse Captain America's transformation, which is a serum similar to that of the super soldier. This comic closes with emotion, blood and a lot of action this great story that leaves open the total cure of Captain America, taking advantage of the gloomy tone that created the Second World War and all its scenarios. Art It is very real, full of great details that deserve to be read carefully, it uses a perfect gloomy tone to give context to this war story of supernatural horror. Summary Cap Wolf vs Ros, a battle to the death to stop the Nazi lycanthropy pandemic. Amazing closing of a brilliant miniseries that deserves a sequel on Halloween 2024

Carnage (2023) #1

Nov 23, 2023

Torunn achieves an intense narrative, where extreme violence justifies the reasons and return of Carnage, adding Mythological touches. The is very detailed and successfully achieves bloody scenes, very visceral. Carnage is incomplete and reuniting with Cletus Kasady is now an existential need for a being who has everything

Carnage (2023) #2

Jan 2, 2024

Plot Cletus is unleashed, leaving a trail of brutal, consecutive murders, but always following a path and leaving a trail. On the other hand, Flash Thompson knows that Cletus is back and needs all the emotional support possible to embark on the hunt for him. This comic includes scenes of explicit violence (gore) that will leave you shocked. Torunn offers an accelerated and impressive narrative pace. Art He is very detailed and successfully achieves bloody scenes, very visceral. Although the amount of detail often changes from one panel to another. Summary Carnage is complete and Cletus Kasady's bloodlust is Carnage's vice

Carnage (2023) #3

Feb 1, 2024

Plot The newly cloned Cletus meets his real counterpart who has antivenom antibodies in his blood, this is taken advantage of by the new Carnage and devours his brain to have all the information possible. On the other hand, Flash Thompson follows the trail of Carnage's murders, no one believes him, but he discovers a new victim. This comic includes scenes of explicit violence (gore) that will leave you shocked. Torunn offers a fast-paced and impactful narrative pace. Art He is very detailed and successfully achieves bloody scenes, very visceral. Although he often changes the amount of detail from one panel to another. Summary Carnage looks for the original Cletus Kasady to create a perfect version

Carnage (2023) #4

Mar 2, 2024

Plot Flash Thompson gets Cletus and witnesses his evil, but in reality it is all a plan by Carnage, who reveals that he poisoned Rose, Flash's mother, so Antivenom runs to save her using his antigen. Just outside the fgeritrioc Antivenom and Carnage fight and Flash inadvertently reveals to Cletus that Dylan is Venom. Flash became confident and began to use his antigen against Carnage but Carnage reveals that he now has cosmic powers due to Knull's knowledge and traps Flash in a place outside our world. Carnage now goes after Dylan, here begins the Venom and Carnage micro event called SYMBIOSIS NECROSIS. Torunn offers a dizzying and impressive narrative pace, it is possibly the most accelerated and violent chapter of this entire saga. Art He is very detailed and successfully achieves bloody scenes, very visceral. Although the amount of detail often changes from one panel to another. Summary Carnage vs Antivenom, in a battle that will have a cosmic twist and the beginning of a bloody event

Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter #3

Apr 10, 2024

Plot This saga presents three parallel stories whose connection point is Jerri: 1.- Jerri continues with her program as Count Crowley while she goes to talk to the police to testify information about her dead friend Steven from the monster hunter Barnes, she finds out that Vincent is sick and contacted him to ask him for information about him. mysterious being that kidnaps children. Vincent knows her name is Boonville Spook, and tells him that she is a girl traumatized by the death of her brother one Halloween night and that she became a child killer for more than 20 years. 2.- In Kansas City the mysterious Doctor Iron continues creating zombie prostitutes, since his formula is perfect and he is creating an army. 3.- A new story develops when the Vampire who is behind Jerri and wants to buy the station where he already worked arrives to attack and eliminate her for what she did in the previous volume of the saga (read COUNT CROWLEY AMATEUR MIDNIGHT MONSTER HUNTER) The story continues to increase tension and mystery in this penultimate chapter. Art The details and colors of this delivery elevate the classic vintage tone to another level of excellence. It has a texture that feels like it was colored with chalk, very interesting and original that manages to capture the tone of the 1980s. Summary Jerri is dedicated to solving the children's disappearances, but more of her threats come knocking at her door to make her life difficult. Exciting and tense penultimate chapter of this volume, with an ending that will take your breath away.

Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter #4

May 29, 2024

Plot Jerri is visited by this vampire who spares her life but offers her an alliance since she is now a member of the Honorable Appointed, who are both going to help each other, he explains to her how to talk to the dead. Jerri goes to the cemetery and invokes through a spell book ritual and wakes up Boonville Spook's dead brother, her crazy sister at that moment and she curses him for everything leaving him to be burned alive, she becomes a real monster and gets lost in the forest. But she will no longer continue disfiguring children. Vincent escapes from the nursing home to stop Richard's former apprentice, only to discover him doing black magic... Vincent is not going to be spared from this encounter. Jerri's vampire ally arrives in Kansas City where the mysterious Doctor Iron's zombie prostitutes escape and murder the person he hired them for. Jimmy declares his love for Jerri and is now the light of optimism in Jerri's dark life. The story closes with a lot of mystery and opens for another impressive volume. Art The details and colors of this delivery elevate the classic vintage tone to another level of excellence. It has a texture that feels like it was colored with chalk, very interesting and original that manages to capture the tone of the 1980s. Summary Jerri makes a key alliance that will help her learn more about being a monster slayer, because Vincent won't last forever.

Daredevil (2023) #3

Nov 16, 2023

Matt Murdock discovers a dangerous criminal organization in the hands of a psychopath while trying to discover what's wrong with Ben Urich. The art with a lot of lighting that allows everything to be detailed, it is meticulous and very dynamic, the design of the demon is perfect and original.

Daredevil (2023) #4

Dec 7, 2023

Exciting chapter with an intense and exciting narrative rhythm. Art It is an art full of textures that elevate the details, where the dynamism of the Daredevil fights are exciting, added to the tone of terror that covers everything. Summary Daredevil is on the trail of Bullseye, who is about to carry out a key murder for the group The Heat to control Hell's Kitchen.

Daredevil (2023) #5

Jan 19, 2024

Plot Father Matthew is surprisingly visited by She-Hulk, who recognizes him and knows that he is Daredevil, and invites him to a fun afternoon of lunch and lots of food, an uncontrolled gluttony where Matthew tastes something but She-Hulk devours kilos of food. She tries to tell Matt that there is someone using private detectives to give Matt a bad reputation, but she doesn't finish explaining who he is. When they go to eat dessert, something excessive after so much food, the street is closed because the villain Hyde is looting a laboratory, suddenly She-hulk loses control and destroys the police patrols...she is possessed by the Demon of Gluttony, who takes advantage of her love for food. Matt improvises a very street-level Daredevil uniform, paying tribute to his origins. She-Hulk, in her outburst of anger, knocks out Hyde and Matt performs an exorcism on him that expels the Demon of Gluttony, at that moment Doctor Strange appears... Exciting chapter of a saga that shakes the foundations of Daredevil's origins but at the same time offers an easy-to-familiar status quo, when his priest skills are key to stopping this attack by the seven demons linked to the deadly sins. Art It is magnificent, full of details and textures with great touches of realism that offer the tone of street crime with superheroes in perfect balance adding great supernatural elements. The anatomy of the characters is great. Summary Daredevil faces the Demons of the Seven Deadly Sins, where all of his allies are at risk of being possessed, in this case She-Hulk falls into gluttony.

Daredevil (2023) #6

Feb 21, 2024

Plot Doctor Strange explains to Father Matthew that these demons that have possessed his friends came to our world after Matt when he returned from the dead, until now he has only faced the demons of envy, laziness and gluttony. So Doctor Strange shows him a door to hell to confront this being that keeps sending him demons. In this astral plane he faces that demon that shows him a dark version of Daredevil, when fighting with him he awakens with his new White uniform (epic) and begins the search for the other demons that are strengthened by the deadly sins, in this search discovers that Wolverine beat him to it. Interesting chapter but somewhat confusing and leaves open many doubts. Art It is magnificent, full of details and textures with great touches of realism that offer the tone of street crime with superheroes in perfect balance adding great supernatural elements. The anatomy of the characters is great. Summary Daredevil follows the trail of the demons that he brought into our world by accident, to achieve this he debuts a new uniform.

Daredevil (2023) #7

Mar 27, 2024

Plot Daredevil meets Wolverine in a bar, a typical place where Logan takes his breaks, but discovers that he is possessed by a demon bull and without wasting time begins a cruel, intense and bloody fight where Daredevil faces a more ruthless and limitless Wolverine. Each demon that has been attacking Daredevil takes the opportunity to possess his allies, each demon represents a capital sin with which Father Matthew/Daredevil constantly fights, when he discovers what it is, there is a way to defeat them and be clear that he must accept what represent in your life. With Wolverine he thinks he is the sin demon of WRATH, but then discovers that he is the LUST demon of violence and revenge. Daredevil is a priest so he performs an act of exorcism on Wolverine using a river in Hell's Kitchen, since there is no other way to stop a Wolverine without any type of control or respect for life. Daredevil only has to face three demons, Greed, Pride and Wrath, in order to stop this attack from hell. Magnificent delivery full of action, blood and a very erotic closing. Art It is magnificent, full of details and textures with great touches of realism that offer the tone of street crime with superheroes in perfect balance adding great supernatural elements. The anatomy of the characters is great. Summary Daredevil vs Wolverine! It is a fight where violence is the only way of communication

Daredevil (2023) #8

Apr 25, 2024

Plot This comic includes several short stories from different creative teams: INTRODUCTORY RITES by SALADIN AHMED, AARON KUDER and JESUS ABURTOV: Daredevil and Elektra confront Bullseye who has a shocking revelation in storeRating 5/5 LOST AND FOUND by SALADIN AHMED, TOMMASO BIANCHI and JESUS ABURTOV: show Elektra as the Woman Without Fear. Rating 4/5 TURK TAKES A BATH by ANN NOCENTI, STEFANO RAFFAELE and DEE CUNNIFFE: Daredevil follows the trail of a criminal in a Turkish bath.Rating 4/5 NOT ON THE SIDELINES by ERICA SCHULTZ, JAN BAZALDUA and CECI DE LA CRUZ: Alice follows in the dangerous footsteps of ElektraRating 4.5/5 BLIND LEADING THE BLIND by ELSA SJUNNESON, ERIC KODA and CECI DE LA CRUZ: Daredevil inspires young people with disabilities similar to his to move forward.Rating 4/5 HURTS SO GOOD by D.G. CHICHESTER, KEN LASHLEY and JUAN FERNANDEZ: Punisher vs. Daredevil with his Black Armor on him, an action-packed story from the 1990s.Rating 4/5 There's a section at the end where Ty Templeton offers his Daily Bugle jokes!

Daredevil (2023) #9

May 9, 2024

Plot Daredevil and Elektra, the Daredevils confront Bullseye who leads them into a trap like a theater show, they defeat him and ask for Kingpin, since they both have clues that this terrible enemy is going to claim Hell's Kitchen again. Matt visits Nelson (Foggy) and explains everything about his return from hell, Foggy doesn't take it well, but his partner Cole helps Matt, and confirms that the Kingpin has something in his hands. The comic closes with one of the kids at the orphanage Matt runs discovering his Daredevil costume. This installment is responsible for continuing to nourish the atmosphere of mystery and highlights the relationship between Matt and Elektra, that eternal love that once again has an obstacle. Art It is magnificent, full of details where it intelligently handles shadows, with a hypnotizing dynamism. Summary Matt and Elektra are on Kingpin's trail and not even Bullseye is going to stop them.

Daredevil: Black Armor (2023) #1

Nov 23, 2023

This comic has a shocking narrative, with no respite between action sequences and revelations, where this new uniform highlights how lethal Daredevil is. The art is detailed with exciting dynamism, elevating just how deadly Daredevil looks in this new uniform. The facial expressions are very precise. Summary Matt Murdock not only must have a new uniform for the threat Hell's Kitchen faces, he must also invent a new alias to investigate the crime from the inside.

Daredevil: Black Armor (2023) #2

Dec 26, 2023

Plot Matt Murdock reaches the depths of New York in Hell's Kitchen, to be attacked by Hobgoblin and Sabretooth, who knock him unconscious and wakes up tied next to Mole Man who tells him that Baron Von Strucker has taken his kingdom and controls the Molidas. Matt is taken to Strucker, who explains that he is making money organizing fights in arenas between supervillains and now he will do it with Daredevil, the entire audience are evil millionaires who pay for this show. Daredevil will have to fight in a ring like his father to survive. Exciting chapter that takes us in an unexpected and great direction. Art It's detailed with exciting dynamism, elevating just how deadly Daredevil looks in this new uniform. The facial expressions are very precise. Summary Matt Murdock discovers Von Stircker's plot and now it's too late to escape the trap

Daredevil: Black Armor (2023) #3

Jan 28, 2024

Plot Matt Murdock is now part of a people vs. villains fighting show for the amusement of wealthy and evil people, Matt has his first round and is defeated, but it is part of his plan to get his armor back. With the armor he faces Baron Von Strucker himself who uses a serum to increase his Mr Hyde abilities. Exciting chapter that takes us in an unexpected and great direction with lots of action and blood. Art It's detailed with exciting dynamism, elevating just how deadly Daredevil looks in this new uniform. The facial expressions are very precise. Summary Matt must escape a deadly, illegal fight club, but he must get his armor back

Daredevil: Black Armor (2023) #4

Feb 14, 2024

Plot Matt Murdock manages to recover his armor and free Mole Man who summons his Moloids and attacks all the villains controlled by Baron Von Strucker. The escape with the kidnapped victims is assisted by Iron Man. Exciting chapter that closes this adventure where Daredevil debuts an armor that gives him more self-confidence so he doesn't fear anything. Although many aspects remained unresolved. Art It's detailed with exciting dynamism, elevating just how deadly Daredevil looks in this new uniform. There are some amazing aerial sequences. Summary Matt manages to rescue all those tortured by Baron Von Strucker's macabre games. Exciting and dizzying closing of an intense miniseries.

Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII (2024) #1

May 1, 2024

Plot Wolverine answers Deadpool's call to stop a mutant with enhanced powers and by defeating him, Deadpool sends him clues about his location. But these clues are for a trap that someone is preparing that includes a kind of Superhuman Fight Club, there is someone behind all of this manipulating this situation. This comic starts with a lot of action, mystery and leaves nothing clear, yet you want to know what happens. Art It is a demonstration of the artistic level of Adam Kubert, who mixes classic art with new angles and a lot of blood and dynamism. Summary Wolverine responds to Wolverine's mysterious call, not knowing that there is someone behind this encounter.

Deadpool (2024) #1

Apr 3, 2024

Plot Deadpool and his daughter/dog/symbiote Princess are on a mission that gets complicated when they cross paths with Death Grip. At the same time he is recruited for a new job. The narrative is somewhat confusing and difficult to follow, possibly they explain everything in the next installment. Art It's very detailed and manages to highlight the outright violence and parts of Deadpool flying. Summary Deadpool encounters a new adversary with supernatural powers

Deadpool: Seven Slaughters (2023) #1

Nov 21, 2023

This special has several short stories from different creative teams in this special edition of more than 70 pages: “Possibilities” by CULLEN BUNN, PHILLIP SEVY and GURU-eFX: Wade explains to a scientist who created a multiversal device how dangerous it is by narrating his adventures in other universes.Rating 5/5 “Tuesday” by JUSTINA IRELAND, GREG LAND, JAY LEISTEN and FRANK D’ARMATA: Deadpool is hired by an Artificial Intelligence to carry out a murder. Rating 5/5 “Lady Anime” by ROB LIEFELD, CHAD BOWERS, ROMULO FAJARDO JR: Wade faces off against the fearsome Lady Anime, whose power is to transform everything into anime-style cartoons, a surreal battle is about to occur.Rating 5/5 “Walking Papers” by CODY ZIGLAR, FEDERICA MANCIN and BRYAN VALENZA: Deadpool and Domino Have a Fight Against All StatsRating 5/5 “No Spider Blues” by STEVE FOXE, GERARDO SANDOVAL and PROTOBUNKER'S DONO SÁNCHEZ-ALMARA: Deadpool has a diplomatic situation with the Limbo embassy, so he must face Madelyne Prior and Ben Reilly.Rating 4/5 “Tunnel of Love” by GAIL SIMONE, DAVID BALDEÓN and PROTOBUNKER’S DONO SÁNCHEZ-ALMARA: Deadpool faces terrors inside a mysterious cave.Rating 4/5 “Love At First Slaughter” by MARC GUGGENHEIM, WHILCE PORTACIO and ARIF PRIANTO: a romantic and bloody adventure of Deadpool and his future fiancee Sanction. Rating 4/5

Death Ratio'd (2024) #1

May 29, 2024

Plot Arnold wakes up in 2046 after being in a coma for 22 years, but what he sees with his eyes is a utopia controlled by social networks, where you have to behave, give your opinion and live as all your followers want you to do. Many likes make you have a lower status in life, but many dislikes make a necklace explode. Arnold doesn't know how to adapt to this world and his life is two dislikes away from ending, but a friend from the past shows him the other side of such a restrictive society, a community similar to the Morlocks lives by kidnapping and stealing necklaces full of likes, demonstrating that both on the surface and underground humanity lost the value of life. This one-shot comic is brilliant, direct, and chillingly honest, where the bigotry of the cancel generation reaches lethal, inhuman levels. Once again Mark Russell presents a story with a premise as real as it is relevant, which deserves all the awards. Art It is detailed and very organic, full of textures that offer a chilling dynamism and realism with a cold color palette towards blue that gives that blue radiation vibe of the screens of smart devices. Summary Arnold wakes up in a nightmare controlled by social networks and the little tolerance of a society that wants everything immediately and with just one and only vision

Doctor Strange (2023) #10

Dec 26, 2023

Plot Doctor Strange receives support from W.A.N.D, which unfocusses General Strange and allows Doctor Strange's plan to succeed. Doctor Strange uses his magic to perform an operation on General Strange's mind where he inserts part of his consciousness, which makes General Strange regain his empathy and respect for life, which is why he suffers from an attack of pain and regret. Stephen Strange is going to dedicate himself to curing General Strange because he feels that everything he did is also his sins and begins to cure him. Clea proposes to Stephen to raise her little sister and calls her Donna, after Stepehen's deceased sister, a beautiful and touching moment. Clea makes it clear to W.A.N.D. that her love for Stephen is greater than any human law, that she is a Supreme Sorceress owed only to her husband. Art It is an art full of brightness and colors that elevate the mystical and psychedelic tone to a level of styling and amazing aesthetic beauty, with sequences that offer an amazing dreamlike tone. The sequence of how Stephen performs magical surgery is impressive and brilliant. Summary Doctor Strange uses his vocation as a surgeon to help cure the evil alternate version of him. Magnificent closing to an amazing first arc.

Doctor Strange (2023) #11

Jan 3, 2024

Plot Stephen and Clea Strange babysit Clea's sister Donna once a week, taking her to the amusement park, but this place is attacked by Circus of Crime, a group of villains made up of Stefano Stiletto, Chief Beef, Gym-Nasty and led by RingMistress. They will activate a mechanism called Hypnowheel with which they will hypnotize everyone present in the park to help them steal. But Donna senses the presence of this plan and decides to stop them with her powers. Of course, she is the daughter of Umar and Tiboro, two of the most powerful Supreme Sorcerers in the multiverse. Clea, Spehen and Bats come to the aid of Donna, who saves the day and awakens in Clea and Strange the desire to be a family...but they don't know if with children. Fun installment that nourishes this saga focused on the story of this magical marriage, which must fight against powerful obstacles and seek time to love each other. Art It's full of textures with a classic tone reminiscent of 1970s pulp comics and a cool pastel color palette. Summary Doctor Strange and Clea discover that babysitting Donna is a job that requires being Sorcerers Supreme.

