Gotham Academy #12

Writer: Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher Artist: Karl Kerschl, Serge LaPointe, Msassyk Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 2, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 9
8.1Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

As Olive and Maps search for Kyle, they find clues that point to the old Arkham Asylum. As the team rushes to rescue him, more shocking secrets about Calamity and Gotham Academy are revealed. Dont miss the exciting conclusion to this second GOTHAM ACADEMY epic!

  • 10
    Word Of The Nerd - Zina Hutton Dec 3, 2015

    If you're interested in something that balances light moments with intense and upsetting ones and is super cute throughout, pick up Gotham Academy today! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Dec 2, 2015

    There are a million other little moments that strike me about Gotham Academy #12, from Coltons ability to be the one to physically save Kyle to Pomelines teen confusion about her own motives and reactions to Olive. But at its heart, this issue was about sadness underneath the surface, danger you cant see coming, and what it means to lose yourself to something thats already taken its toll on many others before you. Its a lonely, dark feeling underneath the camaraderie that this creative team is delivering, and its made this book the rich experience for all ages that it is. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comicsverse - Brian Delpozo Dec 10, 2015

    GOTHAM ACADEMY #12 is a solid climax to the story that's been told over the first year of the series, but one can't help feeling like its ending was a bit rushed to make room for the upcoming crossover issue, which is a shame as Kerschl's departure marks it as a real end of the book's first era. I'd still definitely recommend it fans of the series, but it's definitely a notch below the books usual standards. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 3, 2015

    Gotham Academy closes up this storyline well and has plenty of places it can go afterwards, especially with Maps always looking for the next mystery to explore. And Gotham itself, never mind the Academy, is ripe for exploration and things to get into. This installment does a solid job with everything but it also feels just a tad rushed when it comes to the reveals with Calamity, both in what Pomeline brings to the surface and with what happens in the back half of the book. There are some good subplots for the cast that continues beneath the surface that adds a lot of great layers to the book (woo, Katherine!) and I'm just excited to see what's next, even if it is dipping itself back into more Gotham based event material. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Dec 4, 2015

    As Cloonan and Fletcher end this arc, we're left with as many questions as answers. If you're hoping for a neat resolution about Olive's mom and Calamity, you won't find it here. Gotham Academyweaves deeper themes — friendship, grief, bravery — into a fun adventure. Memorable characters, witty dialogue, and gorgeously illustrated scenes: this series has it all. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Dec 7, 2015

    "Gotham Academy" #12 is another critical success for the book. With next week's issue crossing over with "Robin War," hopefully it will shine some additional attention on this title, which just keeps hitting the mark month after month. This is the sort of title that all superhero publishers should be giving us; it's smart, it uses the mythology of the company and it goes in new places while engaging new characters. This is, again, a winner. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Tyler Saldaa Dec 3, 2015

    This issue was jam-packed so Ill be brief in my thoughts. I absolutely love Gotham Academy. While giving resolution to this arc, the mystery of Olive and Calamity potentially residing in her has me eager to read issue #14 (issue #13 is a Robin War tie-in so I doubt well see much progression in this story arc). The art as usual was fun while also tense, in particular the sequence between Olive and Professor Strange. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Dec 3, 2015

    The series in general, and this issue in specific, all build to a crescendo that fails to deliver a plot resolution that is any thing more than just acceptable. While the very final moments may have fallen flat in my view, the rest of the story was graced with impeccable art, lively characters, and engaging dialogue. On top of that, the creative team managed to put forth a story with building tension that was so driving, it almost demanded you read it at breakneck speeds to relieve your sense of dread and satiate your curiosity. While not the masterpiece I was expecting, it's still highly worth your time. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Rainbow Hub - Logan Dalton Dec 4, 2015

    Even there are several burning questions having to do with Olive's connection with Calamity and headspace on the final page, Gotham Academy #12 is a fairly solid send-off for artist Karl Kerschl with one last breathtaking escape, and the opportunity to put his mark on Arkham Asylum. Maps, Colton, and Pomeline also mesh as a “Scooby gang” type in this issue, and it will be interesting to see their dynamic in subsequent issues, especially with Pomeline's harsh words to Olive. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Joel Bowers Dec 6, 2015

    The second arc of Gotham Academy wraps up, while this whole arc felt rushed, I still had a lot of fun with this series. While we got very few answers, there are still a lot of questions going forward. Our detective club is still intact, but for how long? The characters are still great and the art is the biggest draw. Gotham Academy is still a great book for any reader and if you love Gotham (not the show) you should pick this series up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Michael Devaney Dec 5, 2015

    Looking to thenear future, be sure you don't miss next week's Gotham Academy issue #13 (due out December 9) which is a tie-in issue to theRobin Warseries. Feel free to leave your comments. I'm curious to know your thoughts. Read Full Review

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