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Joined: Jun 02, 2015

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Quietomega rated Superman #19 Mar 19, 2017

Superman #19

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 15, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" part three! In the penultimate chapter of this tale the life of Superman's son hangs in the balance-and the Man of Steel faces the truth about his life! The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and the variant covers by Gary Frank for SUPERMAN #18-19 and ACTION COMICS #975-976 will connect to form a single vertical image.

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Quietomega rated Super Sons #2 Mar 19, 2017

Super Sons #2

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 15, 2017

"When I Grow Up" part two! Robin and Superboy - in the clutches of Lex Luthor! The boys are in big trouble! How exactly are they supposed to explain what's happened to Superman and Batman? Plus, Kid Amazo's power grows, and this tyrant in the making is about to make life miserable for the Super Sons!

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Quietomega rated Nightwing #17 Mar 19, 2017

Nightwing #17

By: Tim Seeley, Javi Fernandez
Released: Mar 15, 2017

The first stop on Nightwing's international quest brings him to Paris, where he must face off against his own great, great grandfather: the Talon known as William Cobb!

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Quietomega rated Batman #19 Mar 19, 2017

Batman #19

By: Tom King, David Finch
Released: Mar 15, 2017

"I AM BANE" part four! Batman is losing...Bane is going to break him for good this time. The Dark Knight must turn to a very unlikely weapon to beat Bane once and for all!

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Quietomega rated All-Star Batman #8 Mar 19, 2017

All-Star Batman #8

By: Scott Snyder, Mark Morales
Released: Mar 15, 2017

"Hats and Bats"! Underestimate the Mad Hatter at your own peril. Batman takes on one of his most dangerous and deranged foes in a mind-bending tale from the powerhouse creative team of writer Scott Snyder and artist Giuseppe Camuncoli!

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Quietomega rated Wonder Woman #18 Mar 11, 2017

Wonder Woman #18

By: Greg Rucka, Bilquis Evely
Released: Mar 8, 2017

"GODWATCH" part two! Godwatch grows, and Diana has her first encounter with the ghost in the machine known as Dr. Cyber!  

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Quietomega rated Old Man Logan #19 Mar 11, 2017

Old Man Logan #19

By: Jeff Lemire, Filipe Andrade
Released: Mar 8, 2017

•  A failure from the past haunts LOGAN...and to correct his mistakes, he'll need magical assistance.
•  But when he faces opposition, Logan will turn to an unlikely - and potentially treacherous - ally!
•  Will an encounter with MILES MORALES convince Logan...

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Justice League of America #2

By: Steve Orlando, Ivan Reis
Released: Mar 8, 2017

"THE EXTREMISTS" part two! Believing heroes to be threats to the survival of any world, Lord Havok and the Extremists have already murdered the mightiest heroes from their home dimension. To save our Earth they'd kill thousands more, starting with the newly formed JLA. But eye-to-eye, are Havok's and Batman's goals that different? Billions of lives...

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Quietomega rated Action Comics #975 Mar 11, 2017

Action Comics #975

By: Dan Jurgens, Doug Mahnke
Released: Mar 8, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" part two! Celebrating our 975th issue with a supersize special as another layer of the Superman/Clark Kent mystery is exposed! And in a backup story written by  Paul Dini with art by Ian Churchill, learn what it all means for the Son of Superman, who is the prize in a deadly game! The covers by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray and ...

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Quietomega rated Wonder Woman #17 Mar 4, 2017

Wonder Woman #17

By: Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp
Released: Feb 22, 2017

"THE TRUTH" part two! As Wonder Woman picks up the pieces of her shattered psyche, Barbara Ann Minerva walks into the devil's lair to defend her...or is she being led into Godwatch's trap?

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Quietomega rated Superman #18 Mar 4, 2017

Superman #18

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 1, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" part one! In DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, the enigmatic Mr. Oz told this Superman, "You and your family are not what you believe you are. And neither was the fallen Superman." Now, in the first Rebirth crossover between SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS, the shocking truth behind Oz's words is revealed. It begins with one of Oz's prisoners e...

