John Rose's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: The Fandom Post Reviews: 21
7.8Avg. Review Rating

Given the set up in the first comic it is likely that things will step back into swing in the third issue but this issue is probably going to be one where the reader feels a bit cheated out of their money and time when weighing this chapter by itself.

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The concept of Danger Girl and Army of Darkness crossing over is one that has some appeal and promise, but starting with issue four is not a great idea it seems. While the writing and art looks like it can convey action and a good bit of wit the initial set up of a character whose inclusion seems to be murky to this tale creates a bit of discord hard to get past. Eventually the characters get to bantering and some action is to be found but this issue alone feels like it really needed the set up of the earlier three issues and that it falls into average faire when judged on its own merits.

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Darth Maul-Death Sentence goes out far closer to a whimper than the bang that the previous two issues looked to be building toward as Darth Maul's manipulations and gambits have paid off with his various enemies and pawns dancing as if in the palm of his hand which grants him easy passage to attempt to achieve his goal. With the world about to burn and a prophecy still to be fulfilled will Darth Maul be able to achieve his ultimate victory or will that prize slip tantalizingly out of his hand. With one last scene before the curtain drops on this performance the final issue may leave readers' longing for the buildup that was constructed along the way rather than the finished edifice that lies before them.

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The first issue of The Creep looks like it is accomplishing more in terms of setting the environment both in terms of visuals and the characters that will play a role in things than attempting to grab hold of the viewer and drag them in though there are a couple incidents that are just off enough that they may catch the reader's attention and imagination. With possibly the most minimalist set up being presented right now it looks like the story is going to be counting on its author's name and the basic story premise that was used to solicit the title more than anything in the issue itself to convince readers to keep this title on their pull list as what is shown here may not be enough for those who cut titles early that may not live up to expectations.

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One of the most iconic stories that has captivated the attention of many in Japan for centuries comes to America in this new telling from Dark Horse Comics in a story that the author had been contemplating for a quarter century. With Stan Sakai on board as artist the tale covers the fall of Lord Asano which will lead to a need for bloody revenge in the series future as the man's subordinates fight to reclaim his honor and demonstrate their own along the way.

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With the lead up to the final issue at hand Oxel finally has a lead on Curtis' grandfather Jeff but will Oxel be in time as the man has been deteriorating mentally for some time now and he is probably wandering around the woods as both the snow has fallen and covered his tracks and the approaching darkness may hide him for good. But is Oxel still convinced he will find answers from the man or will the vivid dreams he had on the trip there signal to him that his unconscious mind has worked out something vital that he overlooked while awake? With its gorgeous visuals the book sells both the summer vision of the youths and the cold reality Oxel currently trudges through but will anything he has experienced lead to the truth behind a pair of deaths"or will the death count on this case notch higher as night falls and the cold deepens.

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Declan's moment in the sun is spoiled as he has managed to attract Nimble Jack to him- and if that weren't bad enough his self assuredness has left Reece in a perilous mental state that threatens to overtake her. With events spiraling the readers will see just how a desperate man can engage in the kinds of actions that change him from a seeming hero to a seemingly much more normal and relatable figure who panics just like normal men and who makes some incredibly bad decisions at that time while also retaining the humanity to feel guilty for his actions that he takes in haste. With this new twist Colder takes a bold step to take its powered lead who can see a complete other world and effect it and yet makes him as flawed as the person standing next to them in any line and this is something that not every other writers can say they have done with their creations.

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Colder wraps up its unique tale of horror as its protagonist Declan is dragged through the wringer and forced to visit part of his origin by the creature that has been setting him up to be devoured for decades and he is going to have to be greater than he ever imagined if he has any hope of surviving- let alone saving the person who has become so special to him. With its mix of humor, surreal environment and menacing antagonist Colder serves up a fitting ending for the story that has been built so far and readers will find any enjoyable meal in it, though perhaps not quite the feat they had hoped for at the outset.

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Blood Ties: Boba Fett is Dead is the type of story that has enough hooks- especially in the main premise- to keep a reader interested even when they "know" the title will turn out to be less than prophetic in the end. The story uses some spectacular art as well as some rather well placed humor to draw the reader into it though it is possible that not all of these elements will hold up as well for all readers. There also may be a bit of a steep curve here for some as one of the main characters may be unfamiliar to them if they missed the previous Blood Ties series (though this can be rectified with the Star Wars Wiki to a good degree) but the promise of a look at the death of Boba Fett is a powerful draw- though perhaps it will be one that gets overshadowed by the presence of both a mysterious character who wants him dead but even more so by the question of who is the mysterious figure who cares enough about Fett to avenge him?

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The third volume in the misleadingly named series kicks off with a suspenseful encounter and it only ratchets up the entertainment value from there. The use of witty dialogue, action and an appeal to the Star Wars fans through the use (somewhat gratuitously) of characters combines to a slick and entertaining chapter in this series though there are a few points where it feels like some of these strengths exist in part to paper over some cracks in the series structure.

