Harley's Little Black Book #6
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Harley's Little Black Book #6

Writer: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti Artist: Simon Bisley Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 29, 2017 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 6
7.4Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

Lobo's back! The Main Man and Harley Quinn have a lot in common-motorcycles and mayhem, for starters-so it's long past time they found each other! This could be the start of a fraggin' beautiful friendship...or they could destroy the planet. Or both! It can be two things!

  • 9.5
    Graphic Policy - SHAY REVOLVER Mar 30, 2017

    There are so many finely nuanced points made in this issue and none of them were sexist, demeaning, or put Harley, the woman who was smart enough to go to school and med school and become a shrink, into the bimbo bag. Palmiotti and Conner always seem to find moments in each issue they write to remind the reader that Harley isn't just the Jokers chick or some dumb one dimensional character. She's a character worthy of her own agency, stories, victories, and life. I'm all in for this wonderful direction they are taking her in and this issue helped keep up that momentum. Well played Conner and Palmiotti, I don't know where this is heading but, I'm here for it! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Konrad Secord-Reitz Mar 29, 2017

    I highly enjoyed the unconventional combo of Harley and Lobo and the mad mistress summed it up best herself. She really does have a thing for pale guys! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Mar 29, 2017

    Harley's Little Black Book takes a turn I'm only half able to follow in this outing with guest star Lobo and rockstar artist Simon Bisley. The story is about what you would expect and visually this is a feast for fans of Bisley or other artists of the acid genre. There's something here to offend everyone and the violence is not for the weak-hearted, but if you can slip into the unhinged fantasy of it all, it's at least entertaining and certainly worth multiple reads just to get the full impact of its graphic nature. This book isn't for me, but I think fans of these things might love it and it certainly gives you a lot of bang for your buck. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway Mar 29, 2017

    If you don't like potty humor and sexual innuendo in your comic books, then you probably stopped reading anything Harley Quinn-related a long time ago. The rest of us enjoy this comic and its nastiness, though the story itself is recursive. The art will take you back to the Main Man Lobo of yore, and fits the bill for this kind of gross-out butt-fest. Turns out Harley Quinn and that other pasty white dude with a broad grin make for the best couple in the DC Universe! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 29, 2017

    A fun issue that's drawn very well. Come for the gore, sex appeal, and wacky adventure. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Gerry Green Mar 30, 2017

    I love the Harley's Little Black Book series and think it has had the highest quality of any of the Harley titles. This is the last of the run and I'm sad to see it go. I do recommend this issue even though the $4.99 cover price may deter some. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Aleece Reynaga Mar 29, 2017

    Overall, I have to admit this started out being my least favorite issue, being unfamiliar with the artist may have played a part in this conclusion, but as most things often do, it grew on me. Im able to appreciate the Nickelodeon of the 90s-style nostalgia and I can see long time DC fans appreciating Lobos appearance as well. I wouldnt mind seeing him again, as long as we can see more of Harley and Lobos hilarious adventures, and their oddly romantic connection. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Fortress of Solitude - Rick Austin Apr 3, 2017

    What you've got in Harley's Little Black Book #6 is a tasty peanut butter and chocolate combo when it should have been Rocky Road, if that makes any sense. It's exactly right in ways which are surprising, but it isn't quite the taste you're craving. It's good, better than many other Harley stories on the shelves right now, but neither she nor Lobo benefits from sharing a book with the other. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    IGN - Blair Marnell Mar 30, 2017

    It's not great, but it's a better than average issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Dave MacPhail Mar 29, 2017

    The book actually feels like more of a Lobo meets Harley story rather than the other way around which, feels a little bizarre when you consider the writers. The humour is crass and filled with sexual innuendo and over the top gore and dismemberment, and on that level, it appeals to me just fine. On the other hand, the story is fairly non-existent and with the characters each having personalities that are a little too big to coexist in a single issue, it can feel exhausting reading all of their dialogue. Its a fun book but not a great book, and as much as I enjoyed it I cant objectively recommend it, but by now you will hopefully have a better idea whether its something you would like to read or not. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Adam Frey Mar 29, 2017

    This issue embraces everything wrong with Lobo. Maybe that's the point"but it's like trying too hard to make a bad joke worse. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    jess212 Mar 29, 2017

    The best way I can describe this comic is "it is what it is". It's Lobo a parody of the hyper violent 90's meeting Harley Quinn the unapologetically violent and free spirited spawn of Paul Dini and Bruce Timm. We get exactly what one would expect from the meeting of these two tons of violence and sexual innuendo. Simon Bisley returns to the main man and the pairing fits perfectly for the subject matter. Amanda Conner and Palmiotti nail the characters and this is a new nice one and done.

  • 7.5
    Supes' soups Mar 29, 2017

    So I'll probably not donate this one to the local elementary school at the end of summer when I get rid of some of the books I don't need or will never read again. This was crude humor at its finest. Also, does anyone know why there are dolphins on the cover. I mean I googled nine dolphins and I still don't get it...

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 6.0
    Superior fan Mar 29, 2017

    Tom Taylor wrote an amazing Harley meets Lobo story. This, feels empty by comparison.

  • 8.0
    PatrickF. Apr 1, 2017

  • 8.0
    Alex Mackay Mar 31, 2017

  • 6.0
    sebastianorellana95 Mar 29, 2017

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