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Kitaru reviewed Superman #18 Mar 4, 2017

Great first issue of Superman Reborn, which is still my favorite current comic in DC. While I think that the idea of Prime Time would be very well played, I don't think it actually is Superman Prime. Creepy Clark, whoever he ends up being, will go down as one of the best Superman mysteries in recent history and the ending to this issues sets up what I hope will be a great Superman story.

Superman #18

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 1, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" part one! In DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, the enigmatic Mr. Oz told this Superman, "You and your family are not what you believe you are. And neither was the fallen Superman." Now, in the first Rebirth crossover between SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS, the shocking truth behind Oz's words is revealed. It begins with one of Oz's prisoners e...

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daddyT reviewed Superman #18 Mar 4, 2017

this issue was epic! I hardly ever give a perfect rating when things "go bad." Usually reserved for when the hero fights back against all odds, or does something I really like. this issue is not like that at all. this is all bad. really bad.

maybe it is because I have sons of my own, but... really really bad.

the opening Mr. Oz story already had this issue set up to be g more

Superman #18

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 1, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" part one! In DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, the enigmatic Mr. Oz told this Superman, "You and your family are not what you believe you are. And neither was the fallen Superman." Now, in the first Rebirth crossover between SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS, the shocking truth behind Oz's words is revealed. It begins with one of Oz's prisoners e...

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Melkor reviewed Superman #18 Mar 4, 2017

This issue so good.It's so emotional.And Tomasi did a good job.

Superman #18

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 1, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" part one! In DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, the enigmatic Mr. Oz told this Superman, "You and your family are not what you believe you are. And neither was the fallen Superman." Now, in the first Rebirth crossover between SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS, the shocking truth behind Oz's words is revealed. It begins with one of Oz's prisoners e...

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Joe reviewed Superman #18 Mar 1, 2017

This comic continues to show me why Superman is the Greatest. Can't wait to see the rest of Superman Reborn!

Superman #18

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 1, 2017

"SUPERMAN REBORN" part one! In DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1, the enigmatic Mr. Oz told this Superman, "You and your family are not what you believe you are. And neither was the fallen Superman." Now, in the first Rebirth crossover between SUPERMAN and ACTION COMICS, the shocking truth behind Oz's words is revealed. It begins with one of Oz's prisoners e...

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Quietomega rated Royal City #1 Mar 4, 2017

Royal City #1

By: Jeff Lemire
Released: Mar 1, 2017

DOUBLE-SIZED DEBUT ISSUE! NEW ONGOING SERIES written and illustrated by JEFF LEMIRE (DESCENDER, A.D., Sweet Tooth). ROYAL CITY charts the lives, loves, and losses of a troubled family and a vanishing town across three decades. Patrick Pike, a fading literary star who reluctantly returns to the once-thriving factory town where he grew up, is quickly...

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Quietomega rated Rat Queens #1 Mar 4, 2017

Rat Queens #1

By: Kurtis J. Wiebe, Owen Gieni
Released: Mar 1, 2017

"CAT KINGS AND OTHER GARYS," Part One-NEW STORY ARC! The Rat Queens are back! Betty, Violet, Dee, Braga, and Hannah return! Palisade is still a rat-infested troll's ass, and everyone still hates Gary. It's been a while since the Queens have done a good slaughter, so join them as they get back to the basics of killing monsters and drinking aw...

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Quietomega rated Paper Girls #12 Mar 4, 2017

Paper Girls #12

By: Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang
Released: Mar 1, 2017

Growing up can be deadly.

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Quietomega rated Nightwing #16 Mar 4, 2017

Nightwing #16

By: Tim Seeley, Javi Fernandez
Released: Mar 1, 2017

Hate is coming to Blüdhaven, and it will tear Nightwing's world apart! Try and keep up as Dick Grayson spans the globe to piece together clues and uncover the mystery of who wants Nightwing dead!

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Midnighter And Apollo #6

By: Steve Orlando, Fernando Blanco
Released: Mar 1, 2017

Midnighter always knew it wouldn't be easy to fight his way out of Hell... but did he ever consider that it might be impossible? Even with Apollo's strength by his side, some wars just can't be won... is this never-ending battle finally over?