Doctor Strange (2023) #12

Feb 8, 2024

Plot Bats senses a strange presence in the Sanctum Sanctorum and tries to tell Stephen and Clea Strange that they should be careful, Stephen explains that nothing can enter without him sensing it because of his spells. Bats and the snake investigate and are ambushed by Victor Strange, Stephen's evil and resentful brother, who lives as a ghost in the Sanctum Sanctorum in the mirrors, there he leaves Bats and the snake and prepares to attack Stephen at any moment. . Fun installment where they show Bats' tenderness and loyalty. Art It's full of textures with a classic tone reminiscent of 1970s pulp comics and a cool pastel color palette. Summary Bats is on the trail of a bust in the Sanctum Sanctorum without the help of Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange (2023) #13

Mar 9, 2024

Plot Clea and Stephen come across a mysterious street in New York that leads to a mountain and a castle, Strange quickly recognizes that this is part of the board game and role-playing game called COBOLORUM, which during the 1980s was banned because it had enchantments. real that left its players, many children, in a catonic state. It was never known who designed this game, but Doctor Strange needs to create a team to be able to enter this kind of mirror reality and free those who are trapped in the game, this team is made up of: Sorcerer-Doctor Strange Ladrina- Black Cat Priest-Hunter's Moon Warrior-Taskmaster Clea is jealous of Strange with Black Cat, this is hilarious. It is clear that this team is dysfunctional and is not used to cooperating with each other, especially when it is revealed that the person behind the game is Baron Mordo. Art It is an art full of details with lots of lighting, highlighting the workouts and offering well-executed body language. Pascual Ferry's imprint is striking and unique. Summary Doctor Strange recruits a team to win a fantasy role-playing game in our world, a brilliant new installment of this magical and great saga

Doctor Strange (2023) #14

Apr 3, 2024

Plot Doctor Strange enters the game COBOLORUM and while facing the Dragon that symbolizes the Coloborum entity, he sends his team made up of Black Cat, Hunter's Moon and Taskmaster to take the game manual from Baron Mordo. The comic is narrated as a fantasy role-playing game, however Mordo manages to manipulate Hunter's Moon and Taskmaster, but forgets the thief...Black Cat. Taskmaster delivers the best comedy dialogue. This comic closes with all the children freed from the game, as well as Mordo locked in the Crypt of Shadows with Bats. Strange gives the manual to General Strange to help Coloborum get out of this confinement, however something terrible is about to happen... something dark takes over New York... Vampires... everything is ready for the event Blood Hunt! Art It is an art full of details with lots of lighting, highlighting the workouts and offering well-executed body language. The Pascual Ferry imprint is striking and unique. Summary Doctor Strange and his team participate in this lethal role-playing game manipulated by Baron Mordo. Exciting chapter full of sequences full of fantasy.

Doctor Strange (2023) #15

May 8, 2024

Plot This comic serves as support for the Blood Hunt event, where Doctor Strange is attacked by surprise by Blade, the new leader of the vampire cult Structure, responsible for the sky being covered by a cloud from the dark dimension and in an eternal night the Vampires They attack without mercy. Blade mortally wounds Stephen and then bites him, turning him into a vampire at his command. Clea fights Blade with all her charms, but Blade has a sword capable of breaking spells, but Clea is a warrior and Blade escapes. Clea had to separate Stephen's mind from her body to control anger, Doctor Strange's body has no mind and is controlled by Blade, at this time the Cytorak Gangs have him contained. Tygra, Hunter's Moon and Miles Morales arrive at the Sanctum Sanctorum seeking refuge, Doctor Strange in his astral mode is convinced that he must perform the DarkHold enchantment and thus eliminate all the Vampires, but Clea threatened him that if he does that then his body will die. and she doesn't care about this world without Stephen, so they both must find a way to save the world without using the Darkhold. The comic closes with the ghost of Victor Strange, Stephen Strange's evil brother, who has been hiding for some time, but has now just seen the opportunity to take over Doctor Strange's Vampire body. Amazing installment that raises the level of tension, mysteries, terror and excitement of the Blood Hunt event and continues to enhance the story of the supreme sorcerer! Art It's detailed art with lots of lighting, highlighting the workouts and offering well-executed body language, even though everything has a dreary color palette. The Pascual Ferry imprint is striking and unique. Summary Blade continues with his plan to take the planet with his Vampires and Docotor Strange was his first target, but Clea is not easy to defeat.

Doom (2024) #1

May 15, 2024

Plot Two years after Doctor Doom tried to stop Galactus using a giant armor called the Doom Titan, Valerie Richards manages to locate Doctor Doom in space, after so many years, her magic kept him alive. Valerie asks Doom to help stop Galactus, who is out of control, his objective is to destroy the universe and create a new one, he has eliminated everything in his path, especially Earth and its heroes. Galactus has acquired so much power to endlessly devour planets that he had the power to eliminate all remaining Celestials. Valerie resurrects Doom using Super Soldier Serum and Celestial's blood, she created Uru armor for him with Vibranium, a unique alloy. Doom, more powerful than ever, finally feels like a cosmic god and prepares to stop Galactus and his heralds. This comic implies that Valerie is more similar to Doom than her father Reed Richards. This comic closes with what will be the final battle, leaving the question of who won. Magnificent story that mixes all the key elements and characters of the Marvel Universe in a dystopian future, placing Doctor Doom as the last hope. Art It is full of textures, it is organic and full of details, with gloomy tones. Every page is mesmerizing. Summary Doctor Doom becomes the universe's last hope and its avenger. Excellent story that reimagines a disastrous future.

Dudley Datson and the Forever Machine #1

Apr 17, 2024

Plot Dudley is an inventor at Brooklyn Academy Engineering who wants to support his sick father, but something always happens that prevents him from focusing on his inventions. He designs intelligent clothing that allows him to modify himself as he pleases and the day it works they are attacked by some people dressed in white and Dr. Shea's pet dog, the head of the laboratory, named Daedalus, explained to Dudley that he must escape. The premise is that Daedalus, the first great inventor in history, created a society of inventors called CHYMICAL SOCIETY who live to ensure that humanity continues to invent, of course, these inventors are immortal and dress up like pets. Dudley must stop the Prometheans from stealing a watch with the key to my perpetual motion machine. Exciting story that mixes science fiction, mythology and comedy and is aimed at pet lovers, but its plot is somewhat complex. Art It is very detailed and has many bright colors that highlight the dynamism of all the sequences. Summary Dudley is about to meet a secret society of inventors who have always been close to us

Elvira Meets H.P. Lovecraft (2024) #1

Feb 21, 2024

Plot Elvira has an exciting and almost wet dream about a werewolf dressed as Elvis, where she confesses that she has always liked men with hair on their chest 😂, but is interrupted by the ghost of H.P Lovecraft, who asks her for help to stop a cosmic threat. Howard Philips Lovecraft is the late prolific writer who created the literary genre called "Cosmic Horror", in this comic he asks Elvira for help because she has extensive experience fighting demonic beings. Apparently HP Lovecraft when he died fell into a bottomless abyss and one of the Elder Gods offered him an option to get out of this eternal penance, it consists of stopping an evil force that is going to use the Necronomicon book of the dead to open the doors of the prison of R'Lyeh and free the demon monster Cthulhu. Elvira takes HP Lovecraft to where a possible copy of the Necromicon is, but in reality it was a trap for others to find the book and now the terrible evil is about to be unleashed. As David Avallone has accustomed us to, this comic features hilarious dialogue filled with self-aware, fourth-wall-breaking commentary and brilliant way to play on words, it's indeed a smart and insightful comedy. It's great to see how Elvira judges with jokes the well-known racism that characterizes this writer. Art Kewer elevates Elvira's sensuality and mischief in each of her panels and at the same time creates an atmosphere of shocking mystery and terror by successfully using HP Lovecraft's universe of beings but maintaining Elvira's irreverent comedy through body language. Summary HP Lovecraft asks Elvira for help thanks to her reputation that precedes her, but he is not prepared to deal with the unique and mischievous charm of the Mistress of The Dark

Elvira Meets H.P. Lovecraft (2024) #2

Mar 23, 2024

Plot Elvira and the ghost of H.P Lovecraft arrive at the Miskatonic University bookstore in Massachusetts where Lovecarft taught and knows of the existence of an original copy of the Necronomicon, which she needs to recover to stop whoever wants to open the doors of the prison of R'Lyeh and free the monster demon Cthulhu. In this place they meet the mysterious librarian Allison Peaslee who turns out to be the descendant of Whateley and is now a witch who needs to use the Necronomicon to bring back Yog Sothoth, but Lovecraft cannot use the book to help her because it is false. Elvira gives the book to the clumsy members of the Sons of Nyarlathotep cult. Howard Philips Lovecraft knows who may have the original of the Necronomicon, the mysterious October Grendel. This installment is full of puns and jokes with references to pop culture and Lovecraft's literature, but it doesn't reveal much yet about who is behind the plot to bring Cthulhu. Art Kewer elevates Elvira's sensuality and mischief in each of her panels and at the same time creates an atmosphere of shocking mystery and terror by successfully using HP Lovecraft's universe of beings but maintaining Elvira's irreverent comedy through body language. Summary Elvira and HP Lovecraft are on the trail to obtain the original Necronomicon, but this book is coveted by all those who play with black magic.

Elvira Meets H.P. Lovecraft (2024) #3

Apr 17, 2024

Plot Elvira and the ghost of H.P Lovecraft arrive at the mansion of October Grendel, who according to H.P. He took his manuscripts and made profits from him for decades. This person has the original of the Necronomicon. Elvira and Lovecrat try to convince him to lend it to them to stop whoever has been behind the book, the terrible demon NYARLATHOTEP. Elvira is upset with HP Lovecraft because she had hidden information, she senses that she is being manipulated, Grendel gives them the book and HP manages to cast a spell and traps NYARLATHOTEP in the Necronomicon. But in reality what HP Lovecraft wants is to become a god and control the world with this book, but Elvira is faster and escapes towards the portal to Dreamland, which although it seems like a beautiful place has a creepy fauna. Excellence delivers with a plot twist, where Elvira doesn't miss the opportunity to tell double meaning jokes and lots of Lovecraftian references. Art Kewer elevates Elvira's sensuality and mischief in each of her panels and at the same time creates an atmosphere of shocking mystery and terror by successfully using HP Lovecraft's universe of beings but maintaining Elvira's irreverent comedy through body language. Summary Elvira and HP Lovecraft finally obtain the original Necronomicon, but Lovecraft hides his true intentions.

Elvira Meets H.P. Lovecraft (2024) #4

May 24, 2024

Plot Elvira arrives in Dreamland with the Necronomicon, escaping H.P Lovecraft's plan to become a god. In Dreamland Elvira encounters a series of mysterious beings who take her to the sorcerer Bob Bloch (Psycho), who in our world was an acclaimed horror and science fiction writer and pupil of HP Lovecraft. Bob tells her that to solve this cosmic problem, she must give the book to this god who passed it on to Lovecraft. Just when Elvira is going to deliver the book, H.P Lovecraft arrives, to learn that they must be judged by Cthulhu himself. This chapter has a lot of dialogue, so you are going to laugh a lot because of the amount of jokes and puns Elvira makes. Art Kewer elevates Elvira's sensuality and mischief in each of her panels and at the same time creates an atmosphere of shocking mystery and terror by successfully using HP Lovecraft's universe of beings but maintaining Elvira's irreverent comedy through the body language of she. Summary Elvira must end HP Lovecraft's mission, with or without his help

Fantastic Four (2022) #13

Nov 21, 2023

The Bens of both universes use their most powerful weapon against Doctor Doom, sarcasm. The art is magnificent, full of details, very illuminated where it manages to merge the dinosaurs with the Marvel Universe with total fluidity.

Fantastic Four (2022) #14

Dec 7, 2023

The Fantastic Four wait seconds for the arrival of their children...but nothing happens...the next installment will be revealing. Art It is organic with many textures that enhance the details and gives it an interesting and practical tone. Summary The Fantastic Four face off against social networks to be able to welcome their children. Interesting episode

Fantastic Four (2022) #15

Jan 3, 2024

Plot The closure of this first arc is unexpected and extends what was thought to have concluded in #14, therefore it is disconcerting and unnecessary. Art It is organic with many textures that enhance the details and gives it an interesting and practical tone. Summary The Fantastic Four face off against Metamind in a story that examines existential themes

Fire and Ice (2023) #2

Dec 7, 2023

Exciting episode with a dizzying narrative full of betrayals and politics. Art Leonardo achieves a neat art full of details, where he manages to balance the lethal sensuality of women and the excessive ferocity of that era of barbarians, with an art that at times offers respectful tributes to Frazetta and refreshes them. Summary Darkwolf finds his way into the middle of a war, as the Kingdom of Ice begins its war against the Kingdom of Fire. This story shows a reflection of the violent geopolitical changes in history

G.O.D.S. (2023) #3

Dec 26, 2023

Plot Doctor Strange and Wyn reveal to Aiko and Dr Saint-Maur Cercle that who is behind the Cusbik Core, apparently related to the lord of chaos, Inbetweener, but Strange perceives that a being called Amelia who is the reincarnation of Kassandra is for murdering the god Oblivion...who was having a revealing conversation with Dimitri. The death of Oblivion seems to be the beginning of the BABYLON EVENT This comic slows down the accelerated narrative pace a lot to focus on showing too much or too much information about this overwhelming universe. Art It is an art full of details that are elevated to another level of quality with different textures, where they show a universe of places, beings, designs that are as overwhelming as they are amazing. Summary An attack on a god is unexpected by Wyn and Doctor Strange that will unleash chaos among the gods.

G.O.D.S. (2023) #4

Jan 28, 2024

Plot Doctor Strange and Wyn face off against Oblivion, a being created by Inbetweener through Robert Forson, an A.I.M scientist who was recruited for this purpose as a child. Donctor Strange and Wyn manage to stop the threat of Oblivion and discover where Robert was trained, in a kind of cube that is a door to other dimensions created by the Inbetweener. Stopping Oblivion managed to momentarily stop the BABYLON EVENT that everyone fears. Wyn meets Mia the new member of TNOOT trained by Aiko and Dr Saint-Maur Cercle, Wyn discovers that Mia actually has magical abilities and that she was recruited as a trap. Wyn and Doctor Strange work very well as a team. With new revelations and more action, this installment continues to delve into this complex and attractive new universe of characters. Art Full of details that are elevated to another level of quality with different textures, where they show a universe of places, beings, designs that are as overwhelming as they are amazing. Summary Wyn and Doctor Strange are on the trail of the mysterious Inbetweener pal that has been brewing for years with A.I.M.

G.O.D.S. (2023) #5

Feb 24, 2024

Plot Wyn asks Mia for help in locating Dimitri, who disappeared upon entering a Mystery Clinic. In this place the nurses recruit men who have a relationship with magic and activate a magical element that makes these men channels that transmit a message from an unknown being, each man reveals a letter. Dimitri is trapped in this place due to carelessness. This clinic is spooky and mixes technology with magic in a balance of Lovecraftian cosmic terror. Mia manages to convince the head nurse to return Dimitri to her, for that she uses a mixture of magical powers with scientists from the two reality factions TNOOT and TPTB. Mia discovers that although she has magical abilities she can never be part of the TPTB because her destiny was marked by TNOOT and Aiko. This series becomes an addiction, each installment continues to delve into this complex magical and scientific universe that surprises with amazing creative revelations. Art Full of details that are elevated to another level of quality with different textures, where they show a universe of places, beings, designs that are as overwhelming as they are amazing. Summary Wyn and Mia join forces to rescue Dimitri in a mysterious and deadly clinic

G.O.D.S. (2023) #6

Mar 27, 2024

To summarize, this comic establishes two groups of beings who are governed by their god, who behave like police organizations in their respective fields: THE-POWERS-THAT-BE (The powers that are/that define us): this group of beings ensure the correct magical balance of our world, that is, their powers are based on magic. We will call it TPTB. Allies in the Marvel Universe: Doctor Strange, Clea Strange, Voodoo, Wong. Members Wyn, Dimitri THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS: This group is responsible for keeping at bay any threat that is governed by logic, physics, that is, science. We will call it TNOOT. Allies in the Marvel Universe: Reed Richards, Black Panther. Member Aiko. Plot Aiko asks The Wolf for help to take her to The Living Tribunal because she feels guilty for having turned Mia away in THE-NATURAL-ORDER-OF-THINGS/TNOOT, cutting off her magical opportunity and thus her future can never be linked to THE -POWERS-THAT-BE/TPTB. Aiko had to make key decisions to be able to have her interview, which included important sacrifices, but the decisive one was losing her eyes. Wyn hates that they treated her like this and wants her to teach a lesson to the Gods who punish them mercilessly but never assume the consequences of her actions. This comic shows a different version of mythology, with touches of intense and raw science fiction and fantasy, this journey of Aiko is shocking, this new version of The Living Tribunal is very fresh and chilling. Reading this comic, even though it is complex at times, ends up being a delight and attracts more and more. Art Full of details that are elevated to another level of quality with different textures, where they show a universe of places, beings, designs that are as overwhelming as they are amazing. Summary Aiko seeks to be tried by The Living Tribunal and the sanctions applied to her are harsh and disproportionate, Wyn does not accept these types of punishments that continue to go unpunished.

G.O.D.S. (2023) #7

Apr 25, 2024

Plot Dimitri was a child who was born at the Cosmodrome in Russia, his parents were the crew of their Vostok 7 ship that disappeared with a noise. Dimitri has spent his entire life trying to discover what happened, even though he is an envoy from TNOOT, he also needs the help of TPTB to be able to solve this mysteries that contain science and magic. His final clue connects with his friend and he asks Doctor Strange to help him. Dimitri manages to activate a portal with the last sound his parents transmitted, he manages to reach her fading mother before telling her that she must rescue her father. After two months Wyn arrives at the place where Dimitri opened the portal, where the computer explains to him that Diitri never returned. This series continues to surprise with this story that expands the Marvel universe in all its dimensions. Art Full of details that are elevated to another level of quality with different textures, where they show a universe of places, beings, designs that are as overwhelming as they are amazing. Summary Dimitri's painful story impacts and explains much of his desire to solve problems

Geiger: Ground Zero #1

Nov 18, 2023

The painful origin of Geiger as well as the entire Ghost Machine universe begins in this series that balances terror with nuclear paranoia. This first installment narrates the tragic origin of this very interesting antihero, this is the comic you should read because it is just the tip of the radioactive iceberg. Gary Frank and Brad Anderson achieve the perfect balance between two opposite tones, gloomy with radiant, where the details are so many that it deserves to be read carefully.