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While the issue closes things on this particular tale it doesn't do so with much that will probably be remembered a few months from now to say nothing of years down the line and it feels like a bit of a lost chance as there were moments sprinkled throughout that really showed some promise and one can't help but wonder if it weren't for cannon and page count just what this story might have been. Fans of some of the characters involved- namely Boba Fett and Connor Freeman- may enjoy a good deal of the interplay between the two here as there are some rather interesting moments shared between the sort-of brothers but the majority of Star Wars fans who pick up this title will likely discover that they get a bit of entertainment out of it but that there isn't much that is going to stick with them in the long run.

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Darth Maul- Death Sentence 1 works hard to bring its various characters onto the game board with Maul and his brother discovering that some incredibly brave or hopelessly foolish individual has placed a bounty on their heads large enough that Maul feels he needs address the issue immediately. The book has a nice sense of action and humor though there is a sizable amount of exposition as well, not all of which feels compelling at this early juncture. With some fabulous Sith masters in play along with some Jedi the promise of even more action hangs in the air and this volume gives a bit of hope that there may be a good deal of material to serve as payoff ahead.

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The Death Sentence limited series crescendos in preparation of its final note with this entry and it brings a whole lot of weight of drama and suspense with it as Darth Maul assembles his army and prepares to enter combat with hell (almost literally in the form of a massive solar event) riding behind them. Of course since Darth Maul had survived being cut in half living solely on rage and hate the purpose of the battle may not be what his troops are praying for it to be, but then again they wouldn't be alone in feeling they were wrong if that happens as the Jedi on the planet are finding more evidence that they are not on the side of angels either. With the various sides clashing will this issue set things up for a finish filled with salvation or damnation as the series strikes up the band for the grand finale?

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The Shadow Special teases the readers with its revelations of some of the past of its mysterious lead but the real payoff is found when the power he relies on most to carry out his idea of justice fails him when faced with an old acquaintance. While the comic feels like it has far more potential than it manages to fulfill in its 30 pages, readers will find that even a less than in depth adventure can be an incredible reward as they discover more about the man who knows about the hearts of others than they had previously likely suspected when he has to try to deal with a face from his past and his own certainty failing him. As such, this mystery may place him and his companion Margo Lane in more trouble than they can get out of in a comic that is equal parts pulp fun and danger rolled into one.

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The penultimate chapter in this story arrives and brings with it the chance that Declan might have been better served having never woken up as not only has he found himself reigniting the voracious desires of Nimble Jack but his actions have put into jeopardy the woman who looked after him out of kindness and who now finds herself being repaid in a most horrible way. With time seeming to run out as his body temperature drops Declan has one chance to save the woman as a form of penance for his actions"but all the while the ultimate predator patiently stalks from the shadows waiting for the perfect moment to strike and feed.

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If Arcudi can keep this level of writing up The Creep is on pace to be one of the gem titles released this year and certainly deserves a look from those with an interest in human stories with a noir like mystery touch.

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For its debut Colder brings a powerful punch as it looks to establish an otherworldly feel to the realm of the human psyche as it sets up what appears to be a battle between two individuals fighting for their own survival in their own way. With its powerful visuals and striking moments the comic manages to make the kind of impression that most titles can only dream of as it makes an incredible setup that, if it pays off, may set it up to be one of the more special titles of the year. While the first issue leaves a bit hanging in the middle it still is a title that should make anyone even remotely intrigued by its premise happy that they grabbed it off their local comic book stores rack as its innovative concept and bizarre antagonist look like they will provide for quite a road of entertainment to be explored in the future.

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Where the first issue had a lot of dialogue that asked questions to which there where either no answers or answers that the cast asking couldn't know, the second issue provides a whole lot of the opposite as Declan shows Reece and the audience both the world he lives in now as well as the one he experienced along the way to his current place in life and the almost unbelievable existence he currently inhabits. While the visuals are amazing and the premise is remarkable unique there is a faint undertow that might make some find they can't really get into the narrative as it asks too much when meshed against a world they know too well from experience, first hand or otherwise, but those who can set that feeling aside or who don't have the experiences may discover that this title has the potential to be one of the gems of recent years.

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The second act of this Darth Maul adventure storms onto the scene with a flurry of activity that is sure to please any action fan but it saves its most choice selection of prime grade material in the late twist that sets up an incredible hook as the entire common knowledge of the Star Wars universe may face a sizable tilting on its head. While there is a chance this may end up being a tale of the scorpion like climax, there is an uncertainty to things that is rare in the Star Wars comic universe and which makes this easily an issue any Star Wars comic fan should pick up.

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The second issue of 47 Ronin picks up the baton passed from the first and proceeds to burst out of the blocks and not stop until the end as it takes advantage of most of the character and setting work having been done by the initial outing which frees it to really bring the emotional punch to the reader as it presents a tale of treachery and miscarriage of justice, though oddly the sentence was one that was legal and, according to the law, correct at the same time. With this second issue it's pretty easy to see how the story has captivated so many over the years and various cultures as the themes carry over to humanities nature as a whole and so bridge any gap that an individual culture might have otherwise enacted.

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The Creep's mystery comes to a close as one of Oxel's actions unexpectedly pays off when it seems that all hope for an answer to his case has been lost. But when the truth is revealed will the answers provide any relief for any of the cast- or even for the readers- or will there be a whole slew of new questions that the reader finds that they are faced with as well as some moral quandaries that have no clear answers? With this last issue the most unique mystery of the year comes to a close and leaves a path that will be talked about by many fans for years to come. Highly recommended.

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