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Justice League of America #1

By: Steve Orlando, Ivan Reis
Released: Feb 22, 2017

Meet the Extremists-self-proclaimed saviors from another Earth, they thirst for peace, prosperity and total submission to the will of their leader, Lord Havok! How can the newly assembled JLA stop this group of misguided maniacs before the Extremists unleash their own unique-not to mention dangerous!-brand of law and order on our chaotic world?  ...

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Quietomega rated Jughead #13 Mar 4, 2017

Jughead #13

By: Ryan North, Derek Charm
Released: Feb 22, 2017

Reggie has won King for a Day! And it turns out his first act as King is to demand... that everyone else to form a band with him? Okay that's actually not so bad; I was expecting way worse from Reggie. Wait, never mind, I'm getting word that despite this very enjoyable and conflict-free premise, when Jughead plays around with the new music v...

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Quietomega rated Future Quest #10 Mar 4, 2017

Future Quest #10

By: Jeff Parker, Ron Randall
Released: Feb 22, 2017

Not since the time of Mightor has planet Earth seen titans battle like this! The towering mechanical might of Frankenstein Jr. hurls megavoltage at the largest creature ever to stride the planet's surface! Race Bannon fights with power no Terran has ever possessed! The Herculoids arrive from the far reaches of time and space to join the fray! And t...

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Harbinger: Renegade #4

By: Rafer Roberts, Juan Jose Ryp
Released: Feb 22, 2017


Faith Herbert, the heart and soul of the Harbinger Renegades, has been captured! Now, Peter Stanchek, Kris Hathaway, and John Torkelson must put their powers to practice and rescue their beloved ally from a radicalized group of psiots bent on fraying the fabric of society. But as the rechristened Renegades make their move, the...

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Quietomega rated Descender #19 Mar 4, 2017

Descender #19

By: Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Released: Feb 22, 2017

"ORBITAL MECHANICS," Part Three-Driller's terrible secret is revealed to Andy, and their uneasy alliance is shattered. Meanwhile, across the galaxy, Tim-21, Quon, and Telsa make their way to the ocean planet of Mata where the secrets of The Harvesters may finally be revealed!

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Quietomega rated Clean Room #16 Mar 4, 2017

Clean Room #16

By: Gail Simone, Walter Geovani
Released: Feb 22, 2017

A new power player in Washington comes to the Mueller organization for guidance, but journalist Chloe suspects the man holds a secret so grotesque that even Astrid won't touch him. Politics, passion and pain collide in "The Fetish."

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Quietomega rated Batman #18 Mar 4, 2017

Batman #18

By: Tom King, David Finch
Released: Mar 1, 2017

"I AM BANE" part three! Bane broke the bat before, but it wasn't enough-now he's going to break everyone else! Bane is coming, and no one is safe!

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Quietomega rated Superman #17 Feb 18, 2017

Superman #17

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Sebastian Fiumara
Released: Feb 15, 2017

"DARK HARVEST"! Jon and Cathy go deep into the woods of Hamilton to find a horror that hungers for the new Superboy!

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myconius reviewed Superman #17 Feb 15, 2017

fun little one-shot with a horror story vibe.

a very creepy and unsettling vibe going on that i really enjoyed.

great moments between Jon and Kathy and a spooky figure that followed them throughout the issue.

i really enjoyed this issue a lot.

Superman #17

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Sebastian Fiumara
Released: Feb 15, 2017

"DARK HARVEST"! Jon and Cathy go deep into the woods of Hamilton to find a horror that hungers for the new Superboy!

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MKW69 reviewed Superman #17 Feb 15, 2017

Another great issue. Now it should be Superboy 1 but It was really good. I feeled like I was a good episode of Goosebumps from the 1990 television series.

Superman #17

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Sebastian Fiumara
Released: Feb 15, 2017

"DARK HARVEST"! Jon and Cathy go deep into the woods of Hamilton to find a horror that hungers for the new Superboy!

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