Geiger (2024) #1

Apr 3, 2024

Plot Geiger wanders through the radioactive desert of Nevada with his dog Barney implementing justice where it is needed, where his powers seem unstoppable and he uses them with extreme skill. Geiger is pursued by the Army and Nate, the henchman of the King of Vegas who now seeks redemption and offers Geiger an opportunity he can't refuse. Geiger new volume brings a mix of Spaghetti Western and dystopian scifi future elements, where Geiger is a lethal hand-to-hand combat fighter with efficient radioactive power. The action sequences are fantastic, a visual and narrative delight. Johns' narrative rhythm excites and takes you into the dangers of this world, where just breathing can be lethal. Art Gary Frank and Brad Anderson achieve the perfect balance of highly detailed and organic art with light colors that hide nothing. It's a mesmerizing art. Summary Geiger achieves a new purpose in life in this radioactive valley while he is wanted by the government. Exciting start of a new saga

Geiger (2024) #2

May 10, 2024

Plot Geiger and Nate the Former Nuclear Knight follow the trail of a person who, like him, was cured of the same radioactive condition as Tariq Geiger. They arrive at a town where the mayor makes a deal, he gives them the name of this person who will be cured of radioactivity if Geiger catches the Masked Raider thief. Geiger seems to have a problem with controlling the radioactivity of him. The dialogues between Nate and Geiger are hilarious, Nate won't stop talking and saying stupid things and experiences without anyone asking him to tell them and Geiger just wants silence. Tariq and Nate find the whereabouts of Masked Raider and get a surprise. Tariq is pursued by the government, he is getting closer and closer to catching him. Geiger continues cooking a mix of elements of Spaghetti Western and dystopian future with bounty hunters. The action sequences are fantastic, a visual and narrative delight. Art Gary Frank and Brad Anderson achieve the perfect balance of highly detailed and organic art with light colors that hide nothing. Every panel on every page is mesmerizing. Rob Leigh's lettering is an explosion of onomatopoeic adrenaline. Summary Geiger and Nate get closer to finding the mysterious person who was cured of radioactivity, but not before doing a good deed.

Get Fury (2024) #1

May 1, 2024

Plot Frank Castle was already a soldier feared for his tenacity and efficiency, also for his lack of respect for authority. We are in the Vietnam War in 1971 and his new mission is to eliminate an elite soldier for being a prisoner of war. Frank Castle is ordered to eliminate Nick Fury, as the US government fears that all of Fury's Military Intelligence knowledge will be extracted through interrogations. Fury is being transferred to a mysterious location with two other soldiers, who are killed in the most cruel way in Nick's presence, just to break his will. Shocking start to this miniseries that mixes the war genre with the superhero genre at a key moment in Contemporary History, where Garth Ennis demonstrates his love for war stories and manages to create this hyperviolent atmosphere in the Marvel universe. Art It is a very detailed art, with nuances of comics from the 1980s as well as its color palette; this decade the Vietnam War became a film genre. The details of the weapons, landscapes, uniforms are hypnotizing. Summary Nick Fury becomes a key target of the US Army that they need to silence, so they look for their best commando soldier...FRANK CASTLE. This war story takes place before the Marvel Universe was about superheroes.

Ghost Machine One-Shot (2024) #1

Jan 28, 2024

Plot This special 64-page comic includes several comics that are the flagship of the four coexisting universes that Ghost Machine is going to begin developing, called THE UNNAMED, ROOK EXODUS, FAMILY ODYSSEYS AND HYDE STREET, which includes the technical sheet of each new character. : BLOCK 1 – THE UNNAMED by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch and Brad Anderson – here includes the GEIGER, JUNKYARD JOE and REDCOAT characters already established by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank and Bryan Hich. The Unnamed are War heroes Sacrificed for the common good. These three characters are heroes of different wars in different eras, but Red Coat and Geiger may share the same nature of their powers, immortality. They also introduce The Northerner and President Sarah Nash.Rating 5/5 BLOCK 2: ROOK: EXODUS by Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson: This saga is about the fall of colonization of a world where farmers are now warriors and wear a helmet to control a specific species of animals. An exciting mix of dystopia with science fiction. Rating 5/5 BLOCK 3 FAMILY ODYSSEYS by Peter J. Tomasi Francis Manapul and Peter Snejbjerg: it has a touch of comedy with the ROCKETFELLERS family who try to live a day away from technology and HORNSBY & HALO which moves away from science fiction a bit to focus in cosmic and faith events. Rating 5/5 BLOCK 4 HYDE STREET by MAYTAL ZCHUT IVAN REIS DANNY MIKI and Brad Anderson: This block delves into terror, when there is a street that lures the unwary to a fatal end.Rating 5/5 Summary This comic is an introduction to four universes of great characters that you can identify with but in unusual circumstances. Supported by amazing art. This is the perfect starting point for the new comics that Ghost Machine will release starting in April

Giant Robot Hellboy (2023) #2

Nov 23, 2023

Hellboy learns to use this robot, but he finds himself at a numerical disadvantage and his artillery is not infinite. Exciting penultimate installment of an addictive saga. Mignola continues to surprise with this Hellboy story where he not only makes references to the kaiju and mecha genre, but also involves a theme of cosmic horror. Duncan Fregedo creates the perfect atmosphere of terror, mystery and action for this story that places Hellboy in a complex situation and leaves him in a vulnerable state, raising the tone of mysteries with his art so organic and detailed.

Giant Robot Hellboy (2023) #3

Jan 2, 2024

Plot Mignola closes this brilliant and daring Hellboy adventure with emotion and mystery where she makes references to the kaiju and mecha genre, leaving in the end many doubts that deserve to be revealed in another new saga. Art Duncan Fregedo creates the perfect atmosphere of horror, mystery and action that elevates the tone of mysteries with his art so organic and detailed. Summary Jian must escape the island and he's going to need the help of Robot Hellboy or whoever controls him.

Helen of Wyndhorn (2024) #1

Mar 17, 2024

Plot This story takes place approximately in the 1940s and is narrated by Lilith Appleton, the housekeeper who took care of Helen when her father, the well-known fantasy writer C.K Cole, committed suicide and she moved into her house at the age of 16. grandfather, Barnabas Cole. Lilith recounts how Helen's self-destructive behavior with alcohol kept her unconscious during the first month she moved into the sprawling Wyndhorn mansion. The only detail is that Helen constantly went to sleep accompanied by Lilith because she saw monsters in her room every night, apparently it was not an effect of her being drunk. Upon receiving the inheritance from her father, Helen became wealthy and this whole life of luxury was something new for her, it was also the opportunity to drink uncontrollably. This story shows the hard side of a poorly handled grief. But this family hides something strange and Lilith discovers it with Helen in the most terrifying way, beings from another world coexist in this mansion. This first chapter, full of suspense, mystery and black comedy, highlights the feminine power of Helen, who misses her father and her stories. Art It is very organic and full of hypnotizing details, each panel transports you to the 1940s with a lot of realism but at the same time balances it with great fantastical elements. Summary Helen tries to drown out the grief of her father's death with alcohol, while she discovers shocking secrets about her family in this new comic miniseries filled with mystery and girlpower.

Helen of Wyndhorn (2024) #2

Apr 17, 2024

Plot Thomas Roger wrote a book about the tragic life of C.K Cole, based on the interview he did with Lilith Appleton, the housekeeper who took care of Helen when her father committed suicide. This comic tells how Helen asks her grandfather Barnabas Cole for answers about the monster that attacked them and he stopped, but she gets no answer, only elusive screams and the destruction of the dining room. Helen one day discovers her grandfather with an animal called FlyUne, which she knows thanks to reading her father's books, but this is a fantastic being and she believed that they did not exist, the mansion and those around Wyndhorn hide mysteries, which she tries to discover, because her father always told her that the books he wrote never came from his imagination. Lilith confronts Barnabas to be more attentive to her granddaughter, although he annoys her, she agrees and takes Helen to the mountains to take the Flytune to her mother. This story is addictive, full of mystery and told in an interesting way, from Lilith's point of view but based on the analysis of the writer Thmas Roger, who is currently seeking to listen to the recordings again just when he finds out that Lilith died... Art It is very organic and full of hypnotizing details, each panel transports you to the 1940s with a lot of realism but at the same time balances it with great fantastical elements. Although the comic is drawn, it seems as if it were painted in oil, the artistic level of this series is impressive. Summary Helen distrusts her grandfather and she needs answers, but she surely isn't ready to face a reality outside of our world.

Hellboy: Winter Special: The Yule Cat

Dec 7, 2023

Excellent story that mixes horror, suspense and action in the middle of the Christmas season in the best Hellboy style. The art captures Hellboy's tone of mystery and supernatural horror with intense fight sequences and lots of snow. Mesmerizing. Summary Hellboy must face a powerful monster that terrorizes the Icelandic Christmas holidays

If You Find This, I'm Already Dead (2024) #1

Feb 14, 2024

Plot The US Army obtained a portal to a Pocket Universe of the Quantum Realm and militarized the place for five years, this new world is incomprehensible as violent. For the first time they send a civilian with a team of 5 army commandos to this planet they call Terminus, this civilian is the New York Times war reporter named Robin Reed, but as soon as they arrive at the base in five minutes they are attacked by beings. unknown and eliminate the entire team, so Robin must survive in a strange world without being able to communicate with anyone. The soldiers who attacked the commandos are part of an authoritarian government that wants to control this world, it is perhaps a universal constant that Robin quickly recognizes, the oppressors and the oppressed. Spectacular beginning of a saga that mixes action, science fiction, war drama and mystery in a dizzying and brilliant narrative rhythm. Art It has many textures and strokes with a retro volume that gives you a feeling of reading old war comics from the 1960s, but at the same time we see futuristic technology that refreshes everything, it is undoubtedly the art necessary to tell this story. Summary Robin Reed is a reporter who is going to face a war beyond her imagination. Exciting story in a perfect balance of science fiction and war drama

If You Find This, I'm Already Dead (2024) #2

Mar 23, 2024

Plot Robin Reed adapts to the food and customs of Terminus, in this place her perception of time is different, but she managed to understand some of the language and discovered that this place was actually the battlefield between extraterrestrial gods. A cult caught her and sent her to a place that made her live some kind of fantasy only to be caught and sent to the fact that she is behind it all... a human. The analogies between the power of the few and the misery of the many ends up being the common denominator of any world apart from ours. Spectacular chapter of a saga that mixes action, science fiction, war drama and mystery in a dizzying and brilliant narrative rhythm. Art It has many textures and strokes with a retro volume that gives you a feeling of reading old war comics from the 1960s, but at the same time we see futuristic technology that refreshes everything, it is undoubtedly the art necessary to tell this story. Summary Robin Reed adapts with difficulty to this mysterious world where everything is different and hides shocking secrets

If You Find This, I'm Already Dead (2024) #3

Apr 25, 2024

Plot Robin Reed meets someone who has been creating a new authoritarian social order in Terminus, it is Colonel Brand, who led the first conquest mission five years ago, but then became insane and adapted to the technology of the place and became a threat. They call him The Warrior-Scientist. The true objective of the mission is linked to Brand, the US government was going to use her as a spy to eliminate Brand, but she refused, the detail is that the attack that eliminated the team where Robin was part of a war journalist was orchestrated by Brand, who no longer wants anyone human to invade his "utopia." This comic finally reveals the real reason why a war journalist was sent to this place. Robin learned a lot about how Terminus works thanks to everything she had studied before and from her current research and so she was able to awaken an ancient weapon and fight Brand on a Kaiju scale. Excellent closing of this story with amazing twists and revelations. Art It has many textures and strokes with a retro volume that gives you a feeling of reading old war comics from the 1960s, but at the same time we see futuristic technology that refreshes everything, it is undoubtedly the art necessary to tell this story. Summary Robin Reed reveals the real reason she came to Terminus and Colonel Brand is part of this mission. Shocking ending full of revelations.

Immortal Thor (2023) #4

Nov 16, 2023

Thor brings together a select team of beings linked to the power of Mjolnir to form the Thor Corps, the new team of gods who will fight an immense threat. MartIn Coccolo offers amazing sequences of detailed art, with textures that give it great dynamism and amazing splash pages. He achieves great dynamism with epic sequences, where the power of thunder stands out.

Immortal Thor (2023) #5

Dec 16, 2023

This installment is exciting and dizzying where we learn the extent of the power of the Thor Corps. Art MartIn Coccolo offers amazing sequences of detailed art, with textures that give it great dynamism and amazing splash pages. He achieves great dynamism with epic sequences, where the power of thunder stands out. Summary Toranos vs Thor Corps! Thor must activate his personality of the god of deception

Immortal Thor (2023) #6

Jan 28, 2024

Plot THOR asks Loki to take his position as the Skald of the Realms and tell him a story from their past that Thor forgot when they visited Utgard. The story told by Loki is somewhat harsh in the way Thor behaved when he was young, as a vain being with little tact or humility. This adventure reveals that Thor could not even use his magic ax, the Jarnbbjorn, to untie a simple rope from the sack of a giant named SKRYMIR who kindly greeted them and invited them to meet his king. This story has a mix of Norse mythology with supernatural horror in a perfect balance, where the power of the Asgardians is little compared to the Utgardians and in the next issue it will be revealed how Enchantress is involved with Loki de Utgard. The story is mesmerizing, captivating and addictive. Art Martin Coccolo offers amazing sequences of detailed art, with textures that give it great dynamism and amazing splash pages. He achieves great dynamism with epic sequences, handling impressive scales and totally believable. Summary Thor wants to know about his first meeting with Utgard, so he asks Loki to help him remember. Exciting story full of Norse mythology and horror

Immortal Thor (2023) #7

Mar 2, 2024

Plot THOR continues listening to Loki's story when they visited Utgard and the Loki of Utgard challenged them to a series of tests disguised as deceptions, where only Thor managed to pass one, but it was not enough. On the other hand, Amora and Skurge read with the mysterious Darius the comic that tells this story, this subplot is not yet connected to what happens but it is chilling. Thor closes with a key question, if there is Thor and a Loki of Utgard, then there must be an Odin. This installment has an addictive read as it narrates each of the challenges and then shows the reality behind each one, each one was a promise of epic and mythological scale. Art Martin Coccolo offers amazing sequences of detailed art, with textures that give it great dynamism and amazing splash pages. He achieves great dynamism with epic sequences, handling impressive scales and totally believable. Summary Thor continues listening to his forgotten adventure with Loki in Utgard, convincing himself that this world is dangerous and that they still do not know how to win.

Immortal Thor (2023) #8

Mar 17, 2024

Plot THOR needs answers, after the Loki of Utgard told them that Gaea, Thor's mother was the one who opened the portal between our world and Utgard. Gaea explains that she has used that portal every time the planet's inhabitants exceed their activities and endanger the planet, she used the Utgard portal to eliminate the dinosaurs. This conversation was violent and in a gloomy setting, where Gaea resides and prepares the next world annihilation. She herself accepts that her mercy towards the world comes in the form of Thor. Thor is going to communicate with the corporation that pollutes the most in the world, Roxxon, because he needs a global change to stop Gaea's apocalyptic plan. In Roxxon he faces the mysterious Minotaur Darius that Amora and Skurge manipulate. This story offers interesting complexity and brilliant touches of mythology, as we learn more and more about Thor's origin. Art It is highly detailed and full of textures giving it a hyper-realistic, oil painting feel, every page is fantastic. Summary Thor seeks out Gaea for answers, only to discover that the plan for world annihilation comes from his own mother.

Immortal Thor (2023) #9

Apr 3, 2024

Plot THOR confronts Darius Minotaur in the Roxxon offices, to discover the true plan of this corporation, to create some oases on the planet after destroying it where only the wealthy can live, hence his desire to use the planet's resources, such as Gaea wanted it when she called the gods of Utgard, only it is not known who manipulates whom. But Thor falls into a trap as he is encased in Amora's enchantment and his powers seem to begin to fade, until Skurge easily surpasses him in strength. At this moment Amora's plan is revealed, she used the power of Thor's comic, that is, as millions of people read the stories of the god of Thunder, that story takes over Thor, it becomes his destiny and Amora can now manipulate it like a magical essence and it is when Roxxon creates its own corporate hero that we will meet next month in ROXXON PRESENTS: THOR #1! when the Roxxon era of comics begins. This comic impresses and marvels in each of its installments, how the power of thought and collective consciousness becomes a magical weapon to control the essence of others, even Thor himself. Art Ibraim Roberson presents a very detailed art with textures that give it a tone of Renaissance oil painting, the quality and precision of his strokes supported by pastel tone colors that provide a great dreamlike atmosphere is hypnotic. Summary Thor discovers the macabre plan of Amora, Skurge and Darius, where his destiny is transformed into a manipulable intellectual property. It's a matryoshka of stories inside stories brilliantly connected.

Immortal Thor (2023) #10

May 1, 2024

Plot Thor faces Roxxon's Thor (Read ROXXON PRESENTS: THOR #1), Thor is overwhelmed by Amora's enchantment and has trouble focusing, but realizes that this false version of him is the entity called Keep, which takes the form of the narratives they give you. Thor wins this battle. But Amora has an ace up his sleeve, Surge has Thor's new weapon, the Tormod, in his hand and uses it to assassinate Darius Minotaur, the president of Roxxon. Amora continues to annoy Thor's concentration and makes him call the Tormod, which returns in his hands full of blood, in view of many people who record it with their phones, at this moment for public opinion, Thor is the president's murderer. by Roxxon. This comic never ceases to impress and amaze in each of its installments, each chapter is a brilliant twist in this story that mixes Norse mythology with relevant current realities. Art Carlos Magno offers incredibly detailed art with a grim texture that is seen in all the magnificent action sequences. Summary Thor falls into Amora and Skurge's trap again, distracted by his battle against the corporate version of him. Exciting and amazing new chapter.

Immortal Thor (2023) #11

May 24, 2024

Plot Thor faces the accusation of being the murderer of the president of Roxxon, but he asks the Avengers to help him calm this situation. When he talks to friends, Amora's enchantment that makes him slow to think disappears. But Thor must attend to an urgent problem, the disappearance of his brother Tyr, the god of war, so he holds a meeting in Asgard, in the Hall of Ullr, where he brings together all the children of Odin, Angela, Hermod, Honir. , Vidar, Loki and a lost brother...the god of poetry...Bragi...who does not get along with Loki at all and had been exiled for years. Ullr appears and gives them Tyrr's location, he is in a universe created by The In-Betweener, this connects with the story established in the G.O.D.S saga, where the two factions of magic and science maintain a balance so that the chaos of Inbetweener is not unleashed on the universe. Loki was the one who handed Tyr over to In-Betweener...and Bragi is hiding information about what is happening. In this place this group of brothers separates to follow two tracks...but this universe is mysterious, where natural laws are different. This comic never ceases to impress and amaze in each of its installments, each chapter is a brilliant twist in this story that mixes Norse mythology with relevant current realities. Art It is detailed with some influence from the manga but adapted to the comic. Summary Thor and his brothers must solve a crisis in Asgard, to do so they must bring back the least forgotten brother

Incredible Hulk (2023) #6

Nov 23, 2023

This series continues to amaze with its plot that nourishes the mythology of the Hulk with monsters and cosmic terror. You will see the most organic, explicit and amazing Hulk transformation in this comic. Art It is organic, full of details and textures that give the gloomy and terrifying tone to this hypnotizing story, again the transformation from Banner to the Hulk is so detailed and visceral that it will leave you stunned. Summary Bruce and Charlie face a pandemic of monsters that are after the Hulk, until a well-known cosmic entity arrives to complicate everything.

Incredible Hulk (2023) #7

Dec 26, 2023

Plot Ghost Rider of yesteryear attacks Hulk because he believes he is a threat, this being emerges when there is danger around the child Leo, but in reality there was another monster around sent by the Eldest, Hulk and Ghost Rider kill him easily. In the nearest town Eldest is recruiting people to turn into monsters and prepare an attack. The Ghost Rider from World War II has an amazing design, all of its sequences are brilliant, impressive and leaves you wanting to see more. But Hulk begins to experience a kind of anger and Charlie is in danger, his eyes turn black, apparently his body is attacked by an evil Eldest virus, just when an army of monsters comes to attack. Another amazing episode of this saga that mixes supernatural terror with the myth of the antihero in a perfect and terrifying balance. Art It is organic, full of details and textures that give the gloomy and terrifying tone to this hypnotizing story. Summary Hulk gains a new ally but his enemy attacks him in an

Incredible Hulk (2023) #8

Feb 1, 2024

Plot PlotHulk is controlled by the demon JINNI DAGAAL who tries to destroy Hulk's psyche by killing Bruce Banner, but Hulk's anger is overcome and he breaks free. JINNI DAGAAL takes on his physical form, which is immense, but Hulk and Ghost Rider join forces and defeat him, but the threat of Eldest remains. Ghost Rider of old warns Hulk that Eldest is going to bind him by attacking Charlie, that she is key and that he must take care of her. Exciting close to this story arc, but Hulk and Charlie's adventure continues as Eldest follows her trail. Another amazing episode of this saga that mixes supernatural terror with the myth of the antihero in a perfect and terrifying balance. Art It is organic, full of details and textures that give the gloomy and terrifying tone to this hypnotizing story. Klein handles the scales of this battle perfectly. Summary Hulk and Ghost Rider face the monster sent by Eldest, an exciting and large-scale battle

Incredible Hulk (2023) #9

Feb 24, 2024

Plot This comic begins a new story arc that places Bruce Banner and Charlie in New Orleans, when passing through a cemetery Bruce sees Betty, he transforms into the Hulk and she tries to convince him to hand over the Hulk to The Eldest and thus be the channel to bring to our world The Mother of Horrors. Charlie went to a Motel to wait for Bruce and is trapped by a monster, the Eldest is everywhere. With a slower narrative, this comic delves into Eldest's pursuit of Hulk and Charlie. Art It is organic and full of textures that give it a gloomy and terrifying tone. Summary Hulk and Charlie are ambushed by monsters

Legenderry Red Sonja (2023) #1

Dec 7, 2023

Exciting episode that mixes supernatural horror with steampunk fiction in a perfect and addictive balance. Art He manages to highlight Red Sonja's sensuality as well as her ability to fight, illustrating sequences that show that beyond Sonja's bravery, her flexibility and agility give her a great advantage.

Little Black Book (2024) #1

Mar 17, 2024

Plot Cole Moyer and his newly pregnant wife live a humble life in Texas, until Cole receives the news that his father has died and left him a mansion full of comforts in Arizona. Cole and his father had no contact since Cole was a child and an incident occurred, so this inheritance is a mystery. Months after moving in, Cole checks a damaged pipe and discovers a black notebook with a series of names, plus a Nokia cell phone from the 1990s, all of this is a mystery to Cole, which he begins to analyze. One night Cole's wife suffers an accident and Cole puts this mysterious notebook to use...with a very efficient result. Interesting story that mixes suspense with normal elements of everyday life that are easy to identify with. Art It is very detailed and full of lighting, with few textures and very neat, the colors are fresh and denote all the details. Summary Cole and his wife move to have a better life but don't know the mystery surrounding this "gift." It's a mix of Goodfellas and The Irishman

Little Black Book (2024) #3

May 10, 2024

Plot Johnny explains to his son Cole and his sister-in-law the reason why he faked his death, because for years he has worked for Steve's father, constantly cleaning up his son Stevie's messes, now Stevie is the leader of the mafia, Johnny. She doesn't want to work for him and his way of running the business. Stevie needs that black book with all the phone numbers of the "contractors" who were blocking their cleaning services from Johnny, Stevie needs that power. The black book has all these anonymous phones and any work they perform is charged to Stevie's company. Cole and his dad make peace and prepare to eliminate Stevie, since they are in his sights, but Johnny prefers to fix this his way, because Johnny's biggest fear is that Cole would meet Stevie, since they both have the same age but Stevie is a bad influence. Penultimate installment full of revelations and a lot of violence. This story of redemption between father and son must heal surrounded by so much violence. Art It is very detailed and full of lighting, with few textures and very neat, the colors are fresh and denote all the details. Summary Cole and his father Johnny make peace so they can get rid of Stevie's threat. Hisotri of redemption between father and son must heal surrounded by so much violence.

Lunar Lodge (2023) #1

Nov 25, 2023

Exciting first episode full of mystery, terror and suspense. Art Mirko has detailed art where the textures provide that dynamism and at the same time an interesting and gloomy tone appropriate for this story. Summary Rob thinks he knows his wife's secret, but he's about to find out that Luna Lodge is not a place for adulterers... especially on a full moon.

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld (2023) #1

Nov 23, 2023

Exciting story that nourishes the original event, which although they explain everything very well, for your best enjoyment you should read Secret Wars. Art It is very detailed and preserves that vintage tone of the comics from the 1980s but at the same time refreshes them with a cool dynamism. The way it shows what Spider-man's webs look like before Mcfarlane is nostalgically cool. Summary Spider-man is put through a series of Beyonder tests and will need the help of the Human Torch.

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: Battleworld (2023) #2

Jan 2, 2024

Plot Spider-man and The Human Torch manage to escape the attack of Absorbing Man and Hobgoblin, and then meet Falcon, Iceman and Daredevil with whom they form an alliance. Hobgoblin and Ansorbing Man meet with other villains such as Baron Zemo, Electro and Constrictor, who prepare an offensive. This battle is still part of an experiment on Spider-Man's leadership abilities, who now begins to see how the costume behaves strangely and makes his thoughts come true. Exciting story that nourishes the original event, maintaining the tone of Secret Wars. Art It is very detailed and preserves that vintage tone of the comics from the 1980s but at the same time refreshes them with a cool dynamism. The way it shows what Spider-man's webs look like before Mcfarlane is nostalgically cool. Summary Spider-man is still part of the experiment to test his abilities to endanger his allies.

Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood (2023) #2

Nov 29, 2023

This special has several short stories from different creative teams: “UNDER THE EYE OF AN UNKIND FUTURE” by GAIL SIMONE, DALE EAGLESHAM and YEN NITRO: Reed Richards uses his intellect to try to stop the zombie virus, isolating himself from everyone, even his family, but the cure he put his faith in It was not tested in time. Rating 5/5 “THE LAST BALLAD OF BETA RAY BILL” by ERICA SCHULTZ and NELSON DÁNIEL: Beta Ray Bill answers a call for help from Thor to discover the fall of Asgard. Rating 4/5 “WARPATH” by DOUG WAGNER, JUAN GEDEON and DEE CUNNIFFE: X-Force is the last barrier of defense between zombies and humans, but its leader Warpath falls into misfortune but first wants to take one last action for the sake of his friend Cable. Rating 4/5

Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood (2023) #3

Dec 16, 2023

This special has several short stories from different creative teams: “JUJU AND THE GIFT OF THE INSECT BEAD” by PEACH MOMOKO translator ZACK DAVISSON marker ARIANA MAHER: A demon from Japan uses a cursed charm to turn everyone into zombies. Rating 2/5 “ALREADY DEAD” by MAT GROOM, ALESSANDRO VITTI, PETER PANTAZIS and CLAYTON COWLES: Natasha and Clint arrive at a community that is isolated from the zombie plague, but nothing is as it seems. Rating 4/5 “SURPRISE, MOTHER STRUCKER!” by CHERYL LYNN EATON, LEANDRO FERNÁNDEZ, MATTIA IACONO and CLAYTON COWLES: Power Man experiences a love tragedy. Rating 4/5

Marvel Zombies: Black, White & Blood (2023) #4

Jan 3, 2024

Plot This special has several short stories from different creative teams: “STRANGE-ASS BEDFELOWS” by STEVE SKROCE and BRIAN REBER: Blade continues his mission to eradicate filth from the world, only now he is dedicated to eliminating zombies and must make an alliance with his enemies and help them create a utopia. Blade lives a life full of irony. Rating 5/5 “LAST MAN STANDING” by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS and DANNY EARLS: Punisher attends the appointment with Doctor Stone to test a cure or a new virus that eliminates zombies. Rating 4/5 “SHANNA OF THE DEAD” by MARY SanGIOVANNI, STEFANO LANDINI and ESPEN GRUNDETJERN: Shanna faces the zombie pandemic in the Savage Land, shocking and hopeless short story. Rating 5/5

Masterpiece (2023) #1

Dec 17, 2023

This comic begins with an interesting story told in an accelerated and dizzying manner by the brilliant Brian Bendis, where there is a mix of the spy genre with the thief genre in a perfect balance. Art It is full of textures and details that offer interesting cinematic dynamism, you already imagine that it could be the cast of the future live action adaptation of this comic. Summary The daughter of the most successful thieves in history must deal with the sins of her parents while a maniacal billionaire watches her for revenge.

Masterpiece (2023) #2

Jan 11, 2024

Plot Exciting second installment continues to mix the spy genre with the thief genre in a perfect balance, introducing a cool vigilante. Art It is full of textures and details that offer interesting cinematic dynamism, you already imagine that it could be the cast of the future live action adaptation of this comic. Summary Emma must play along with Preston in order to discover more of her past, for that she will need help.

Masterpiece (2023) #3

Feb 14, 2024

Plot Emma recruits a new member, Skottie, who is intelligent, and is slowly putting together a team of thieves, Lawrence, Gleason and Paragon. But when they are visited by Katie Roots, the target ZERO PRESTON wants them to rob, tension rises and Emma understands that Preston is manipulating her and possibly knows where her parents are. Exciting second installment continues to mix the spy genre with the thief genre in a perfect balance, introducing a great vigilante. Art It is full of textures and details that offer interesting cinematic dynamism, you already imagine that it could be the cast of the future live action adaptation of this comic. Summary Emma recruits a new key member while she is visited by her target.

Masterpiece (2023) #4

Mar 27, 2024

Plot Emma continues to recruit new members, in this case it is Solomon, the thief, who joins Skottie, Lawrence, Gleason and Paragon. Katie Roots is concerned about this game played by ZERO PRESTON, who receives the call from Agent Hamilton warning him of Emma's call. This installment lowers the accelerated pace of action and tension to narrate with dialogue what is happening. Art It is full of textures and details that offer interesting cinematic dynamism, you already imagine that it could be the cast of the future live action adaptation of this comic. Summary Emma continues recruiting as she plays with Zero Preston's patience.

Minor Threats (2022): The Fastest Way Down #1

Apr 3, 2024

Plot Frankie, alias Playtime assumed a new empire, she managed to defeat the most lethal superhero and now earned the fear and respect of the city, with the help of Scalpel she begins to legalize her businesses, of course, criminal gangs like The Holiday Squad are going to seek to roman their territory. On the other hand, Brain Tease is still paying her sentence for having eliminated The Stickman and The Insomniac, so she was a kind of celebrity. However, Frankie's emergence as the new leader has brought her many enemies, such as the new band The Action, but she is not an easy rival. This second volume continues to deconstruct the superhero genre, mixing it with the mafia genre, with a new vision of redemption. Art It has many textures and details that provide a 1980s comic book tone and aesthetic with touches of freshness. Achieve magnificent dynamic sequences of violence.

Minor Threats (2022): The Fastest Way Down #2

May 1, 2024

Plot The new team of young heroes The Action want to prove themselves and find out who murdered The Insomniac, their search began with the attack on Brain Tease, then this unstable team made up of Bite Boy, Wart, Varsity, Dragona, Ms Moment and Undertow come across each other. With The Stickman, who has a clue as to who the killer was, he had a relationship with Snaketalker, who disappeared the same night Insomniac died. This clue makes everyone head to Frankie, because they know she's involved. Frankie/Playtime fears that the truth will come to light because her empire and the truce between criminals would be broken, so she is going to head directly into a trap by The Action, but her partner Scalpel tries to stop her, that sequence of both of them fighting It is epic and dynamic that will leave you breathless. The Action fails to attract Frankie, so they go after her mother Loretta Follis, Toy Queen. Exciting installment that continues to develop this complex plot where superheroes are analyzed from a hyper-real point of view, a mix of Godfellas with Chronicles. Art It has many textures and details that provide a 1980s comic book tone and aesthetic with touches of freshness. Achieve magnificent dynamic sequences of violence. Summary This story continues to mix mystery with mafias and a lot of extreme violence, where they analyze the world of supervillains with an unstable moral compass from a realistic point of view.

Miracleman by Gaiman & Buckingham: The Silver Age #7

Jan 17, 2024

Plot We are in July 2003, Miracleman's silver age of miracles at its peak, however Miracleman with all his power continues searching for Young Miracleman around the planet without success, his concern is calmed by Miraclewoman, but Dickie Dauntles appears in a broadcast and summons his former mentor to a conversation in the city of Petra. A battle does not occur in this place, only a series of options that Miracleman offers you: 1.- Accept Miracleman and his world and join him in his pantheon of gods 2.- Give up his superhero body and live a normal life as a mortal. 3.-Be eliminated, that is, die. 4.- Use Gargunza technology and put your mind in a dream state and live the fantasy of 1950. Young Miracleman does not accept any option, he hates this perfect world and goes to Australia with Meta-Maid and begins to meditate under a tree hoping that many will join his revolution against the system and when the time comes he will speak to that entire community that follows him. Young Miraceman will be Miracleman's sworn adversary but in reality it is not known if it is Young Miracleman who is behind everything...there is a voice in his head that orders him what to do...with this suspense they prepare us for the DARK AGE ...the next chapter of this saga. This closure is a kind of Biblical analogy to the arrival of a new messiah and the destruction of a system, only in this case they are two gods who will fight each other, although this comic does not show this expected confrontation, the next chapter will be devastating. Art Each page is a masterpiece, it is impressive how delicate and perfect each of the strokes is, where they play with textures, the details of the hair, the changes of environments, it is a hypnotizing comic. The expressions of the characters contribute a lot to the dramatic context. This comic includes a series of amazing double splash pages Summary Young Miracleman threatens Miracleman with becoming his greatest rival, leaving everything ready for the Dark Age.

Moon Knight (2021) #30

Dec 16, 2023

Moon Knight is dead. This installment closes these first thirty issues with success, drama and revelations, but the world cannot be without Moon Knight, in January he will be replaced with VENGEANCE OF THE MOON KNIGHT #1. Art It is full of dynamic sequences full of speed, with epic Moon Knight poses and moments where the drawings show a distortion that highlight with epic intensity the bridge between two worlds. Summary Black Specter reveals his plan and evil desires for violence while Moon Knight sacrifices himself for the good of all in frustration at having fallen for Sigmund Plesko's deception.

Original X-Men (2023) #1

Dec 26, 2023

Plot Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast, Iceman and Angel are taken by Phoenix from another universe to a place that connects the multiverses. She explains to them that she is the guardian of the versions of Phoenix with the ability to destroy the multiverse, for that she sends them to stop a possible version, but they run into Onslaught and everything gets complicated. Phoenix brings them back and sends them on another mission to stop an army of alternate Wolverines. Interesting, somewhat complex story with a lot of information to digest. Art It is magnificent, Land presents its unique imprint where the Phenix shines with its powers and sensuality. Summary The original X-men must salt the universe with the help of an alternate Phoenix

Our Bones Dust (2023) #4

Apr 17, 2024

Plot This miniseries takes us to a dystopian, post-apocalyptic future, where the human race has no resources, no water or food, so it turns towards barbarism. A boy tries to survive in this world, even when he does not speak and tries to save himself from so many threats. But our world is visited by an alien with superior technology who tries to understand the state of humanity at this time, having with him the solution to save us but needs to know if there is hope, this child and his tenacity catches his attention. The fight sequences include explicit violence and are brilliantly fast-paced. This comic plays very well with images, and with very few dialogues it is based on the fact that an image is worth more than a thousand words, the narrative is brilliant and addictive, mixing science fiction with dystopias, in terrifying circumstances, this is an instant cult work , is a mix of Conan the Child of the future with Mad max in a futuristic environment that is totally current. Art It has many textures, consolidated with details, where it successfully recreates this world in decay, highlighting the tension and achieving science fiction sequences. The colors offer a pastel tone that gives it a texture that you can feel. Summary A boy tries to survive in a ruined and incredibly dangerous world and he's going to need all the help from this world and the next world. Conan the Boy in the Future meets Mad Max

Predator vs. Wolverine (2023) #3

Nov 29, 2023

Plot This is the best comic of this saga to date, it has all the suspense, action and emotion that you can expect from this crossover and it surely exceeds your expectations, the way in which Wolverine's most painful moments are linked with the Predator is brilliant . Art Several arts from different artists come together with an imprint but they fit together very fluidly, all offering amazing details and classic battle poses of both antagonists. Summary Predator is part of the most traumatic moments of Wolverine's life. The best chapter so far in this saga.

Predator vs. Wolverine (2023) #4

Jan 2, 2024

Plot This comic closes the battle between the Yautja or Predator with Wolverine, where they show their two previous attempts to assassinate Wolverine, one was in Japan and the other in Xavier's Mansion. On both occasions an external factor causes the Predator to retreat. Key moment, the X-men vs Predator....epic. Wolverine becomes convinced that the Predator is going to continue chasing him wherever he is, so he decides to get his attention and have a final fight. This sequence is amazing and shocking, where we see Wolverine reaching his generation limits. The battle ends with the Yautja's desperate attempt to eliminate Wolverine. Exciting final installment full of action, viscera and many claws. Art Several arts from different artists come together with an imprint but they fit together very fluidly, all offering amazing details and classic battle poses of both antagonists. Summary The century-long feud between Wolverine and Predator comes to an end

Predator: The Last Hunt (2024) #1

Feb 21, 2024

Plot This comic takes place in the year 2066 almost five years after the events of the previous Predator arc, where THETA and PAOLO continue their galactic hunt for any other Yautja or Predator, but without having achieved any. Apparently the Yautja know that they are being pursued and now they have changed their hunting strategy and are always one step ahead, leaving messages for Theta and Paolo in the form of decapitated beings and employees. But they finally get a tracking device for these beings and arrive at the planet where they keep all those beings they want to hunt for practice in ecstasy capsules. This is a significant development because Theta could get the Predators' planet for the first time, whose location is a mystery. This place that serves as a warehouse is abandoned, the Yautja who took care of it was killed. But in this place they also find John Schaefer, the person responsible for making this place free of Predators. Art He achieves a great amount of detail and body language that achieves a tone of suspense and hypnotizing horror around devices, ships and design full of mind-blowing sci-fi. The cold color palette provides a great gloomy effect. Summary Theta and Paolo haven't caught any new Yautja in years, but a new clue could change everything

Predator: The Last Hunt (2024) #2

Mar 27, 2024

Plot John Schaefer explains to THETA and PAOLO everything they experienced in this place, he managed to escape from the ecstasy capsule when the ship carrying them crashed on this planet called Mabou, he managed to defeat the ship's pilot and freed others. trapped, but many of the others were violent aliens and out of 300 only 53 remain. John Schaefer saw how a giant Predator arrived and they released one of the largest monsters there was, this Yautja eliminated it in minutes and left. John is the brother of Dutch, a character who appeared in the first Predator movie and was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The survivors want to return to their planet but Theta convinces them to follow another signal and rescue others trapped on the planet GLENELG, but everything turns out to be a trap by the giant Yautja. This series continues to contribute interesting elements to the Predator universe and at the same time rescues elements from the original saga and video games, providing the perfect balance between horror, action and suspense full of science fiction elements. Art He achieves a great amount of detail and body language that achieves a tone of suspense and hypnotizing horror around devices, ships and design full of mind-blowing sci-fi. The cold color palette provides a great gloomy effect. Summary Theta and Paolo meet the mysterious John Schaefer who brings with him some shocking revelations that changes the entire perspective of the Predators' strategy

Predator: The Last Hunt (2024) #3

Apr 25, 2024

Plot Theta, Paolo, John and the survivors arrive and are ambushed by a Super Predator and his species of alien dogs. It is an intense massacre, only Paolo and Theta survive, but to start fighting again. This chapter is full of action, suspense, where everyone loses hope against this Predator, who is not only the largest, he is the most skilled at creating weapons. Everything is ready for the closing of this story arc. The narrative follows a dizzying pace. Art It has many textures that provide a different dynamism than previous issues. Summary Paolo and Theta face a Predator who out-trains them

Predator: The Last Hunt (2024) #4

May 24, 2024

Plot Theta wakes up in one of the suspended animation chambers in the new Predator, sees that they leave her armor for her to wear, she does so and leaves to discover that it is a trap. Paolo, John are tied to some trees, they are the reward of the battle between Theta the large Yautja. The battle is rough, but Theta is assisted by John, you will see blood and organs flying. Brisson successfully captures the hunter and warrior essence of Predator, where humanity has a hope in the hands of Theta who will rescue all the humans who were trapped and kept in captivity for this deadly/sick game. This comic closes this miniseries and new story arc of Predator in Marvel in style, where they announce that Predator is going to face Black Panther! Art He achieves a great amount of detail and body language that achieves a tone of suspense and hypnotizing horror around devices, ships and design full of mind-blowing sci-fi. The cold color palette provides a great gloomy effect. Summary Theta is led into a death trap when the Predator respects her as the lethal warrior that she is. Exciting closing of the miniseries

Punisher (2023) #1

Nov 14, 2023

Joe Garrison leaves his trail of revenge and death, without wanting or caring he assumes the mantle of Punisher, although what matters to him is avenging the death of his family with an impressive level of cruelty and efficiency. The art has many textures and details that offer a gloomy and dramatic tone in a context of extreme violence and blood.

Punisher (2023) #2

Dec 16, 2023

Pepose continues to raise the story's tension level with shocking revelations and a dynamic, fast-paced narrative. Art It has many textures and details that offer a gloomy and dramatic tone in a context of extreme violence and blood. Summary As Joe Garrison discovers the painful truth about the origin of the attack that wiped out his family, the trail of death he leaves in his wake continues to grow with more anger and efficiency.

Punisher (2023) #3

Jan 28, 2024

Plot Joe Garrison is surprisingly attacked by Fearmaster, who used his toxins on him, causing him a deep fear that is causing him to have uncontrollable tachycardia. Triple A tries to calm him down and warn him that he must calm down, but the fear he suffers is intense, recreating in a very real way the death of his burned family. But this hallucination of Stephanie, Punisher's wife, with burned skin begins to become a voice of hope when she asks Garrison to avenge her family, Garrison's fear is not being able to take revenge and thus he frees himself from the influence of Fearmaster. This Fearmaster is the daughter of the original, her name was Ariel Tremmore and she was sent by an organization called Jigsaw, led by a woman who was the one who ordered Stephanie to be murdered. Linus and Ward manage to find Punisher's whereabouts, but Ward is fatally attacked by Fearmaster, Punisher saves Linus and explains everything to him, that there is someone behind a major attack and is responsible for Stephanie's death. Punisher gains an ally. Jigsaw catches Triple A and now asks for a meeting and for the Punisher to give up stopping them. Pepose continues to raise the level of suspense and action, as the plot that caused the death of Garrison's family begins to be uncovered. Art It has many textures and details that offer a gloomy and dramatic tone in a context of extreme violence and blood. Summary A dangerous encounter with Fearmaster serves as the Punisher to reconfigure his revenge mission. Intense and dizzying delivery full of emotion

Punisher (2023) #4

Mar 2, 2024

Plot Joe Garrison confronts the Jigsaw organization when the latter attacks a peace meeting between two countries Symkaria and Bagalia using Fearmaster's gas. Joe confronts the agitated and angry diplomats thanks to Fearmaster's gas, for which he uses some cool electric nunchucks. Meanwhile Triple A is kidnapped by the Jigsaw agents and her order is to kill her and Joe appears, which happens but no one has the help of officer Paul Linus, who is now going to serve as Joe's support for his new objectives. . This comic closes the first arc where Joe accepts that he is the Punisher and that Jigsaw is a powerful organization that he must stop. Pepose makes clear the rules of this new Punisher as well as the team that will help him in his mission of justice. Art It has many textures and details that offer a gloomy and dramatic tone in a context of extreme violence and blood. Summary Joe accepts his fate and new identity as he recruits a team to stop the Jigsaw organization and avenge his family.

Red Light (2023) #2

Dec 26, 2023

Plot Lacy only thinks about escaping with Natalie, now she harbors an emotion she never felt before, it is "hope", but Lacy begins to devise an escape plan for that she asks for the help of her client Mars, a dangerous arms dealer who has always shared his sadness with her. Natalie's reading classes fill Lacy with energy and determination, as she already knows how to read and write. It's strange that Natalie is always locked up and MIster doesn't visit her. She, on the other hand, gets Benson to deactivate the bomb on her neck and she only needs to control the cameras that always monitor everything about her, to discover that she only has to hack the Bluetooth signal. However, Lacy trusts her and on her date with Mister she asks him to let her walk around the city, Mister at first mistakes Lacy for her "Mary" but then he reacts and sends her to a confined place. Mars with his team simulates the robbery of this brothel and helps Lacy and Natalie escape, but Mister already knows what is happening. Exciting chapter full of adrenaline, dizzying sequences and erotically charged scenes, while Lacy narrates her entire plan. Art It is detailed with textures that give a very vivid idea of a futuristic world but at the same time it feels familiar, with touches of cyberpunk and a lot of eroticism. Summary Lacy harbors "hope" an emotion she didn't know Natalie awakened, she now plans an escape plan from a prison, she begins the hunt for Mister.

Red Light (2023) #3

Mar 9, 2024

Plot Lacy and Natalie arrive at the Mars casino, responsible for their escape from Mister's brothel. They are both amazed by all the lights, spectacles and different people, but Lacy wants freedom and to get out of that place, apparently she went from one prison to another. On the other hand, Mister hires Danson to find Lacy and Natalie's whereabouts and he is very close to achieving it. This installment gives some clues to Natalie's origin, however Lacy does not realize what is happening. Interesting delivery with touches of suspense that slows down the narrative pace and leaves everything ready for the revealing ending. Art It is detailed with textures that give a very vivid idea of a futuristic world but at the same time it feels familiar, with touches of cyberpunk and a lot of eroticism. Summary Lacy and Natalie escape from one prison to enter another one full of lights, but Mister is not going to leave them alone.

Red Sonja (2023) #5

Nov 15, 2023

This comic maintains that addictive narrative dynamic, where Red Sonja faces her greatest enemy without knowing it in the middle of a war between peoples led by a psychotic sorcerer. The art has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch that highlights the interesting dynamism and a warm color palette towards red and yellow that gives it a dynamic tone. The fight sequences are impressive with splash pages that balance the sensuality of Red Sonja with the lethal speed of her sword.

Red Sonja (2023) #6

Jan 2, 2024

Plot Red Sonja is inside the world of the gem where the sorcerer who lives in it explains to her that centuries ago he granted the first king of Vestfold the power to eliminate his enemies, this king betrayed him and trapped him in the gem, he offers her Red Sonja powers but she rejects them and asks him to free all those that Thord Varg has controlled and that he will grant her freedom. The sorcerer opens a portal and all those lost souls return to their world and recover their bodies, Red Sonja also passes the portal and confronts Thord Varg and beheads him, thus freeing those who did not want to pass the portal. Red Sonja falls injured and the now free sorcerer takes her to be cured in a convent, which goes against her personality. All this deception of Kulan Gath was to be able to enter the universe of the gem and she will pass the portal and again recover her body and revive, now he is ready for her revenge. Exciting closing of this story arc where the mystery, action and barbaric violence will blow your mind. Art It has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch that highlights the interesting dynamism and a warm color palette towards red and yellow that gives it a dynamic tone. The fight sequences are impressive with splash pages that balance the sensuality of Red Sonja with the lethal speed of her sword.

Red Sonja (2023) #7

Jan 28, 2024

Plot Red Sonja manages to recover from the wounds of the battle with Thord Varg in the convent where all the nuns look with shame on Sonja's lack of clothing and her overflowing sensuality, but they appreciate her and ask her to investigate a series of murders in Ludlow, executed by the monster TSJOKO. But in Vestfold, Kulan Gath recruits an army and takes advantage of the disaster of the battle against Varg and takes the castle, always on the trail of Red Sonja, so now he has a kingdom under his control, his mortal body is already beginning to crumble. recover as well as your black magic. Red Sonja arrives in Ludlow and helps a warrior named Grace rescue her sister that the town was going to send as a sacrifice to these forest beings led by TSJOKO. Red Sonja manages to save the girl but something about this monster seems to come from her. astral travel with Kulan Gath. This new story arc continues to raise the level of tension, mystery and supernatural terror with folkloric myths (horror folk), while Red Sonja returns to dispense justice fully recovered. Art It has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch that highlights the interesting dynamism and a warm color palette towards red and yellow that gives it a dynamic tone. The fight sequences are impressive with splash pages that balance the sensuality of Red Sonja with the lethal speed of her sword.

Red Sonja (2023) #8

Mar 2, 2024

Plot Red Sonja and Grace manage to reach the house of Grace's Aunt, a powerful sorceress, but not before facing some infernal beings created from the works, but Grace's Aunt has something to tell them both, that there is a terrible evil that He came back from the dead, Sonja knows him...his name is Kulan Gath. In the kingdom of NORDAL, there is a commotion because its sorcerer Dorian Runebinder senses the presence of Gath, but it is too late, Kulan Gath is more cruel than ever, totally uninterested in human life, he is a monster that is feeding on other sorcerers. Gath's presence is shocking the magical world, so much so that he awakened the fearsome Ymir, a giant who will unleash his wrath as a hunter. Many important things happen in this comic that define the direction of this story arc with power, creating an atmosphere of tension within mythological and fantasy elements that Torunn presents with great clarity. Art It has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch that highlights the interesting dynamism and a warm color palette towards red and yellow that gives it a dynamic tone. The fight sequences are impressive with splash pages that balance the sensuality of Red Sonja with the lethal speed of her sword.

Red Sonja (2023) #9

Mar 27, 2024

Plot Red Sonja and Grace try to stop the disaster unleashed by Kulan Gath, they fight against what they call the WILD HUNT, when beings from another world come to hunt the living. The kingdom of Emberfall sent its army to stop Kulan Gath who is the owner of the kingdom of NORDAL, Red Sonja and Grace witness how the army is possessed by Kulan Gath and they murder themselves, at this moment an arrow goes in the direction of both. This installment includes a series of fast-paced, bloody and intense fight sequences that will leave you breathless, with a hopeless ending. Torunn continues to highlight mythological and fantasy elements but now mixes them with Horror Folk. Art It has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch that highlights the interesting dynamism and a warm color palette towards red and yellow that gives it a dynamic tone. The fight sequences are impressive with splash pages that balance the sensuality of Red Sonja with the lethal speed of her sword.

Red Sonja (2023) #10

Apr 25, 2024

Plot Grace disappears after being intercepted by an arrow, which takes her to paradise where a god asks her to stop Kulan Gath's destructive plan. Red Sonja, angered by the disappearance of her friend, arrives at Kulan Gath to take revenge, but he only wanted to talk to her and get her to tell him Grace's whereabouts. Red Sonja realizes that Gath is not responsible for her death. of Grace. Kulan Gath offers the kingdom of Emberfall the help of him if they give him the heart of his sorcerer, Kulan Gath's plan is to continue having power through sacrifice and cannibal rite to seize his magical powers. But Kulan Gath's plan is about to stop after a kind of goddess attacks the castle with trees, as if the forest defends itself, Red Sonja seems familiar... Exciting installment full of revelations and amazing fight sequences. Art It has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch that highlights the interesting dynamism and a warm color palette towards red and yellow that gives it a dynamic tone. The fight sequences are impressive with splash pages that balance the sensuality of Red Sonja with the lethal speed of her sword. The artistic level improves with each installment, bringing new levels of Red Sonja's sensual dynamism.

Red Sonja (2023) #11

May 29, 2024

Plot Grace is now some kind of angel who doesn't remember her life until Sonja reminds her, she tells her that she must do what Kulan Gath asked of her, the soul of a god. Grace will be key to the war between worlds and fantastic beings. Ymir prepares to go on her human hunt, but Grace's sister manages to bring an army of Trolls with her. Red Sonja, finally finding the sorcerer who opened the portal between worlds and sent her to the convent, asks him for help to right this mess, but he seems to enjoy it, he loves the sins and passions of mortals. Kulan Gath once again offers an alliance to Red Sonja... Torunn Grønbekk continues to mix action, mystery, fantasy and sorcery in perfect balance in this story full of barbarians and ambitious sorcerers. Art It has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch that highlights the interesting dynamism and a warm color palette towards red and yellow that gives it a dynamic tone. The fight sequences are impressive with splash pages that balance the sensuality of Red Sonja with the lethal speed of her sword. The artistic level improves with each installment, bringing new levels of Red Sonja's sensual dynamism.

Red Sonja: Empire of the Damned (2024) #1

Apr 3, 2024

Plot Red Sonja is in a bar in Nemedia that is about to be closed by the army and she just wants to rest and does not accept that order, so a big fight breaks out and she is helped by a mysterious character who had already had his eye on Sonja. . They are both sent to a Blackworm prison where he offers Red Sonja that if she helps him escape he will take her to an abandoned town in the center of Hyrkania where there are treasures kept by a sorcerer who apparently died years ago. Sonja agrees to the alliance and they both escape... but he is not saved and shows Red Sonja the map... it is tattooed on her arm... and Sonja takes this map.. Exciting first chapter full of action and explicit violence, where there will be plenty of blood and guts, the mystery of a hidden treasure in a supposedly cursed town is a perfect premise for the fantasy world around Red Sonja. Art It is very organic, full of textures that give it an interesting dynamism and highlights Red Sonja's sensual curves as well as her skill and cruelty with her sword.

Red Sonja: Empire of the Damned (2024) #2

May 8, 2024

Plot Red Sonja takes the skin from the arm of the warrior who had the mysterious place full of treasures tattooed on him, this place is called The Lost Valley of Hyrkania. But when Sonja was "cooking" the map, she sees a giant named Torg dragging a sarcophagus. Red Sonja kills him and frees whoever she is trapped in. The prisoner's name is Luna, she is a sorceress who, in gratitude, invites Red Sonja to her house to eat and rest. In this place, Luna guesses by reading Sonja's mind that she wants to go to the Lost Valley, when they are attacked by Torg's father. and they both make a lethal team and eliminate him in seconds, Red Sonja is convinced that she has an ally and they are both going to embark on this adventure to obtain the Lost Valley. This chapter maintains the accelerated narrative pace and is full of action and fights, now adding magic, while Red Sonja gains a lethal ally in Luna. Art It is very organic, full of textures that give it an interesting dynamism and highlights Red Sonja's sensual curves as well as her skill and cruelty with her sword.

Redcoat (2024) #1

Apr 3, 2024

Plot Simón Pure was sent by the United Kingdom to the United States in 1776 to stop the insurrection of this colony, Simon deserts and lives in hiding. From hideout to hideout he stumbles upon an organization called The Founding Fathers, who were about to perform a ritual/experiment on Benjamin Franklin, but Simon thought they were torturing him and an accident occurred. This accident gave Simon the ability not to die. This comic has a narrative that moves in different ancient times from 1776 to 1892, where Simon decided to become a mercenary, but there are two constants in his immortality, one is that he is always hungry and thirsty no matter how much he eats and that he is always financially bankrupt, so he lives in debt and pursued by debt collectors. Simón is a mischievous charlatan, somewhat clumsy who does not learn from his mistakes, but his naivety will steal your heart. The vision they show about immortality in this comic is unique and honest. Art Bryan Hitch offers the cinematic vision of it, where he directs mesmerizing action sequences and captures the details and tones of each era of yesteryear. The colors create the perfect atmosphere of a rough post-war era. Summary With mystery, suspense and humor, Red Coat introduces a charlatan who was mistakenly turned into a super human and still does not accept his importance to humanity. Simon Pure is the new Han Solo!

Redcoat (2024) #2

May 15, 2024

Plot Simón Pure is unearthed by a young teenager named...ALBERT EINSTEIN, who comes to warn him that his existence is key to stopping something that will happen in the future that his sister Maja saw, related to characters already known in the Ghost Machine universe. , a robot and a brilliant man. Albert helps Simon escape from a group of attackers dressed in the same cult robes whose ritual gave Red Coat immortality. Albert's German-accented dialogues are hilarious, he is an interesting character as it shows him interested in magic even though his future will focus on advanced physics, his interactions with Simon are great, as are the sequences of fight. Simon is injured by a mysterious axe, which begins to cause him a series of pain and strange flames of blue energy glow. Simon understands that there is something that surpasses him and he doesn't know, so he goes to interview the only person who is immortal like him...Benedict Arnold. Bendict knows more about this cult than he wants to reveal. The meeting with Benedict comes with a revelation about the ax that injured Simon, which can mean something fatal for an immortal. This comic continues to increase the mystery, feeding with real characters in unusual situations, where the origin of Simon's power has an explanation that goes beyond the story we know. The narrative pace is exciting and the dialogues are a delight. Art Bryan Hitch offers the cinematic vision of it, where he directs mesmerizing action sequences and captures the details and tones of each era of yesteryear. The colors create the perfect atmosphere of a rough post-war era. Summary Simon Pure finds an ally in the young and precocious Albert Einstein in what appears to be one of the most dangerous battles of his life.

Rook Exodus (2024) #1

Apr 3, 2024

Plot Rook is a farmer who moved to the planet Exodus in the year 2173, like millions who emigrated with the promise of improving their lives as planet Earth was becoming uninhabitable. The technology for farmers and ranchers is such that it allowed them to control the fauna necessary for crops and livestock to be produced at maximum efficiency, that is, depending on your field, you could control different animals with your mind. Rook is in charge of the corn fields and the crows are his animals to control. But something happened on the planet Exodus, the machine that terraforms this planet is failing and an environmental catastrophe is unleashing and the planet is becoming uninhabitable, with little water and food scarce, while the fauna is experiencing mutations that make them dangerous and those who control it begin now have immeasurable power. Rook is about to finish his ship to leave Exodus, but he has little time left and the current situation is complex, with little food for him and his crows not to mention that he could fall prey to anyone who wants to take away his ship. This series begins with impressive power and a direct and raw narrative of how a society collapses, analyzing the importance of the means of production and converting agriculture and livestock into a kind of biological weapon, it is undoubtedly a universe with the that we can identify with a BRILLIANT premise. Art Jason Fabok offers his art so detailed where everything makes sense, recreating new worlds with futuristic technology and making it believable, each page hypnotizes and gives chills. Summary Rook is running out of time to escape from a world that promises to be paradise and is now hell. Excellent start to a new universe that is a totally relevant and impactful analogy for our times in which we live

Rook Exodus (2024) #2

May 24, 2024

Plot Rook looks for his friend Swine to accompany him to escape from Exodus, but Swine's helmet has stopped emitting signals, when the warden named Dire Wolf appears, who explains that Swine was murdered and his helmet was stolen. Rook and Dire Wolf, whose name is Donnica, had an intimate relationship in the past, however since they work as guardians for the corporation in different wildlife areas, they cannot have a relationship. Dire Wolf controls the wolves. Rook invites Dannica to escape from Exodus with his rocket that is almost ready, but she explains that her place is on Exodus and that she is going to fight to save it, she believes, that the corporation that trained them and sent them to that planet is going to fix the failure in the terraforming of this planet. Dire Wolf loves Exodus and respects all forms of life on it. Swine's assassin calls himself URSAW and his objective is to eliminate all the wardens and steal their helmets and thus control all the fauna of Exodus. He is currently attacking both Rook and Dire Wolf with giant bears. This sequence is exciting and culminates with the destruction of Rook's rocket. The analogy where those who control the helmets become cruel predators like the animals they control, is a kind of psychological synergy. Dannica offers Rook the chance to escape the planet if he helps her on a mission. This series is amazing, it is a mix of John Carter From Mars with Jurassic Park, with epic and biblical scales. The narrative of this comic is addictive and leaves you wanting to read more. Art Jason Fabok offers his art so detailed where everything makes sense, recreating new worlds with futuristic technology and making it believable, each page hypnotizes and gives chills, playing with the scales of this entire world with a cinematic vision. Summary Rook is left with no choice but to team up with Dire Wolf in order to survive the environmental chaos and anarchy of power when a psychopath hunts down all the wardens.

Roxxon Presents: Thor (2024) #1

Apr 17, 2024

Plot This comic takes place after Darius Minotaur traps Thor in Roxxon, and makes him read a comic, which is a placement-filled parody where Thor does Roxxon's banal bidding for money. Thor is now called Chad Hammer, Mjolnir is like a smartphone, he has a Thor -Truck, it's brilliantly wacky. Thor at times managed to free himself from this reading enchantment thanks to Loki, but the spell is powerful and he promises to create a subuniverse where the heroes will be sponsored by Roxxon. This turn of the arc begun in Immortal Thor is brilliant and crudely creative, where it slaps us with our current reality and the banality that the city drives us with social networks, which are taken advantage of by corporations. Art Greg Land offers his brilliant and intensely heroic imprint, with mind-blowing details, each panel is mesmerizing and a visual and creative delight. Summary Meet Chad Hammer, the new Thor influencer who belongs to Roxxon and his interests are green, but not environmental. We don't know where this roller coaster is going, but the view is beautiful.

Rumpus Room (2023) #4

Dec 26, 2023

Plot Erika Hernandez manages to escape from the Rumpus Room, however Bob doesn't seem too scared by the situation, as he calls his lawyer to buy the police station and they trick Erika into returning to Bob's house where she is trapped again. The song they used for the group of victims to choose their next offering is All Night Long by Lionel Richie, a somewhat crazy choice for such a tense situation.Bob's art pieces are still totally crazy. Bob is desperate for more cream since he mistakenly gave the last one to his lawyer, so Erika's escape is causing him some desperation and that is why he eliminates the guard who was injured with Erika. But the final revelation will make your blood run cold, Erika's sister is one of the disguised helpers...she is Bob's accomplice! This plot twist is mind-blowing. This penultimate chapter is dizzying and full of tension, while a revelation changes everything. Art It is very detailed and dynamic, which elevates this absolutely brilliant script to another level, it uses a cold color palette but with lots of lighting. Summary Erika manages to escape the Rumpus Room but she is part of Bob's plan, who still has an ace up his sleeve that no one expects.

Rumpus Room (2023) #5

Jan 28, 2024

Plot The one who built the Rumpus Room is the one who has been in this place the longest and offers a way out, but this could be death for everyone. Erika discovers a terrible truth about her sister Olivia. This comic closes with the fall of this tycoon and his plan to eliminate people without any remorse. Brilliant and exciting ending. Art It is very detailed and dynamic, which elevates this absolutely brilliant script to another level, using a cold color palette but with lots of lighting. Summary Erika and the remaining prisoners of Rumpus Room carry out a suicidal plan to get out of that place one way or another. Shocking and exciting ending.

Rumpus Room Vol. 1

Apr 25, 2024

Art It is very detailed and dynamic, which elevates this absolutely brilliant script to another level, using a cold color palette but with lots of lighting. Rating 5 out of 5 Plot Magnificent new story with a macabre premise that will shake and exterminate your faith in society and moisturizing creams. The tone of the story is bold and overflowing with creativity with perversity that doesn't allow you to put it down, although everything is not deadly serious, including jokes like Bob's extravagant and horrible art collection. Rating 5 out of 5

Sentry (2023) #1

Dec 7, 2023

Plot This comic begins with an interesting mystery that sets off all the alarms, an army of Sentry is appearing out of nowhere, all with the powers of thousands of suns. Art It is organic with textures, the facial expressions are as effective as the words, where it shows the dynamism of Sentry's super battles Summary A pandemic of beings with Sentry's powers is occurring simultaneously and triggers the alarms of superheroes around the world.

Space Ghost (2024) #1

May 1, 2024

Plot This first comic begins with the brutal attack on the planet Omicron by pirates led by Brak, who are searching for a new technology created by Dr. Jerrod Keplar. Keplar's children, Jan and Jace, accompanied by the ape mascot Blip, try to escape from these attackers, but when they lose hope of saving themselves, SPACE GHOST appears, who, using the technology of his bracelets, easily defeats them. But even Space Ghost is going to need help to repel this invasion, help that Jan and Jace are willing to provide. The action sequences are intense and show how powerful this character is. Exciting first chapter that does not focus on revealing the origin of this vigilante, which is a mix between the Lone Ranger and Star Wars with a dizzying/mesmerizing narrative pace by David Pepose. As a fan of this original animated series from Hanna-Barbera, as well as the famous Late Night Show of the 1990s on Cartoon Network, it is exciting to see how they take the classic elements of this character and extrapolate them with a minimalist and precise vision. Art The origin of the mysterious Space Ghost begins with a lot of action, drama and with the first meeting with his allies Jan, Jace and Blip. Summary It shows how powerful this hero is from the technology of his bracelets to his superhuman strength, it is an organic art with many textures.

Space Usagi (2023): Death and Honor #1

Dec 17, 2023

This series mixes science fiction with samurai mythology perfectly, where Stan Sakai continues to expand his universe of characters and nourish himself with other genres. Art It is a mixture of naive art, with caricatures but with the unique imprint of Stan Sakai, which never disappoints and shows an impressive evolution. The colors are beautiful and highlight all of Stan's unique strokes, it is a visual delight. Summary Usagi is responsible for keeping Lord Matabe's fallen kingdom standing.

Space Usagi (2023): Death and Honor #2

Jan 17, 2024

Plot Osagi escapes with Prince Kiyoshi on the orders of his father Lord Matabe, so they have a battle between spaceships and they narrowly escape from Lord Niro leader of the Kajitori. Osagi and Kiyoshi arrive on the planet Mino and meet Princess Mino that she should be engaged to Kiyoshi, but she is enchanted by Osagi's presence. This series mixes science fiction with samurai mythology perfectly, where Stan Sakai continues to expand his universe of characters and nourish himself with other genres. Art It is a mixture of naive art, with caricatures but with the unique imprint of Stan Sakai, which never disappoints and shows an impressive evolution. The colors are beautiful and highlight all of Stan's unique strokes, it is a visual delight. Summary Usagi saves Kiyoshi but the drama is about to begin on Planet Mino Science fiction with the tone and imprint of Stan Sakai

Space Usagi (2023): Death and Honor #3

Feb 21, 2024

Plot Osagi confronts Matabe, who murdered Jiro and now there is no SHIROHOSHI CLAN, the battle between Osagi and Matabe is deadly. Kiyoshi becomes engaged to Mino, and Osagi discovers who Tomoe is. This series mixes science fiction with samurai mythology perfectly, where Stan Sakai continues to expand his universe of characters and nourish himself with other genres. Art It is a mixture of naive art, with caricatures but with the unique imprint of Stan Sakai, which never disappoints and shows an impressive evolution. The colors are beautiful and highlight all of Stan's unique strokes, it is a visual delight. Summary Usagi confronts Matabe for the fate of two families, thus closing this space saga

Spider-Boy (2023) #2

Dec 26, 2023

This comic includes two stories with different drawings set at Christmas: “’Twas the Fight Before Christmas” art by PACO MEDINA and colors by ERICK ARCINIEGA: Spider-Boy is alerted by his spider power that Taskmaster is going to attack Captain America. Rating 4 out of 5 “X-Mas Ex Machina” art by TY TEMPLETON with colors by DEE CUNNIFFE: Spider-by assists Squirrel Girl in a trap-filled parade. Rating 4 out of 5

Star Wars: Dark Droids (2023) #5

Jan 2, 2024

Plot AJAX SIGMA directs R2D2 and a group of droids ready to attack Scourge in a commando plan on the planet Epikonia, where they have already managed to control organic beings through a robot that is embedded in the brain. Luke, Leia, Lando and Chewbacca fight against an army when they are possessed by Scourge, so it is decisive to destroy Scourge Prime. That's what Ajax Sigma takes care of. When Scourge controls Luke and makes it clear that he can control the force, I got goosebumps. Exciting and chilling closing of an event that brought the Empire and the Rebels to their knees with an efficient and fast attack. Art It is highly detailed and captures the tone and designs of the original Star Wars trilogy, with epic sequences, sci-fi and horror. Summary Ajax Sigma is key in this battle to rid the Galaxy of Scourge's imminent possession

Stranger Things: The Voyage #2

Dec 7, 2023

The level of mystery, tension and suspense increases as this story from the Stranger Things universe that pays tribute to Bran Stoker continues. Art It is a very detailed art with textures that provide a classic and vintage tone with a cold color palette, where it successfully captures the mixture of horror, suspense and science fiction of the Netflix series. Summary Captain Jacoby prepares with what remains of the crew to face a monster on his ship. Excellent delivery that continues to nourish the Stranger Things universe

Stranger Things: The Voyage #3

Jan 17, 2024

Plot Captain Jacoby Cunningham, Hudson and Hicks try to escape the wrath of the Demogorgon, who is eliminating one by one with extreme cruelty, there is no place to hide on the ship Persephone. Meanwhile, the evil Russian spy gets one of her soldiers to search her rooms for a device that allows you to mentally control the Demogorgon, now she is in control of the situation. Exciting penultimate episode that maintains the level of mystery, tension and suspense and continues to nourish the Stranger Things universe and pays tribute to Bran Stoker's classic. Art It is a very detailed art with textures that provide a classic and vintage tone with a cold color palette, where it successfully captures the mixture of horror, suspense and science fiction of the Netflix series. Summary Captain Jacoby, Hudson and Hicks are about to face the wrath of the Demogorgon weaponized by the Russians. Exciting story, what a great series to include in Season 5 of the upcoming Netflix series.

Stranger Things: The Voyage #4

Mar 23, 2024

Plot Captain Jacoby Cunningham, Hudson and Hicks are cornered by the Demogorgon controlled by Dr. Karine, who threatens Jacoby, either takes him to KAMCHATKA in Russia or was going to assassinate them, Jacoby, Hudson and Hicks refuse and fight the Demogorgon. . Hudson is slaughtered by the Demogorgon while Hicks escapes and Jacoby takes drastic action with the Persephone, only Dr. Karine survives, whom we later see again in the miniseries KAMCHATKA. Exciting closing that increases tension and suspense, thus nourishing the Stranger Things universe with a tribute to Bran Stoker's classic, Dracula. Art It is a very detailed art with textures that provide a classic and vintage tone with a cold color palette, where it successfully captures the mixture of horror, suspense and science fiction of the Netflix series. Summary Captain Jacoby, Hudson and Hicks confront Dr Karine who controls the Demogorgon. Shocking and dramatic closing of this great miniseries

Subgenre (2023) #2

Dec 7, 2023

Exciting and dizzying delivery where the mix of literary genres remains in perfect balance, you feel like you are jumping from a story by Robert E Howard to enter one by Philip K Dick. Art It is very detailed with Torres' imprint that fuses 60s pop art with a fresh new vision, with impressive body language management. Summary Detective Verge lives a fantastic adventure as he is manipulated to create an epic new Intellectual Property

Subgenre (2023) #3

Jan 11, 2024

Plot This comic is overwhelming and brilliant, when you think you understand what is happening it changes everything. Art It is very detailed with Torres' imprint that fuses 60s pop art with a fresh new vision, with impressive body language management. Summary Detective Verge receives shocking revelations that will make him search for his origins to understand everything

Syphon (2021): Vol. 2 #1

Nov 20, 2023

This new volume begins with mystery, magic and suspense, for better enjoyment you can read the first volume, however everything in this comic is clear and also serves as a good starting point. Sylas and Livia must deal with the origin of their empathy powers while in the crosshairs of a hunter. The art is detailed with slight textures that give it a dynamism, the color palette is diverse and gives the exact mystical tone to Syla's powers. The full review in spanish/ensglish here: https://uncomicmas.blogspot.com/2023/10/resena-adelantada-en-espanolingles-de_29.html

Syphon (2021): Vol. 2 #2

Dec 17, 2023

Plot Sylas falls asleep with the tranquilizer that the hunter Zenia shot at him, she explains to Livia that all those who have Sylas' power end up becoming evil and that this power is capable of altering the Neuro-Astral border. Sylas wakes up and meets alone with Zenia, who shows him a book with the origin of his power, which is located in the jungles of the Amazon. This story now follows a line of adventure where Sylas must face the origin of his powers. Art This installment uses a cooler color palette and the art includes interesting environment changes. Summary Sylas must work as a team with Zenia, who has dangerous secrets, Livia does not trust this alliance

Thanos (2023) #2

Jan 3, 2024

The battle between Hulk and Thanos is intense but fast, this installment is predictable and feels rushed in its narrative. Thanos reaches Roberta and tells her that he is not going to hurt her, he just wants her to remember what death is... MISTRESS DEATH! Art Play with lots of textures and shadows to show an interesting gloomy tone. Summary Roberta still doesn't know who she is, but Thanos is ready to make her remember and the Illuminati can't stop him!

The Alternates (2023) #3

Nov 23, 2023

The Alternates finally discovers who is behind everything, shocking penultimate episode full of revelations. Oswalt, Blum and Seeley continue to deliver a penultimate installment full of shocking revelations. An art with layers of textures that provide different tones for different sequences, where body language adds meaning to the dialogues and elevates the plot.

The Alternates (2023) #4

Dec 17, 2023

Exciting episode that closes this story that mixes real drama with the mystique of superheroes but mixed with dynamite. ART It is an art with layers of textures that provide different tones for different sequences, where body language adds a lot of meaning to the dialogues and elevates the plot. Summary The Alternates are the alternative we have to save ourselves from dimensional madness. Dizzying closure

The Madness (2023) #5

Dec 16, 2023

Plot The trail of revenge and blood that Raven is leaving has shaken the world and she still has to face the two most powerful "heroes", Darius and Micron. Art It is very detailed and full of highlights that show everything from the most intimate moments to the most devastating, with gore or explicit details of viscera and blood, it is undoubtedly hypnotizing. This issue includes several pretty good funny sequences that the art elevates them with a lot of charm. Summary Raven confronts DJINN and Shade, as she prepares for the final battle to eliminate the Council of Justice, but there is a secret that Raven is hiding from Sarah. Amazing and dizzying penultimate chapter

The Madness Vol. 1: (mr)

Mar 23, 2024

Art It is very detailed and full of highlights that show everything from the most intimate moments to the most devastating, with gore or explicit details of viscera and blood, it is undoubtedly hypnotizing. It includes an immense amount of pages with action sequences of epic scale. Plot The superhero genre is analyzed from a real and disturbing psychological point of view, where the psyche of a superhuman is broken thanks to corruption and politics cruelly intertwined, so revenge is the only cure that Sarah has to cure her madness. Reading is addictive at a dizzying narrative pace.

The Ribbon Queen (2023) #5

Dec 16, 2023

This comic focuses on narrating the origin of The Ribbon Queen, her motives and modus operandi. This entity takes bodies that have suffered trauma at the hands of men and is going to take revenge on every man that crosses her path. This chapter serves as support. Amy begins to understand who The Ribbon Queen is and how this avenging spirit appears precisely when a woman is being tortured. Art It is very detailed, full of brilliance, where every little detail stands out, from the clothes, to the backgrounds, to the facial expressions of pain and terror. There is an explicit gore scene with a lot of detail, especially the entrails. Summary Agent Amy has a premonition and learns the origin of The Ribbon Queen

The Ribbon Queen (2023) #6

Jan 2, 2024

Plot Amy tells Clayton about her past, about how they tried to rape her and how her altruistic aptitude has brought her problems with her bosses and subordinates in the police. But she connects with The Ribbon Queen because of her constant desire for justice towards women. This installment follows an informative narrative. Art It is very detailed, full of shine, where every little detail stands out, from the clothes, to the backgrounds, to the facial expressions of pain and terror. Summary Agent Amy searches her past to understand her connection to The Ribbon Queen.

The Ribbon Queen (2023) #7

Feb 1, 2024

Plot The Ribbon Queen warns Amy that her friend Clayton is not who he used to be, that there is a hidden force taking over bodies, that force is responsible for so many women's deaths. Amy finally encounters the being that The Ribbon Queen has wished to stop. This installment follows an excessively informative narrative. Art It is very detailed, full of brilliance, where every little detail stands out, from the clothes, to the backgrounds, to the facial expressions of pain and terror. Summary Agent Amy discovers that there is a supernatural force other than The Ribbon Queen

The Ribbon Queen (2023) #8

Mar 2, 2024

Plot Amy confronts Clayton who she thought was her friend, but discovers that the Ribbon Queen's fight to avenge femicides has its cosmic counterpart. This installment closes this eight-chapter story where women's violence materializes in supernatural forces. The narrative of this ending is still somewhat slow but on the other hand they finally explain the whole mystery. Art It is very detailed, full of brilliance, where every little detail stands out, from the clothes, to the backgrounds, to the facial expressions of pain and terror. Summary Amy finally understands the true millennial joke of The Ribbon Queen

The Witcher: Corvo Bianco #1

May 8, 2024

Plot Plot Geralt lives his dream life, retired from his Witcher activities, he is now the owner of a grape field, where he is learning to make wine, this place he calls CORVO BIANCO, land and house given by Duchess Anna Henrietta to Geralt. In this place he is happy and calm, and everything improves when he receives a visit from her love Yennefer, who wants to see for herself if it is true that Geralt matured and changed his wandering life, he "entertains" her with all the luxuries he has. But this tranquility is temporary, since there is a group of mysterious warriors, who come in the name of Lord Bolius, to claim these lands in his name by hook or by crook, Geralt and Yennefer attack with everything. Exciting, action-packed story that shows a more hopeful side of the Witcher, until its tainted by envy. Art It has many textures and plays with shadows to give it a gloomy and medieval effect, it is undoubtedly a characteristic art of European fantasy comics, it is hypnotizing. Summary Geralt enjoys his retirement with joy, wine and Yennefer, until he is visited by a mysterious enemy.

The Witcher: Wild Animals #3

Dec 17, 2023

Excellent penultimate chapter where Geralt's life is in danger and he will possibly have to break his principles. Art He achieves very dynamic sequences using textures, achieving a gloomy tone perfect for this story. Body language and facial expressions elevate dialogues. Summary Geralt is in the middle of a barbarian war and none of his abilities are of any use to them, he must break his principles to save himself.

The Witcher: Wild Animals #4

Feb 14, 2024

Plot Geralt is imprisoned by Ekerot who finally explains to him why he kills monsters, they are trophies for his son who is seriously disturbed and wants to kill living beings for pleasure. On the other hand, Colm Coimeadai arrives at the castle to assassinate Ekerot. Ekerot's wife frees Geralt and asks him to kill his son who is about to slaughter a monster. Geralt stops him and hits him, but he does not dare to kill the teenager because he believes that he can be saved. Colm arrives and accepts the mother's proposal and heads towards the young man... The Witcher knows that he will not take sides in this depraved war between monster lovers and humans, so this story tests Geralt's deep convictions and his oath. Magnificent story that deserves to be adapted into a season of the Netflix series. Art He achieves very dynamic sequences using textures, achieving a gloomy tone perfect for this story. Body language and facial expressions elevate dialogues. Summary Geralt faces a war where the sides are cruel and despise life in all its forms. Excellent closing to an exciting miniseries

Thunderbolts (2023) #1

Dec 7, 2023

Plot Exciting episode full of explosive action, where an alignment of antiheroes has just been formed who apply justice like lightning. Art It is detailed with many textures that provide a great dynamism, where they use a cold color palette to give it the gloomy tone of these covert operations and hitmen. Summary Bucky Barnes has deep knowledge of the locations of the planet's most dangerous and cruel criminals and assembles a team of ragtag anti-heroes to begin his pursuit of justice.

Thunderbolts (2023) #2

Jan 11, 2024

Plot Exciting episode full of action and spy mystery, with good chase and fight sequences. Art It is detailed with many textures that provide a great dynamism, where they use a cold color palette to give it the gloomy tone of these covert operations and hitmen. Summary Bucky, Black Widow and White Widow carry out a suicide mission but their hunt for Red Skull is just beginning.

Thunderbolts (2023) #3

Feb 17, 2024

Plot Bucky asks Shang-Chi for help to contact and recruit John Walker-US Agent and Todd Ziller-American Kaiju, who have a mission to carry out an attack on Latveria but is actually a front for Red Skull to escape again, since his presence in that place is unknown. But Walker does not believe what Shang-Chi tells him and believes it is a trap by Red Skull, on the other hand Bucky tries to talk to Ziller, but Red Skull controls Ziller's mind and activates his Kaiju transformation. Shang-Chi manages to contain the situation with his Five Weapons Society and lends Barnes a bracelet that makes him grow like a Kaiju and thus we witness large-scale battles. Exciting episode full of action and Kaiju fights, where Bucky manages to recruit two new members of his team and thus prepares a better attack on the Red Skull in Latveria. Art It is detailed with many textures that provide great dynamism, where they use a warm color palette to provide that tone of mysteries and hidden spies, the red sequence of Shang-Chi and US Agent is epic. Summary Bucky Barnes continues recruiting members for his team that prepares to eliminate Red Skull, but he is not an easy enemy to defeat.

Thunderbolts (2023) #4

Mar 27, 2024

Plot Bucky with his complete lineup of Thunderbolts made up of Contessa, Black Widow, White Widow, Shang-Chi, John Walker-US Agent, Red Guardian and The Destroyer, go to Latveria to find the Red Skull's hideout that has been in place for more than 80 years. that place right under Doctor Doom's nose. The Thunderbolts enter without permission even though Doctor Doom warned them that entry was prohibited. In Latveria he finally faces Red Skull, at his maximum power, he is a formidable opponent with his powers at their maximum, but Bucky only manages a distraction so that Doctor Doom arrives to solve all the Thunderbolts' problems. With Red Skull finally defeated, the team is now thirsty for more, they want to continue on the trail of the cruelest villains that exist, several candidates are shown. Exciting closure of this miniseries that leaves the desire for a sequel, since this Thunderbolts lineup is great and has a lot of potential. This is the definitive version of this team that becomes Marvel's Black Ops. Art It is detailed with many textures that provide great dynamism, where they use a warm color palette to provide that tone of mystery and spies. Summary The Thunderbolts vs Red Skull, in a shocking battle without Doctor Doom's permission Excellent closing of this miniseries that mixes action, espionage and mystery.

Thundercats (2024) #1

Feb 7, 2024

Plot This first installment tells how this unique crew of Thundercats managed to escape the destruction of Thundera at the hands of the mutants of Plun-Darr and their arrival on the Third Planet (our planet centuries after the apocalypse). Lion-O, Panthro, Cheetarah, Tygra, Wileykit and Wileykat, here explain in detail what happens with León-O's suspended animation capsule, something that the animated series omitted. With the death of his leader Jaga, the Lion-O who must take his place, but despite having the body of an adult, he does not yet have the necessary maturity, but must assume the mantle so that his species can survive the genocide that occurred. they suffered. The Sword of Omens is the only Treasure these surviving Thundercats had left from Thundera. The comic highlights how cocky Leon-O is and his desire to prove to everyone and himself that he is the king of Thundera, however this proof comes on its own with the attack of the Plun-Darr mutant called Reptilio, this battle goes to fracture Lion-O's grown ego and awaken a force thirsting for the power of the Eye of Thundera in the Sword of Omens. With a lot of nostalgia and an accelerated narrative pace, Declan brings you to this universe of endearing characters with whom you can identify, bringing joy and good memories to the original fans and being the perfect starting point for new generations, who will delight in the battle cry THUNDER-THUNDER-THUNDERCATS-HOOO. The sequence of Lion-O with the Sword of Omens is beautiful and nostalgic, as is the design of the characters that rescue aspects of the original animated series but refresh them. We just need to see what they did with Snarf. As a fan of this animated series that I managed to see on old square television with antennas in 1986, I am satisfied and excited with the way in which this comic rescues everything I love about the Thundercats. Art It has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch of comics from the 1980s but at the same time offers great dynamism with the amount of details it offers, with a pastel color palette that continues to provide this vintage tone . Summary Like a thunder bolt full of nostalgia and action, the Thundercats return with a story full of science fiction, magic, mystery and felines with human problems.

Thundercats (2024) #2

Mar 17, 2024

Plot Leon-O is still recovering mentally and physically from his battle against the mutants of Plun'darr, when their leader Slithe destroyed the Sword of Omens. Although the sword's edge is destroyed, it can still see beyond the obvious and Lion-O warns Panthro, Tiger and Cheetara of the existence of a familiar being within the mutant ship. This comic introduces a new character into this universe, with a lot of potential but can cause division in the team. Meanwhile Mumm-Ra stalks the Thundercats and the mutants. Declan continues to take us into this universe through nostalgia but at the same time refreshing it with current themes and new characters, making reading this comic totally addictive. As a fan of this animated series that I managed to see on old antenna televisions in 1986, my enthusiasm continues to grow as well as my interest in seeing what turn this reboot of the Thundercats will have. Art It has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch of comics from the 1980s but at the same time offers great dynamism with the amount of details it offers, with a pastel color palette. Summary Exciting chapter of this new saga that redefines the beginning of the Thundercats The Thundercats make an important discovery as enemies grow in number and are in their sights.

Thundercats (2024) #3

Apr 10, 2024

Plot Calica prowls at night in the Feline Den, while Panthro accosts her and asks her not to see his work, Calica's behavior is erratic and she seems to be hiding something, but Leon-O is madly in love with her for unknown reasons, Panthro states that there are pheromones that she expels. Panthro obtained a possible source of a key Thunderian mineral, but he distrusts Lion-O's objectivity in his decisions and his ego inflates. Calica has brought tension and discord among the Thundercats. Although the Sword of Omens is destroyed, he can still see the future. When he activates it before going out for a walk with Calica, a portal opens to a hidden area full of Thundera's treasures and suddenly an old ally of Lion-O appears...., that the fans were looking forward to, and you won't get disspointed, the new design is brilliant. Slithe is kidnapped by a mysterious powerful enemy, a mutant who has Earth as his kingdom. Mumm-Ra apparently has a history with Jaga...which increases the mystery level of this series. Declan continues to create and increase this veil of mystery and suspense in this story full of twists. As a fan of this animated series that I managed to see on square TVs in 1986, my enthusiasm continues to grow as well as my interest in seeing what turn this reboot of the Thundercats will have. Art It has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch of comics from the 1980s but at the same time offers great dynamism with the amount of details it offers, with a pastel color palette. Summary Lion-O welcomes the arrival of an old friend, but his sanity is clouded by a crush on Calica that has Panthro worried. Exciting new delivery.

Thundercats (2024) #4

May 24, 2024

Plot Mum-Ra launches an attack with his mutant mummies on the Thundercats' ship, Leon-o and the Thundercats launch to defend themselves from the attack, Calica was left alone on the ship with Snarf. This closing of the first arc reveals the spy/traitor among the Thundercats, as well as one of its members fallen in battle. While the Mutants form an alliance, Reptilio meets Masndril, the leader of the Mutants on the Third Planet. The Thundercats grow stronger as a team even as Thundera's most important relic is in danger and Leon-o learns a hard lesson. Calica has brought tension and discord among the Thundercats. Declan closes this first story arc in style, without a doubt he manages to elevate this universe of characters to another level of excellence. As a fan of this animated series that I managed to see on mustache antenna televisions in 1986, my enthusiasm continues to grow as well as my interest in seeing what turn this reboot of the Thundercats will have. Art It has textures that give the details a retro/vintage touch of comics from the 1980s but at the same time offers great dynamism with the amount of details it offers, with a pastel color palette. Summary The Thundercats finally face their leader lurking in the shadows and the traitor is revealed.

U & I (2024) #1

Feb 8, 2024

Plot This occurs just when the pandemic that left millions dead ends and those who survived activated a superpower, U awakens with impressive powers of regeneration and super strength and agility, so like many Reborns and Morths they have dedicated themselves to delivering justice. On the other hand, there is Isabelle, a survivor of the pandemic but who has not developed superpowers and is monitored by the government in case she lies and no one gives her a job, her uncles took advantage and kept her father's money and she lives in the street, is when he meets U, two lonely souls seeking justice brought together by a pandemic. U's vision of the world is impressive and surreal, it is what he sees a being with superhuman powers. Exciting and dizzying beginning of a story that promises a romance in violent and supernatural circumstances. Art It is detailed where they handle two types of colors, one with U's vision and the other with reality, both versions are hypnotizing. Summary A pandemic offers the opportunity to do justice in a broken and inhuman world, two souls in pain will seek company and love.

U & I (2024) #2

Mar 23, 2024

Plot U talks to Isabella, he is totally in love with her and claims that he has been waiting for Isabelle all his life. In this conversation U explains to her that there are always evil people in the shadows and she identifies those who, with her indifference and greed, control the world. The way U sees Isabelle through different eyes, like a romantic fantasy, is great, something that resonates with U's mental state. Isabelle, or rather I, gives U the coordinates of the local mafia, so a crime cleanup begins, but U is not the only Reborn around, there are others who are mercenaries. Exciting romantic story around special circumstances such as superhumans and the paranoia of a lethal pandemic, but the concepts about the social and political vices of the world are part of a relevant universal language with which it is easy to identify. Art It is detailed where they handle two types of colors, one with U's vision and the other with reality, both versions are hypnotizing. Summary U and Isabella begin their crusade against the cruelty of society, but they face unknown enemies with a lot of economic and political power.

U & I (2024) #4

May 15, 2024

Plot U is attacked by Hand, in an epic battle where Isabella helps defeat Hand by making him drink caustic soda, mysteriously she knows what his weak point is. The mafia seeing that they cannot defeat U, a new advantage appears to them, someone who knows Isabella. U is starting to remember his past, the name Humberto appears. Art It is detailed where they handle two types of colors, one with U's vision and the other with reality, both versions are hypnotizing. Summary U and Isabella win their first battle together

Ultimate Black Panther (2024) #1

Feb 14, 2024

Plot T'challa is the new king of Wakanda after his father abdicates the position and faces a territorial crisis carried out by the gods Ra and Konshu, who together form Moon Knight, who want to take over the entire African continent. from Egypt. T'challa and his queen Okoye, the former warrior Dora Milaje, seek not to go to war with anyone until they have all the information possible, but when they carry out an attack against T'challa where his father T'chaka dies, the war It starts with everything. Shuri is Wakanda's Woman in Arms and is dedicated to arming the Dora Milaje, who were waiting for the order to attack. On the other hand, Killmonger fights Moon Knight alone with the help of Wind Rider, whose identity is unknown. Epic beginning of a new saga that reimagines the Black Panther universe and relates it to Moon Knight. Art The art has many textures that offer a gloomy tone and interesting dynamism to this dramatic beginning, each page is hypnotizing with a cold color palette with many plays of shadows. Summary T'challa faces a powerful enemy who wants control of Africa in this new and bold vision of Black Panther´s universe with stunnig twists and revelations

Ultimate Black Panther (2024) #2

Mar 17, 2024

Plot T'challa declares war on Ra and Konshu, who together form Moon Knight, who want to take the entire African continent from Egypt to Wakanda. Black Panther asks for advice from the oracles of Vodu-Khan, who tell him that a woman of light will give him a son who, according to prophecy, is what will save Wakanda. Ra and Konshu are assisted by a spy in Wakanda, who has offered him his points of weakness, but T'Challa is already suspicious of this situation and asks his spies to discover it. Moon Knight's whereabouts are unknown but Wakandan spies speculate that they are in an area where the fauna was mysteriously repeated. Black Panther arrives at this site and meets...the woman of light...Ororo. ..Storm! This installment continues to delve into this new universe of characters that, although they are familiar, the circumstances in which they live are a different alternative. Art The art has many textures that offer a gloomy tone and interesting dynamism to this dramatic beginning, each page is hypnotizing with a cold color palette with many plays of shadows. Summary T'challa seeks to attack Moon Knight, but encounters a prophecy. Magnificent second installment of this saga full of political drama, action, mythology and mystery

Ultimate Black Panther (2024) #3

Apr 17, 2024

Plot Erik Killmonger explains to T'challa that Ra and Konshu are also his enemy, although he no longer feels like Wakanda, he is now Ororo's (Storm) ally. Killmonger takes T'Challa to a temple that looks like it's in Wakanda, but T'Challa doesn't know that language. In this place there is also vibranium, but suddenly Black Panther cannot control it, so he takes it away and reaches Ororo, who tells him that Moon Knight wants a power that is locked in this place that she does not know, it is an energy sphere. mysterious Shuri and Queen Okoye do not get along, and T'Challa's disappearance increases this tension. Magnificent new chapter that continues to creatively expand this alternate Ultimate universe, Ultimate Storm is spectacular. Art The art has many textures that offer a gloomy tone and interesting dynamism to this dramatic beginning, each page is hypnotizing with a cold color palette with many plays of shadows. Summary Black Panther is brought by Killmonger to Storm, who unveils the weapon Moon Knight really wants and it's not vibranium.

Ultimate Black Panther (2024) #4

May 24, 2024

Plot Okoye heads towards the town of Wakanda stating that Black Panther is missing but not dead, that they should be calm, but in the current war situation it is difficult to be calm, especially Shuri who wants to take other measures. Okoye is attacked by one of Moon Knight's soldiers, who was a former Dora Milaje, but Black Panther appears and stops her. Black Panther explains to Okoye that Wakanda and all of Africa are in danger, she is full of spies from Ra and Konshu, who believe they are gods and want vibranium for something magical. T'challa explains that she is going to have to create a small circle of trust that will handle undisclosed information, this group is made up of Shuri, Okoye, Erik Killmonger and Ororo (Storm). This comic continues to raise the climate of tension and mystery in this mix of the spy genre with the political thriller. Art The art has many textures that offer a gloomy tone and interesting dynamism to this dramatic beginning, each page is hypnotizing with a cold color palette with many plays of shadows. Summary Black Panther stays in the shadows as he seeks to uncover the size of Ra and Khonshu's conspiracy

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #1

Jan 11, 2024

Plot Begins with 35-year-old Peter Parker living with his wife MJ and two children in a different time, at no time was he bitten by a radioactive spider, therefore his whole life is different, his uncle Ben lives and is co-editor of the newspaper Bugle with JJ Jameson and his Aunt May just died after the battle between Iron Man and The Maker that restarted the multiverses. Peter works with his uncle Ben and is like a nephew to JJ Jameson, this alternating dynamic is amazing, while Ben and JJJ are going to start a new publishing project together, while Kinpin takes the Bugle but a Green Goblin is going to hunt him down. This comic makes it clear that the trigger for Peter to be Spider-man depends on a sacrifice, in this case it is that of Tia May. Peter receives from Iron Man a sphere where he offers him to become the superhero he was destined to be, this sphere includes a nanotechnology suit and the possibility of being bitten by a modified spider... will he make the decision? Ultimate Spider-man shakes up Spider-man's origin with a brilliant, mature and direct twist. Art It is loaded with great details that explode in your face supported by subtle and well-placed textures, which gives a raw and powerful tone to this story that shakes up and gives a realistic twist to Spider-man. Summary Peter Parker is offered another opportunity to recover his destiny that was cut off by The Maker. Exciting new story that takes the myth of Spider-man and brilliantly elevates it to another level of maturity. They will be talking about this comic throughout 2024 .

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #2

Feb 21, 2024

Plot Peter Parker enjoys his new secret identity and at night he takes advantage to learn how to use his spdoeres and help the community with this new nanotechnology suit that is currently all black, it begins to appear in the Daily Bugle thanks to the photos of Peter. May, Peter's daughter, doesn't like that suit and she is afraid of this vigilante. On the other hand, Ben and JJ Jameson discuss the current situation in the city, where Kingpin, as the owner of The Bugle, hides that he has received several attacks from a masked person, who apparently is the new Gree Goblin. This comic shows Peter's trial-and-error learning process as a 35-year-old Spider-man, where his innocence is taken advantage of by Shocker, whose new design is amazing. The comedy approach of this new Spider-man is based on the learning process of a millennial. Peter is careless and his daughter May discovers it, but they both keep the secret and set out to redesign the suit. This new series gives a magnificent creative twist to the Spider-man universe, each new series delves into a plot that is as fresh as it is well-known. Art It is loaded with great details that explode in your face supported by subtle and well-placed textures, which gives a raw and powerful tone to this story that shakes up and gives a realistic twist to Spider-man. Summary Peter Parker learns to use his powers through more mistakes than successes, while a threat in the city grows and is covered by the Daily Bugle's new journalistic guidelines.

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #3

Mar 27, 2024

Plot Peter and May share Spider-Man's secret and she helps him have less threatening colors on his suit. Ben JJ Jameson already has an office where they analyze the activities of the Green Goblin, which are hidden by the Daily Bugle, since each Green Goblin attack is directed at Wilson Fisk's businesses. The name of Ben and JJJ's future newspaper is still unknown. Peter begins to stake out the city to catch Green Goblin, but becomes a spectator of a battle between the ultimate version of Green Goblin vs. Bullseye. Peter helps Green Goblin stop him and both reveal his identity, Harry and Peter begin to forge a friendship under the most outlandish conditions. This new chapter is full of emotion, action, suspense and continues to reimagine Peter in different but incredibly interesting circumstances. This comic gets better with each new chapter. Art It is loaded with great details that explode in your face supported by subtle and well-placed textures, which gives a raw and powerful tone to this story that shakes up and gives a realistic twist to Spider-man. Summary Peter Parker follows the trail of the Green Goblin, who has been attacking Wilson Fisk and no one has noticed except Ben and JJ Jameson

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #4

Apr 25, 2024

Plot Peter and MJ are invited to lunch by Harry Osborn, who introduced them to his wife...Gwen Stacy, this meeting between adults is tense and complex, since Harry knows Peter's secret and Peter knows Harry's, but MJ does not know nothing. Harry claimed that Gwen knows everything about her Green Goblin identity. Peter in his greatest cosmic ignorance has no idea that he is having dinner with the two women in his life. The entire comic is based on the dialogue held in this restaurant, where Gwen and Harry are incisive, accustomed to judging, from their comfortable point of view as billionaires. Harry offers Peter to change the world, using the famous phrase With great power comes great responsibility. Ben and JJ Jameson continue discussing the name of a new publishing project...which MJ suggested to them is THE PAPER. Without the need for any action or fight sequences, this comic captures the tension between both potential enemies. Art It is very organic with some textures, which seem to have a certain Asian influence, it has a lot of shine and highlights the beauty and sensuality of MJ and Gwen. Summary Peter and MJ have dinner with Harry and Gwen, a meal that is as tense as it is chilling

Ultimate Spider-Man (2024) #5

May 30, 2024

Plot The drama of Harry Osborn's life began with the death of his father and mother during The Maker's attack on New York, where Tony Stark was blamed. Harry stopped being an irresponsible playboy to dedicate himself to learning about his company, but being an Osborn means entering a secret circle led by Kingpin that the Stane/Stark company offers him. Harry begins to investigate all the information that Tony Stark handles, discovering that he is still alive and that he has been in charge of changing history and bringing back the heroes and villains. Harry now investigates Stark's clues and already knows that The Maker is responsible for the death of his parents. That involves torturing Bullseye to find out what the Kingpin is hiding. Harry is neither hero nor villain. This installment is full of revelations and raises the level of suspense and mystery. Art It is very organic with some textures, which seem to have a certain Asian influence, it has a lot of shine. Summary Harry Osborn's secret agenda begins to be revealed and has long ramifications.

Usagi Yojimbo (2023): The Crow #1

Apr 3, 2024

Plot This story continues just after the events of USAGI YOJIMBO: ICE AND SNOW where Usagi and Yukichi finally get away from the cold of the mountains and their dangers. Usagi and Yukichi assist a person who is attacked by four swordsmen, this person defends himself and is helped by a Crow, Usagi and Yukichi help him defeat his attackers, each one went their own way, they only know that the crow's name is Yatagarasu. Upon arriving at the town, Usagi and Yukichi meet the bounty hunters Gen and Stray Dog, who explain that the warrior they helped who has a crow is the assassin JIMMU. Gen and Stray Dog offer Usagi to help them catch Jimmu and collect the reward, but Yukichi does not approve of this, he believes that samurai can live as wandering heroes. But this town is dangerous and Yukichi, with his naivety, is in danger. Exciting new colorful story arc of Usagi that has all the ingredients that Stan Sakai has been perfecting, mystery, sword fighting, Japanese mythology, horror and that hypnotizing and dizzying narrative rhythm. Art It is a mixture of naive art, with caricatures but with the unique imprint of Stan Sakai, which never disappoints and shows an impressive evolution. The colors are beautiful and highlight all of Stan's unique strokes, it is a visual delight. Summary Usagi and Yukichi make a mistake and help the wrong person, so they will make enemies and now they must fix their mistake.

Usagi Yojimbo (2023): The Crow #2

May 8, 2024

Plot Yukichi accepts that they made a mistake in helping Jimmu without knowing who he was, but now he wants to fix the mistake and look for him to bring him to the law, not to collect his reward, since that is considered immoral for a samurai. Bounty hunters Gen and Stray Dog ask Usagi to lend them money for their stay. But there is another bounty hunter named BOSS, who believes that Usagi and Yukichi are bounty hunters, so he kidnaps Yukichi so that he can catch Jimmu. Usagi finds out and now must save his cousin. Exciting new colorful story arc of Usagi that has all the ingredients that Stan Sakai has been perfecting, mystery, sword fighting, Japanese mythology, horror and that hypnotizing and dizzying narrative rhythm. Art It is a mixture of naive art, with caricatures but with the unique imprint of Stan Sakai, which never disappoints and shows an impressive evolution. The colors are beautiful and highlight all of Stan's unique strokes, it is a visual delight. Summary Yukichi is kidnapped by Boss and Usagi must now try to save him in the middle of a Bounty Hunter war.

Usagi Yojimbo (2023): Ice and Snow #3

Dec 7, 2023

This colorful story arc of Usagi has all the ingredients that Stan Sakai has been perfecting: mystery, sword fighting, Japanese mythology, horror and that hypnotizing and dizzying narrative rhythm. Art It is a mixture of naive art, with caricatures but with the unique imprint of Stan Sakai, which never disappoints and shows an impressive evolution. The colors are beautiful and highlight all of Stan's unique strokes, it is a visual delight. Summary Jei follows her quest to eliminate Usagi regardless of whether he has to eliminate a snow demon

Usagi Yojimbo (2023): Ice and Snow #4

Jan 11, 2024

Plot This is the penultimate chapter, the next installment will be an epilogue when Usagi and Yukichi finally arrive at the village. This colorful story arc of Usagi has all the ingredients that Stan Sakai has been perfecting: mystery, sword fighting, Japanese mythology, horror and that hypnotizing and dizzying narrative rhythm. Art It is a mixture of naive art, with caricatures but with the unique imprint of Stan Sakai, which never disappoints and shows an impressive evolution. The colors are beautiful and highlight all of Stan's unique strokes, it is a visual delight. Summary Jei vs Usagi the long-awaited battle that will make your blood run cold

What If...? Venom (2024) #1

Mar 2, 2024

Plot She-Hulk accidentally interrupts the moment when Eddie Brock was going to separate from the symbiote and this living being in Jennifer has a delicious power, so he possesses her and at nights when she sleeps he satisfies his hunger for human heads. Sabretooth takes a sample from She-Hulk/Venom and this links him to Wolverine. The comic has an interesting narrative as we see how She-Hulk suffers from a remorse that he cannot stop due to Venom's unbridled hunger. Art It has oil-like strokes that give it a very real look and gives Venom's viscosity a great look. Summary She-Hulk accidentally falls under the control and dependence of Venom in this story that reimagines this key origin of an evil villain in Marvel Comics

What If...? Venom (2024) #2

Mar 17, 2024

Plot Wolverine intercepts Sabretooth to stop him from selling a sample of the She-Hulk/Venom symbiote to the Triads, but in truth it was all a plot by Sabretooth to get Wolverine to join Venom. Venom is an expert at discovering the weak points of his hosts and knows that Wolverine's mind is affected, so he takes advantage of it to feed on people while recreating his memories of when he was Weapon X in Logan's mind. But Wolverine is a wild animal that is going to escape no matter what and manages to separate himself from Venom before it was too late. Wolverine manages to break this parasitic bond, something that is very difficult by Venom's nature. The comic closes with the appearance of one of Moon Knight's personalities, Steven Grant, the millionaire and business genius, who offers to analyze how to get rid of Venom in order to use this and separate future heroes and villains. At the end we see Doctor Strange analyzing the backpack where Sabretooth had the She-Hulk/Venom sample. The next to fall is Doctor Strange. Art He has many textures and details that give him a perfect organic tone to recreate the viscosity and darkness of the Venom symbiote. Summary Wolverine is Venom's new victim in his quest to trap new, super-powerful hosts in this reimagining of Venom's origin without Eddie Brock.

What If...? Venom (2024) #3

Apr 17, 2024

Plot Doctor Strange is caught by the symbiote without realizing it, he is in his cape and appears just when Amora bursts in to stop him. It's when he makes a kind of truce, because Strange knows how much he can increase his magical potential. But this symbiote is attacking all the heroes he can, next is Moon Knight and his Midnight Mission. This reimagining of how Venom attacks the Marvel universe is interesting and cool Art It is detailed, with a lot of influence from Steve Ditko, also offering a medieval tone Summary Doctor Strange faces an enemy whose power does not lie in magic but is capable of augmenting the abilities of the Sorcerer Supreme.

What If...? Venom (2024) #4

May 15, 2024

Plot Venom, using Loki's body and powers of deception, infiltrates the Midnight Mission, taking the opportunity to cause chaos and confusion among Moon Knight's personalities. Steven, who currently controls Moon Knight, fails to connect with Mar or Jake, who have more skills and will to fight Loki/Venom. This installment is very confusing and takes place in the disoriented and untrustworthy mind of Monn Knight, where even Konshu himself is in danger of being possessed. Art It is organic with many textures, it manages to capture the confused mind with sequences with dreamlike tones. Summary Loki/Venom wants to control another god and be able to travel between worlds

Wolverine (2020) #41

Jan 11, 2024

Plot Sabretooth of Earth 616 has already managed to convince the other versions that his plan to eliminate Wolverine is perfect, so they prepare to go to Krakoa to begin their revenge, of course, without knowing that this island is deserted since it is not There are mutants, only the Stark Sentinels guarding it. But Sabretooth has the Orchis ship's technology in control of him and begins to track Wolverine's location. His first victim is Quentin, who thought to go rescue Wolverine in this place by mistake and is literally devoured by the Sabretooths. Wolverine is at the North Pole leading the X-Force team made up of Akihiro, Laura, Sage, Black Tom, Fang and Domino. Wolverine senses that something is about to happen, that is when he receives an attack from the Sabretooths and they tear his son Akihiro to pieces... the war begins and Sabretooth is not going to hold back, unleashing his anger and cannibalism. The murder sequences in this comic are intense and gore (explicitly showing viscera and blood). This story arc will show how Sabretooth achieves revenge on him murder for murder in a gripping and fast-paced narrative. Art He has two artistic visions that merge perfectly, achieving detailed and dynamic sequences. Summary Wolverine is about to be punished by Sabretooth, who is going to eliminate his loved ones one by one with extreme cruelty.

Wolverine (2020) #42

Feb 1, 2024

Plot Sabretooth and all his alternate versions subdue Wolverine and prepare for a cruel attack on X-Force, they have already murdered Akihiro now they are going to murder Laura, Sage, Black Tom, Fang and Domino in front of Wolverine to torture him. Wolverine escapes from his bonds by self-mutilating himself in a violent and very explicit manner, this is one of the most violent Wolverine comics you will read in years. The Sabretooth and their legion fight against everyone, but it is Laura who fails to emerge victorious. Sabretooth's revenge is cruel and efficient, his goal is to break Wolverine's will by affecting those he values most. Art He has two artistic visions that merge perfectly, achieving detailed and dynamic sequences. Summary Wolverine faces an organized and powerful attack from Sabretooth and all his alternate versions

Wolverine (2020) #43

Feb 14, 2024

Plot On the ship Orchis the Sabretooths rebel against the current leader Captain Creed and Savage, because the Pretty Sabretooths died in the battle in the arctic. Savage offers the idea of bringing Creed's violent son, Graydon Creed from another dimension to eliminate Victor Creed. Victor Creed has an ace up his sleeve to take the leadership of the team, he has the head of Quentin Quire, who through Orchis technology can use his mental power to find out what Wolverine feels in this moment of pain and know the location of the. This sequence looks like something out of Hannibal. Quentin sends a psychic message to The Exiles about what is happening, this team prepares to go to war against the sabretooths. Excellent chapter full of shocking revelations and moments of extreme violence. The Laura and Savage sequence...WOW. Art With details and many strokes it offers a dynamic texture that increases the level of violence. Summary Sabretooth continues his hunt and between his other versions an enmity begins to arise due to the mistakes made.

Wolverine (2020) #44

Mar 2, 2024

Plot On the ship Orchis the Sabretooths rebel against the current leader Captain Creed and Savage, because the Pretty Sabretooths died in the battle in the arctic. Savage offers the idea of bringing Creed's violent son, Graydon Creed from another dimension to eliminate Victor Creed. Victor Creed has an ace up his sleeve to take the leadership of the team, he has the head of Quentin Quire, who through Orchis technology can use his mental power to find out what Wolverine feels in this moment of pain and know the location of the. This sequence looks like something out of Hannibal. Quentin sends a psychic message to The Exiles about what is happening, this team prepares to go to war against the sabretooths. Excellent chapter full of shocking revelations and moments of extreme violence. The Laura and Savage sequence...WOW. Art With details and many strokes it offers a dynamic texture that increases the level of violence. Summary Sabretooth continues his hunt and between his other versions an enmity begins to arise due to the mistakes made.

Wolverine (2020) #45

Mar 17, 2024

Plot Wolverine arrives to Krakoa to rescue Quentin, but getting to this place is dangerous because of all the Sentinels, on the other hand The Exiles also try to enter. Sabretooth uses Quentin's head to search for a treasure in Forge's laboratory that will be the ultimate weapon against Wolverine. Wolverine arrives but is controlled by Quentin's mental power that controls Sabretooth. This installment lowers the accelerated narrative pace and violence that came with it to show a little of Sabretooth's plan. Art It is very organic and full of textures which gives it a gloomy and very detailed tone. Summary Wolverine arrives at Krakoa while Sabretooth searches for the ultimate weapon to defeat him Rating 4 of 5

Wolverine (2020) #46

Mar 27, 2024

Plot Sabretooth uses Quentin's head to control Wolverine by creating a hallucination that helps him go to the Forge laboratory and get a weapon that takes away the powers of the Mutants and applies it to Wilverine so that she does not have her mutant generation factor and thus assassinate him in a hand-to-hand battle. On the other hand, The Exiles arrive to catch Sabretooth and are devoured. Laura is getting closer to escaping the Sabretooths clan. Exciting delivery that once again accelerates the narrative rhythm full of violence. Art It is very organic and full of textures which gives it a gloomy and very detailed tone. Summary Wolverine is used by Sabretooth to dig his own grave. Exciting new chapter that raises the level of tension and emotion

Wolverine (2020) #47

Apr 10, 2024

Plot Laura manages to escape from her captors and begins to eliminate all the Sabretooth heads that are stalking her, while these Camo and Savage awaken a demented version of Graydon Creed. Laura manages to call X-Force for help but apparently that's what Graydon expects. On the other hand, the Exiles manage to rescue Logan from the mind control over Wolverine. Exciting delivery that continues the accelerated narrative pace full of violence, but nothing new happens. Art It is very organic and full of textures which gives it a gloomy and very detailed tone. Summary Laura manages to escape and believes that this call for help is hopeful.

Wolverine (2020) #48

Apr 25, 2024

Plot Wolverine loses his healing powers, but he still has an ace up his sleeve, a weapon that Forge made him with which he can be equal to a fight with Sabretooth, the Exiles take him to test it. On the other hand, Laura managed to escape, but now the Sabertooths are led by Bad Seed, who is Graydon Creed, in the most cruel and technological version of him. Art With details and many textures, they provide a gloomy and dynamic tone that reflects the tension that Wolverine experiences in this race against time to stop the Sabertooths. Summary Wolverine unleashes a weapon against Sabretooth, while Laura manages to escape

Wolverine (2020) #49

May 8, 2024

Plot Bad Seed takes the Sentinel and attacks all the Sabretooths left on Orchis' ship and blows everything up and falls on the beach of Krakoa, where Wolverine awaits him with his ADAMANTIUM armor and the Muramasa saber, which is the only one that can hurt him. Sabretooth whose wounds cannot be healed. On the other hand, the remaining Sabretooth escapes the psychic trap that has him in a state of psychoanalysis. The final battle is about to begin, the Sabretooth War is about to be defined. Art It is very organic and full of textures which gives it a gloomy and very detailed tone. Summary Wolverine debuts a lethal armor and is ready to end this painfully bloody war

Wolverine (2020) #50

May 29, 2024

Plot Bad Seed activates a Sentinel and attacks all the Exiles, when suddenly Sabretooth kills Bad Seed and Wolverine reproaches him for his lack of scruples. Wolverine uses the armor that Forge gave him, which in turn causes his mutant generation factor to recover. . Wolverine has the Muramasa saber and is ready to eliminate Creed. Sabretooth had an ace up his sleeve by using Krakoa technology to remove Wolverine's armor, but Logan was already recovered and the final battle begins, where Wolverine literally leaves him in pieces to Sabretooth. This closes this event that leaves everything open for the new Wolberine comic series in September. Art It is very organic and full of textures which gives it a gloomy and very detailed tone. Summary Wolverine vs Sabretooth, without mercy and with a lethal saber

X-Men '97 (2024) #1

Mar 27, 2024

Plot This comic takes place nine months before the new animated series X-men '97 on Disney + and just days after the disappearance of Charles Xavier in the final chapter Graduation Day. The X-men made up of Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Storm, Jubilee, Bishop, Rogue and Gambit learn of the kidnapping of Dazzler, the mutant POP singer who is about to give a concert in memory of Charles Xavier. She is a prisoner of the Friends of Humanity, a terrorist group that has become radicalized. Jean Gray is about to inform Scott that she is pregnant, Wolverine and Cyclops are at their most tense moment in their relationship, Storm debuts a new look and Mr Sinister is after Jean and Scott's baby. Here they show the moment when the X-men team up with Valerie Cooper of the United Nations. This comic narrates that period between the original animated series and the new series, with key information about what happens, managing to capture the dynamics and dialogues of this elite team of mutants. Art It captures the retro designs of the 90s from the animated series as well as the new looks of the new series, with dynamism and lots of lighting. Summary The X-men try to regain normality when the leadership of Charles Xavier tries to fill Cyclops, this is the perfect support comic for those who are watching the animated series

X-Men '97 (2024) #2

Apr 10, 2024

Plot This comic takes place nine months before the new animated series X-men '97 on Disney + and just days after the disappearance of Charles Xavier in the final chapter Graduation Day. Scott has just found out that Jean Gray is pregnant, Logan can't stand the news and goes to have a drink, Storm follows Logan worried about his reactions and Bishop, Gambit, Jubilee and Rogue return in the Black Bird after having been in the attack they did on Dazzler. Mr. Sinister wants to take advantage of Xavier's fall to eliminate the X-men, for that he creates the Sinister Seven who will systematically attack: -Cyclops, Jean and Beast are attacked by Hazard. -Jubilee, Bishop, Rogue and Gambit are attacked by Siena Blaze who has magnetic powers -Wolverine, Morph and Storm face Sabretooth, Prism and Riptide. This comic narrates that period between the original animated series and the new series, with key information about what happens, it manages to capture the dynamics and dialogues of this elite team of mutants, which will give us certain explanations of what Mr Sinister is preparing. Art It captures the retro designs of the 90s from the animated series as well as the new looks of the new series, with dynamism and lots of lighting. Summary The X-men are cornered by the Sinister Seven in this nostalgic and brilliant series

X-Men '97 (2024) #3

May 24, 2024

Plot This comic takes place nine months before the new animated series X-men '97 on Disney + and just days after the disappearance of Charles Xavier in the final chapter Graduation Day. Mr. Sinister wants to take advantage of Xavier's fall to eliminate the X-men, for that he creates the Sinister Seven who attack systematically: -Cyclops, Jean and Beast are attacked by Hazard, who is stopped by the telekinetic powers of Jean, who is not at her maximum power, due to her pregnancy. -Jubilee, Bishop, Rogue and Gambit are attacked by Siena Blaze who possesses magnetic and teleportation powers, the strange thing is that Bishop is not on the list of registered mutants in the future. Rogue takes away her powers and she escapes. -Wolverine, Morph and Storm confront Sabretooth, Prism and Riptide, who escape thanks to a police agent named Denti, who attacks Wolverine, both have a past together. Valerie Cooper arrives to help. The X-men triumphantly gather at the Mansion, where they all welcome Morph, who joins the team after a while. At this same meeting they find out about Jean's pregnancy. Days later they go to Jean's family's house to celebrate the baby shower and again Mr. Sinister sees the opportunity to attack with the desire to cause such chaos that the X-men will be blamed for destroying a town. This comic narrates that period between the original animated series and the new series, with key information about what happens, it manages to capture the dynamics and dialogues of this elite team of mutants, which will give us certain explanations of what Mr Sinister is preparing. Art It captures the retro designs of the 90s from the animated series as well as the new looks of the new series, with dynamism and lots of lighting. Summary The X-men manage to defeat the Sinister Seven but they are confident and do not expect Mr. Sinister's revenge.

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